Heavenly Harem Sect

Chapter 181 Merging the City of Exolia

Chapter 181 Merging the City of Exolia

[: Daniel POV :]

"Now that all of you have submitted to me," I declared, my voice echoed.

"It's time for this city to be part of the paradise!"

My proclamation resonated through the crowd.

It sparked a frenzy of curiosity and excitement among the disciples.

Their cheers and cries grew fiercer by the second.

It fueled their desire to witness the realization of my grand vision.

They had no clear understanding of what I meant.

But their unmovable faith in me and their loyalty to our future paths were unshakable.

Among the disciples, Cecilia's voice rang out with soft eyes and palpable excitement.

"Master..." she called out.

I gently caressed her head, reassuring her.

"Don't worry, Cecilia. I will finally let them all appear."

The reason for the city of Cetra and the Heavenly Harem Sect's absence from mention until now became clear.

They were both within my grasp, held in the palm of my hand, quite literally.

A strange, miniature landscape existed within my palm.

It was the merging of the city of Cetra and the Heavenly Harem Sect.

Its size was so tiny that it could be crushed with ease.

From the beginning, I had carried this concealed world with me.

However, the time had come to fully expose it to the disciples and fuse this city with the paradise I had promised.

The disciples were about to witness a transformation unlike anything they could have imagined.

As I released the concealed land within my hand, it soared into the sky.

At the same time, I requested the system and my intentions were clear.

"Merge the City of Exolia."

The system responded with its usual prompt.

[: Does the Host wish to merge the City of Exolia :]

My response was swift, a simple "Yes."

[: Affirmative :]

[: Fusing the Exolia City in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 :]

The countdown commenced, and the ground within the city began to tremble.

Panic briefly swept through the masses as they witnessed this phenomenon.

But I swiftly reassured them with a calm and confident voice.

"Do not panic, my people"

All of them became silent as their attentions were on me.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

This is just a process of turning this land into a paradise," I assured them.

In response to my words, the disciples and the masses alike harboured no doubts.

Their eyes were filled with an even deeper obsession and devotion for me.

However, what they were about to witness would prove to be the most shocking revelation of all.

As if gazing at a meteor, the once tiny mass of land that had been concealed within my palm grew larger and floated high above us in the sky.

The ground beneath our feet trembled violently as the city began to tear itself away from the earth.

There were sounds of confusion and awe from the masses.

But with me standing amidst them, their anxiety was quickly replaced with a sense of trust and calm.

As the city separated itself from the ground, we were left floating, moving towards a massive, meteorite-sized landmass in the distance.

This entire experience was nothing short of astonishing.

A spectacle that none of them could have ever imagined had they not become my disciples.

The city drew closer to the floating land, and the moment of impact was expected to bring destruction.

But to the astonishment of everyone present, there was no devastation.

Instead, the moment a single part of the city touched the land, a brilliant, blinding light enveloped the area.

The system then sent me a pleasant notification.

The blinding light left everyone momentarily stunned except for me.

As it faded, their awe and amazement deepened.

[: The Exolia City has successfully merged with the Heavenly Harem Sect and the City of Cetra :]

[: Host has achieved a Tier 1 City, merge 8 more cities to achieve Tier 2 City :]

[: Due to more than 1 City, please decide on a new name for the City, and this name would remain the same no matter how many cities fused :]

As I pondered the name of the newly merged city, I considered the significance it would hold for all its residents.

"Harem City" had crossed my mind initially, but I realized it wouldn't be possible.

Since men also lived here, it would put a bad taste in my mouth.

Rather, I needed a name that could encompass everyone.

A name that would input fear towards Enemies who wish to recklessly rage wars against us.

In a moment of inspiration, the perfect name came to me.

I spoke it with conviction, addressing the system.

"System, name the city as 'City of Eternal.'"

The word "Eternal" carried a simple meaning.

It's a word that represents 'forever', and it fits perfectly for my city.

A kind of city where abundance reigned.

A City where worries and suffering were absent.

A first where it would last and endure forever.

It was a name that resonated with the vision I held for this city and the future it promised to its inhabitants.

[: Affirmative :]

[: The City has been named Eternal. From now on, all cities fused will be named Eternal :]

With the naming complete, a breathtaking sight unfolded.

A majestic gate descended gracefully from the sky, landing with pinpoint precision at the entrance of the newly merged cities.

The gate bore an elaborate and imposing title of 'Eternal'.

It emitted a subtle aura of authority that left a lasting impression on all who beheld it.

"Fear not, my people,"

I declared, raising my voice to ensure that all of them had their eyes on me.

