Heavenly Harem Sect

Chapter 160 Makina and Marin Part 4

Chapter 160  Makina and Marin Part 4

As the night descended upon the city, Makina's eyes seemed to burn with an intensity that outshone even the dual suns that illuminated their world.

The revelation of the Heavenly Harem Sect and its potential as a place of salvation had ignited a fire within her that refused to be extinguished.

The realization that finding the Heavenly Harem Sect, nestled within the abandoned Efea Land, would be a challenging endeavour didn't deter Makina.

She understood that the journey ahead would be fraught with difficulties and uncertainties, but the prospect of a better life for herself and her sister fueled her determination.

The Explia city, home to over a million souls, was a daunting expanse of land.

Each "land" within the city acted as a mini-city in itself, creating a vast maze of streets, structures, and life.

Navigating through this site would undoubtedly require time and effort.


The soft voice of her sister, Makina, reached her ears.

Makina gently roused her sister, eager to share their impending journey and the hope of a new life.

"Yes," Marin replied, her voice carrying a mix of reassurance and excitement.

"We're going to move to a new place, a better land than where we are now."

Marin's response held a trace of curiosity, her voice tinged with a glimmer of hope.

"Really? But... how are we going to get there?"

Makina's determination was unwavering as she replied, "Don't worry, I'll carry you."

Despite her challenges and disabilities, Makina was resolute in her intention to shoulder the responsibility of carrying her sister on this journey.

Concern etched Marin's voice as she asked, "But what about you? Will you be all right?"

Makina's response was filled with conviction, even if she carried her doubts deep within.

"I'll be fine. This is something I need to do."

The sisters' bond was unbreakable, a testament to the love and devotion they held for one another.

As she prepared for the arduous journey that lay ahead, Makina's heart swelled with a mixture of determination and hope.

She believed that the Heavenly Harem Sect held the key to a better life for them both.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

With Marin's trust and her inner strength, she was ready to embark on a path that would challenge them in ways they couldn't yet imagine.

Despite Marin's worries and concerns, Makina managed to reassure her sister that their journey would be worth the effort.

Marin, placing her trust in Makina's strength and determination, found a glimmer of hope in her sister's conviction.

As the night deepened, the sisters seized the opportunity to make their escape from the plague-ridden city.

Makina's heart pounded with a mixture of anticipation and anxiety as she prepared to carry out their daring plan.

Carrying Marin was no easy feat, and Makina's determination was put to the test as she attempted to secure her sister comfortably on her back.

It took multiple tries and adjustments before she felt confident that Marin was positioned securely.

With a rope carefully fastened to keep her in place without causing discomfort, and a wooden platform to provide support, Makina had done her best to ensure her sister's comfort.

Marin, still in a peaceful slumber due to her delicate health, remained oblivious to the preparations taking place around her.

Taking a deep breath to steady herself, Makina stood up with Marin on her back.

The strain of the endeavour was evident on her face as she gritted her teeth and used her legs to support them both.

The weight was significant, and the absence of her arms made the task even more challenging.

"Okay, we're ready," Makina murmured, her voice carrying a mixture of determination and resolve.

She knew that this journey was their only chance at a better life, and she was willing to endure any hardship to make it happen.

With Marin safely secured and her determination guiding her, Makina emerged from their tent.

Walking towards the path that would lead them to the abandoned Efea Land, she stepped into the darkness with a sense of purpose.

The city they were leaving behind held their past, but the land ahead offered the possibility of a brighter future.

A kind of future that Makina was determined to reach, no matter the obstacles that lay in their path.

As Makina ventured into the outside, the cacophony of anguish and suffering enveloped her senses.

The wails of those afflicted by the plague echoed through the night, a haunting chorus of despair that seemed to permeate the very air.

Each step she took was a testament to the strength of her will, a silent declaration that she would not be consumed by the darkness that threatened to suffocate their lives.

With each passing tent, Makina's heart clenched in empathy for those whose lives had been ravaged by the merciless plague.

She could see the pale faces of the sick, their bodies weakened and their spirits broken.

The mere sight of their suffering was a stark reminder of the urgency of her mission, a reminder that time was a luxury they could not afford.

Amidst the sea of suffering, Makina's determination burned brighter.

She clung to the hope that the Heavenly Harem Sect within the abandoned Efea Land held the promise of salvation.

