Heavenly Harem Sect

Chapter 180 A Million Devotion

Chapter 180 A Million Devotion

As the electrifying cheers of the masses surged around me, I couldn't deny the rush of power and ego that coursed through my veins.

The sight of hundreds of thousands of people crying out for my name was an indescribable experience.

Yet, with the city now under my dominion, there remained one last crucial step to take.

I raised my hand, and gradually, their deafening cries began to subside until a profound silence enveloped the entire city.

Every pair of eyes was fixed on me, filled with anticipation, and some even trembled in their eagerness to hear my words.

I knew what I had to ask, and it was a pivotal moment.

"With such a future beyond your imagination," my voice rang out like a clap of thunder.

"Do all of you submit yourselves to me?"

My gaze was focused primarily on the women in the crowd, and they seemed to understand the gravity of my question.

The response was immediate and overwhelming.

"Heavenly Master, please let me be by your side!" cried out one woman, her voice echoing the sentiments of countless others.

Then, as if a tidal wave of devotion had been unleashed, women of all ages and backgrounds began to react with an obsessive, fanatic fervour that swept through the crowd like wildfire.

"Heavenly Master..." cried a young woman, her voice trembling with adoration.

Her eyes shone with an almost fanatical zeal, and she reached out as if trying to touch an ethereal presence.

From the midst of the crowd, an elderly woman with tears streaming down her cheeks shouted.

"I've waited my whole life for this moment, Heavenly Master!"

Mothers held their daughters close, their voices joining in unison, "Heavenly Master..."

Their words were filled with a sense of hope and duty to pass their devotion to the next generation.

Even the very young were not exempt from the fervour.

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A child no older than five clung to her mother's leg, repeating, "Heavenly Master..."

Her innocent belief was a reflection of the overwhelming atmosphere.

The city was filled with these cries, each one more passionate and desperate than the last.

It was so intense that it bordered on madness, as women of all ages professed their unwavering loyalty and desire to be by my side.

As the cries of pleasure and devotion continued to echo through the city, my heart raced even faster, not just from the adoration but from the notifications that flooded my consciousness.

[: Congratulations...:]

At first, it was a single notification, but soon, the notifications multiplied, rapidly becoming a tidal wave of acknowledgement.

[: Congratulations, 100 Females have joined the Heavenly Harem Sect :]

[: Congratulations, 1000 Females have joined the Heavenly Harem Sect :]

[: Congratulations, 10,000 Females have joined the Heavenly Harem Sect :]

The numbers kept increasing at a pace that was quite astonishing.

For a city with a population of over a million, the rate at which women were joining my sect was nothing short of staggering.

[: Congratulations, 100,000 Females have joined the Heavenly Harem Sect :]

This was the moment I had been waiting for, the culmination of my efforts to conquer the city of Cetra and recruit women into the sect.

The rewards and benefits bestowed upon me by the system and the sect were beyond imagination, and the sect's grade had soared from 2 to 5.

With this influx of new disciples, I did not doubt that our grade would only continue to climb.

And then, the ultimate notification arrived.

[: Congratulations, the host has completed the Chain mission: Accept 1,000,000 Disciples :]

The moment was overwhelming, the culmination of my efforts and the devotion of these women who had chosen to follow me.

It marked that I had broken the first mile of a million but sooner or later, I know that the numbers won't stop here.

This was the only 2nd city after Cetra, and there would be more and hundreds of cities.

[: Congratulations, the Host completed the Mission and has received 1 Sin of Fruit Seed, 1 White Orange Seed, 5 Random Functions and 5 Random Cards :]

[: Congratulations, the Host has completed a secret mission for recruiting a million milestones and has received a 'Medallion of Order' :]

The rewards that appeared in my notifications were truly remarkable, and I couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction.

However, I knew that it was time to reward the women who had chosen to become my disciples.

"Since all of you have decided to become my disciples," I began, addressing the crowd, "then naturally, these are all my gifts to you."

With a simple snap of my finger, I unleashed the stacks of cards that had been stored within my inventory.

These cards held the power to bestow overpowered Bloodlines, Physiques, and Spiritual Roots upon those who received them.

And so, it began.


One by one, the women who had joined my sect started to undergo the process of absorbing the extraordinary gifts.

The effects of their awakenings were nothing short of astonishing.

Auras of unimaginable power enveloped them, some of them even being blown away by the sheer force of their newfound strength.

I stepped forward to offer support, using my abilities to contain their auras and compress them within an inch of their bodies.

The spectacle was beyond anything I could have imagined.

Countless colours of auras swirled around, each representing a unique and potent gift.

It was a sight unlike anything the world had ever seen.

At that moment, I realized that I was nurturing an army of overpowered cultivators, all of them women, and the potential they held was boundless.

The Heavenly Harem Sect had become even more unstoppable.

Once the disciples had completed their transformation their cries of amazement echoed through the city like a symphony of newfound power.

They shouted with a fervour that could only come from experiencing the incredible changes that had taken place within them.

"Heavenly Master!" they cried in unison, their voices filled with awe and reverence.

Their once-ordinary forms had been elevated to something extraordinary, and the realization of their newfound strength and potential left them in a state of euphoria.

Some of them exhibited the traits of overpowered Bloodlines, their eyes, and hair shimmering with otherworldly colours.

The disciples, now empowered with incredible abilities that could potentially reshape the fate of galaxies, exhibited reactions of obsessions.

The realization of the immense power bestowed upon them had deepened their devotion to me even further.

Some of the women, overwhelmed by the magnitude of their newfound strength, fell to their knees in reverence before me.

Their eyes, filled with an almost feverish devotion, glistened with tears of gratitude.

They understood that the power I had granted them was beyond anything they could have ever imagined.

"Heavenly Master," they murmured in hushed tones, their voices quivering with emotion.

"Thank you for this gift, for making us worthy of your grace."

But their reactions disciples continued to intensify, becoming overwhelming.

Their eyes were locked onto me, their Heavenly Master as if I were a deity in their midst.

In hushed tones, they whispered prayers of gratitude, unable to contain the profound emotions that surged within them.

"Thank you, Heavenly Master..." they murmured, their voices trembling with emotion.

Kneeling before me, some chose to submit not out of weakness but as a symbolic act of acknowledging their submission to me.

Amidst tears of joy, some disciples openly wept, overwhelmed by the magnitude of their transformation.

Renewed purpose coursed through their veins as they harnessed their newfound powers.

Driven by an unyielding determination, they were now dedicated to upholding the ideals of the Heavenly Harem Sect, fueled by a burning desire to serve me.

As I watched their reactions, I couldn't help but feel happy for them.

Standing before them, their cries of "Heavenly Master!" echoing around us, I raised my hand to call for their attention.

As their voices subsided, I spoke with a tone of authority and sincerity that commanded their full focus.

"All of you who have received my gifts should understand that my words hold truth," I began.

"The power you now possess is not just a gift, but a representation of yourself"

"Use this power for the betterment and the sake of our sect."

Their eyes remained locked onto mine, their expressions a mix of reverence and resolution.

"With great power comes great responsibility,"

I continued, "And I have faith in every one of you to uphold the ideals of our sect"

"We are not just a group of individuals; we are a family bound by our shared beliefs and our devotion to serve me."

A resounding agreement filled the air as they nodded in unison, their commitment obvious to me.

"Together, we will forge a path that will leave an indelible mark on this world," I declared, my voice filled with conviction.

"Our journey has only just begun, and I do not doubt that with your dedication and the power you now possess, we will achieve greatness."

Their cries of "Heavenly Master!" rang out once more, stronger than ever.

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