"Look around you," I prompted.

Although the landscape remained unchanged, there was a palpable shift in the atmosphere.

It wasn't until one of the newly joined disciples raised her voice in shock, exclaiming, "What quality of qi is this?!"

Soon, the rest began to notice the profound changes, and their voices filled with astonishment and surprise.

I intervened to calm their excitement, knowing that they needed to comprehend the significance of this transformation.

"What most of you have sensed is the change in qi, and it's not something you can find in this realm," I explained.

Those who had already comprehended the nature of their newfound gifts surely understood what I meant.

And of course, their reactions, particularly those of the women, were nothing short of endearing.

"This is your future," I continued, emphasizing the importance of the moment.

"Your future lies within this city and the sect and I have named our city 'Eternal'!"

With that, I emphasized the last part, and in unison, the disciples echoed my proclamation.

"All Hail the Eternal City!"

"Eternal City!"

"Eternal City!"

"All Hail the Heavenly Master!"

"Heavenly Master!"

"Heavenly Master!"

"Eternal City!"

"Heavenly Master!"

Their voices echoed through the newly merged city.

A harmonious chorus that celebrated the birth of the City of Eternal.

This was a day to remember.

The excitement of the disciples lasted for hours as they marvelled at the magnificent palace in the sky.

As I gazed at Cecilia, Makina, Mecil, Marie, and Marin, I decided it was time to explore our home which was the sect.

"Let's go," I said, and with Marie and Marin in my arms, the three of them followed me.

Mecil couldn't contain her curiosity and asked, "Where is this place, honey?"

"This is the Heavenly Harem Sect, a place where all of you truly belong"

I replied with pride.

Mecil didn't press for further explanation, and as we entered the sect, we were welcomed by a sea of disciples.

"Welcome back, Master!" they greeted in unison.

"I'm back," I responded with a wide smile.

The expressions that flickered between Makina and Mecil didn't go unnoticed.

They were shocked.

Though they believed that I had nothing more to offer, they were wrong.

On the other hand, Marie and Marin looked on with bright smiles.

Suddenly, three adorable little figures dashed toward me.




It was Evelyn, Eleona, and Eliana, the fox children, and they clung to my legs, refusing to let go.

"We missed you," they chorused.

How could I not find these children precious?

The time I had spent without them had been difficult, and I had missed them tremendously.

"Daddy really missed you," I said, ruffling their furry heads and foxy ears.

"Did you three behave while I was gone?"

"Yes, Father, we've been good," Evelyn said earnestly.

"We promise, Dad, we didn't do anything wrong," Eleona declared enthusiastically.

"Daddy, Eliana was a very good girl, so you should compliment me," Eliana chimed in.

"Don't listen to them, they're lying!"

Eva, the mother of the foxes, interrupted with a furious gaze toward her children.

"While Master was gone, all three of them misbehaved and played pranks on the other disciples."

Eva's revelation turned the moment into a comical interaction, and I couldn't help but burst into laughter.

Noticing their mother's arrival, the expressions of Evelyn, Eleona, and Eliana shifted from delight to a semblance of guilt, as though they had been caught red-handed.

"So it seems the three of you misbehaved, right?"

I pretended to be stern, and small tears welled up in their eyes as if they feared my disapproval.

"Look, Daddy was just joking!" I quickly changed my tone, and Eliana asked hesitantly,

"R-Really? You're not mad at us?"

"How could I be mad at you? You're my daughters,"

I assured them with warm eyes, gently caressing their hair after placing Marie and Marin on the ground.

"See, Mother! Daddy's not mad at us,"

Eliana declared triumphantly, hiding behind my back.

Eva's response to this newfound camaraderie was a mix of frustration and exasperation.

It appeared that the dynamics between her and her children had shifted dramatically.

"Well, why don't we all lighten up?"

I suggested, eager to foster a harmonious atmosphere.

"Introduce the sect to these two and play along with them."

I introduced Marie and Marin to Evelyn, Eleona, and Eliana.

Initially curious, the three foxes quickly warmed up to the idea once they realized that these two were my children.

Smiles replaced their initial curiosity.

"Alright, Father," Evelyn responded.

"Come with us and let's play together,"

Eleona offered her hand to Marie and Marin.

The two girls hesitated briefly, glancing at me for reassurance.

With a nod from me, they accepted Eleona's warm hands, and together, they ran off to another part of the sect to play with the fox children.

Watching them run and laugh together was a heartwarming sight, a testament to the sense of family and unity that had formed among all of us.

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