Heavenly Harem Sect

Chapter 161 Makina and Marin Part 5

Chapter 161  Makina and Marin Part 5

As Makina walked further and further, her sense of time gradually faded away.

Minutes turned into hours, and hours turned into days.

The only constant guide she had was the changing sky above her, from the blazing sun to the serene moon.

"Sister... I feel hungry..."

Marin's weak voice broke the silence of their arduous journey.

The hunger pangs had grown stronger, a reminder of their dire circumstances.

Makina's heart clenched at her sister's words, and she offered what little comfort she could.

"Here you go, Marin."

There was a jug tied to the ropes which was easier for Markn to drink.

Water was their only sustenance now, a meagre source of relief against the gnawing hunger.

Makina had no rations to offer, no food to alleviate the growling emptiness in their stomachs.

 The land they had left behind was one of the places of desperation and suffering, but it had at least provided them with the minimal sustenance they needed to survive.

Now, out here on this journey, they faced a different kind of struggle.

The jugs of water that Makina carried were their lifeline.

 Each precious drop was a testament to her sacrifice and determination to keep her sister alive.

 Yet, as the days stretched on, she couldn't ignore the dwindling supply.

 There was only one jug left, and the weight of responsibility pressed heavily upon her.

But Makina held her concerns close, not wanting to burden her sister with the full extent of their predicament.

She had always been the one to protect and care for Marin, and even now, with her own body weakened and strained, she was determined to shield her sister from unnecessary worry.

With each step, Makina's resolve deepened.

 The journey was gruelling, the road ahead uncertain, and their destination shrouded in mystery.

Yet, as long as she had Marin by her side, she would keep moving forward.

 The Heavenly Harem Sect was their beacon of hope, promising salvation from the plague that had ravaged their lives.

"Are we there yet...?"

Marin's voice broke the rhythmic sound of their footsteps, her curiosity and eagerness evident despite her weakened state.

Makina smiled gently, her weariness momentarily forgotten.

 "We're almost there," she replied, her voice carrying a mixture of reassurance and excitement.

It was the same response she had given her sister before, a promise of a better life that awaited them.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Marin's young heart was filled with trust and faith in her sister.

Despite being only ten years old, she had seen Makina as her protector and guide throughout their journey of hardships.

With a contented sigh, she settled against Makina's back, her eyes slowly closing as sleep claimed her.

The gentle rhythm of Makina's steps and the hopeful promises of a new land lulled her into a peaceful slumber.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm glow over the landscape, Makina continued to carry her sister with unwavering determination.

The passage of time seemed to stretch and warp, each minute elongated into a torturous eternity as Makina's body continued its relentless march.

 The world around her seemed to blur, her vision a haze of colours and shapes merging.

 Her steps were no longer sure and steady, they were a testament to the last vestiges of her strength.

 The world around her seemed to blur, her vision a haze of colours and shapes merging.

With every faltering step, her legs quivered under the strain, threatening to give way beneath her.

 Each footfall was a battle, a struggle against the leaden weight that pulled at her limbs.

 Her lungs were starved for air, her breaths coming in ragged gasps that matched the erratic rhythm of her heartbeat.

The weight of exhaustion pressed down on her like a physical force, threatening to crush her spirit.

But Makina's determination was a force to be reckoned with, an unyielding flame that refused to be extinguished.

She willed her body to move forward, her thoughts a relentless chant that echoed through her mind, propelling her through the agony.

"Not yet!"

 Her voice was hoarse and strained, yet it carried a fervent determination that seemed to defy the very limits of her physical form.

 Her legs moved as if by sheer force of will, each step a triumph over the protesting muscles that screamed for rest.

"I can't give up just yet!"

The words were a mantra, a battle cry that echoed in the depths of her being.

Sweat trickled down her brow, mingling with the dirt and grime that coated her skin.

Her body felt like it was on fire, aching and trembling as it struggled to keep moving.

As the sun beat down upon her, Makina's body became a battleground.

Her mind waged war against the physical torment, her thoughts a ceaseless chorus that pushed her beyond mortal endurance.

 She stumbled, her knees threatening to buckle, but she fought against gravity with a tenacity born of desperation.

Time lost its meaning, the hours merging into an endless expanse of pain and determination.

The hunger that gnawed at her belly was a constant reminder of her body's frailty, yet she pushed forward despite the gnawing ache.

 The world around her seemed to fade, her focus narrowing to the path ahead and the unwavering purpose that drove her.

Her voice grew silent, her throat raw from both thirst and the exertion of her strained cries.

The very act of putting one foot in front of the other became a supreme act of willpower, each step a testament to her refusal to yield.

Her body felt like a vessel of agony, every fibre of her being protesting against the punishment she was subjecting it to.

Yet, even amid her physical torment, Makina's spirit burned bright.