Though the path was uncertain and the challenges formidable, she refused to let doubt creep into her heart.

Marin's well-being depended on her, and that was enough to fuel her resolve.

Makina's steps were steady, her gaze focused on the path ahead.

She navigated the labyrinthine alleys of the tent city with a sense of purpose.

Her legs carried her forward even as her mind wrestled with the weight of their predicament.

She felt the weight of Marie on her back, a constant reminder of the responsibility she bore.

The night sky hung heavy above them, the dual suns replaced by a blanket of stars that offered a faint glimmer of light.

Despite the darkness that surrounded them, Makina's determination shone like a beacon, guiding her through the uncertainties that lay ahead.

Hours passed, and fatigue began to take its toll on Makina's body.

The makeshift streets were uneven and difficult to traverse, each step a struggle.

Yet, she pressed on, drawing strength from the bond she shared with her sister and the hope that the journey would be worth their sacrifices.

With every step, the sounds of suffering gradually faded into the distance.

The land became a memory as Makina and Marie moved further away from the heart of despair.

And as the first light of dawn painted the horizon in soft hues, Makina's spirits lifted.

The promise of a new beginning lay ahead, and she was determined to reach it.

As the sun began to rise, casting its warm glow over the land, Makina's resolve remained unshaken.

The journey to the Heavenly Harem Sect and the salvation it offered would not be easy, but she was willing to face whatever challenges came their way.

Makina's footsteps continued to resonate through the quiet landscape as she trekked further away from the tent city.

With each passing hour, the once-distant milestone drew nearer, a tangible reminder of her determination and progress.

The absence of the tents that had been symbols of suffering filled her with a sense of accomplishment, fueling her resolve to push forward.

As she walked, Makina's thoughts echoed the promise she had made to her sister.

To provide her with a better life, to shield her from the pain and hardship that had befallen them.

The landscape stretched out before her, a mixture of rugged terrain and untamed beauty.

The sun hung high in the sky, casting its warm rays upon the land and lending a sense of vitality to the world around her.

The quietude of the surroundings provided a stark contrast to the cacophony of the land they had left behind, offering Makina a reprieve from the constant reminder of suffering.

Makina's determination remained unyielding as she pushed herself onward.

With every step, Makina's strength was both physical and symbolic.

She was not just carrying Marie on her back, but also the weight of their hopes and dreams.

Each footfall was a testament to her resilience and her unwavering commitment to creating a better life for both of them.

As the sun's warm rays bathed the landscape, Makina's tired eyes scanned the horizon.

She could hardly believe how much time had passed since she began her journey through the city.

The land of tents was now far behind her, replaced by a seemingly endless expanse of terrain.

The physical strain on her body was immense, her energy waning with every step she took.

Her clothes clung to her skin with sweat, and her legs trembled from the effort.

But none of this deterred her.

The thought of her sister's well-being propelled her forward, driving her to push past her limits.

Marie's presence on her back was a constant reminder of the purpose that fueled her determination.

Makina's gaze shifted to her sister, who remained asleep despite the challenging journey.

The wooden platform and the secured rope were the makeshift solutions that allowed Marie to rest as comfortably as possible.

With a deep breath, Makina reaffirmed her commitment.

"Hang on, Marie. We're going to make it," she whispered, her voice a mixture of exhaustion and determination.

She felt a connection to her sister that went beyond words.

Makina's steps continued to be steady, her focus unwavering despite the fatigue gnawing at her body.

As the day progressed, she kept her eyes on the horizon, hoping to catch a glimpse of the abandoned Efea Land.

The knowledge that the Heavenly Harem Sect might be their salvation provided a beacon of hope that guided her through the physical and mental challenges.

As the sun reached its zenith, casting a harsh light over the land, Makina's pace began to slow.

Her legs trembled more noticeably, and her breath came in ragged gasps.

She spared a moment to wipe the sweat from her brow, taking a brief respite to catch her breath.

"Marie, we're getting closer," she said softly, her voice a mix of reassurance and exhaustion.

She could only hope that her sister's condition was stable and that the journey wasn't causing her more pain.

With renewed determination, Makina continued her journey, each step an act of defiance against the odds stacked against them.

The journey was far from over, but Makina was fueled by a fierce resolve.

She would carry her sister to the Heavenly Harem Sect, no matter the challenges that lay ahead.

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