 Her sister's face, filled with hope and trust, was a constant presence in her mind.

The promise of a better life for Marin was a beacon that guided her through the darkest moments of her struggle.

As the horizon stretched on, Makina's determination became an indomitable force.

 She was no longer just a girl walking, she was a force of nature, a living embodiment of resilience and love.

The boundaries of her mortal limits blurred as she continued her arduous journey, each step pushing her beyond what she thought was possible.

As more hours passed by, the toll on Makina's body became painfully evident.

 Every step she took seemed to drain away a part of her strength, leaving her muscles trembling and her breathing ragged.

Her resolve to push beyond her limits was unyielding, but the limitations of her mortal form were becoming increasingly apparent.

Marin's weight on her back felt heavier with every stride.

 The strain on her muscles was immense, and the added burden was pushing her body to its breaking point.

The sun beat down mercilessly, its rays scorching her skin and intensifying the fatigue that gripped her.

Sweat poured down her forehead and soaked her clothes, mingling with the dirt and grime from her arduous journey.

With every step, a sharp ache shot through her limbs, and her legs felt as though they were wading through thick mud.

The ground seemed to tilt and sway beneath her, and dizziness clouded her vision.

 She fought to stay upright, to keep moving forward despite the overwhelming urge to collapse.

The jug of water that had been her lifeline was now empty, a stark reminder of the scarce resources she had relied on.

Her mouth felt dry, and her parched throat cried out for relief.

 Dehydration was setting in, sapping her energy and making even the simplest movements a Herculean effort.

Marin's soft, shallow breaths on her back were a reminder of the delicate life she carried.

The burden of her sister's well-being was both a source of strength and an additional challenge.

Each laboured breath from Marin tugged at Makina's heart, urging her to press on despite her exhaustion.

Through the haze of weariness, Makina's mind clung to a single thought, the Efea Land.

The place that held the promise of salvation for her and her sister.

The sight of the towering walls ahead seemed almost like a mirage, a beacon of hope amid her struggle.

Her feet moved on autopilot, one step after another, her determination fueling her despite the toll it was taking on her body.

Amid her physical torment, Makina's awareness wavered.

Her surroundings blurred and spun, and her thoughts began to jumble together.

 The world seemed distant and unreal as if she were walking through a fever dream.

Her legs threatened to give out beneath her, and her body trembled with the effort of staying upright.

As she stumbled forward, her gaze fixed on the walls of the Efea Land, the edges of her vision darkened.

Her pulse pounded in her ears, a relentless drumbeat that seemed to synchronize with her weakening heartbeat.

Each inhale felt like a struggle, and a sense of lightheadedness washed over her.

The sight of the walls grew closer, yet they felt impossibly distant.

Her legs felt like lead, and her body screamed for her to stop.

Every fibre of her being was urging her to give in, to collapse and find respite from the agony that consumed her.

But then, a flicker of awareness.

Not far ahead, the walls of the Efea Land stood tall and imposing.

They were her destination, the end of her arduous journey.

 With a surge of adrenaline, Makina pushed forward, her mind locking onto the goal that had driven her all this way.

As her foot landed on the last stretch of ground before the walls, her body rebelled.

 Her legs wobbled and gave way, and she crumbled to the ground.

The impact sent a jolt of pain through her exhausted frame, but it was nothing compared to the bone-deep weariness that enveloped her.

In her final moments of consciousness, Makina's gaze remained fixed on the walls of the Efea Land.

Her chest rose and fell in shallow breaths, her entire body trembling with the effort to stay awake.

The world around her seemed to fade, replaced by a tunnel vision focused solely on the gate before her.

A small smile tugged at her lips, a mixture of relief and satisfaction.

She had made it, she had reached her destination.

But as her strength waned and her mind began to slip, a sense of urgency took hold.

'Please... please save my sister,' she pleaded silently in her thoughts, her desperation echoing in the recesses of her mind.

But there was only silence, the world around her growing dimmer with each passing moment.

And then, a glimmer of hope.

The gate of the Efea Land swung open, revealing a figure dressed in white.

His presence radiated a soothing energy that seemed to envelop her, offering a momentary respite from her suffering.

As the young man approached, his voice reached her ears like a gentle breeze.

 "You'll be fine, young girl," he assured her, his words a balm to her weary soul.

With his arrival, a sense of calm washed over her, and she could almost feel her exhaustion easing, if only for a moment.

Makina's lips moved, her voice barely audible as she summoned the last of her strength.

 "Please... save my sister."

The young man's smile was warm and reassuring, his eyes filled with compassion.

 "Don't worry, young lady. Just close your eyes and rest. Everything will be alright."

With those comforting words, Makina felt herself surrendering to the embrace of darkness.

Her consciousness faded, and the world around her slipped away.

She closed her eyes, finally succumbing to the exhaustion that had consumed her.

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