Heavenly Harem Sect

Chapter 162 A Change Part 1

Chapter 162  A Change Part 1

In an unknown darkness, Makina's consciousness slowly stirred.

As her awareness returned, she found herself surrounded by an abyss of blackness, punctuated only by a hazy white fog that seemed to drift aimlessly.

 Confusion washed over her, and a sense of disorientation clouded her thoughts.

She blinked, trying to make sense of her surroundings.

"Where am I?"

 Her voice, shaky and uncertain, echoed through the void.

There was no response, just the eerie silence that enveloped her.

A shiver ran down her spine, and her heart began to race.

She turned around, searching for any sign of familiarity, but the darkness stretched on endlessly.

 Panic started to gnaw at the edges of her mind.

It was as though she had been thrust into a world devoid of time and space.

With each passing moment, her anxiety grew.

Questions tumbled through her mind like leaves caught in a gust of wind.

 How had she ended up here?

 Was this some kind of dream?

Or perhaps a realm between life and death?

As she grappled with her thoughts, the white fog seemed to thicken around her, swirling and dancing like wisps of smoke.

 It was both mesmerizing and unsettling, casting an eerie glow on  She took a cautious step forward, her senses on high alert.

The emptiness was suffocating, and a sense of isolation settled over her like a heavy blanket.

She longed for a glimmer of light, a distant sound, anything that could offer a hint of where she was and what she should do next.

"Is anyone there?"

Makina's voice wavered as she called out, hoping for some kind of response.

But the only reply was the echo of her own words, fading into the vast emptiness.

Her heart pounded in her chest, and a mixture of fear and determination coursed through her veins.

She couldn't stay here forever, trapped in this endless void. With a deep breath, she took another step forward, her gaze fixed on the swirling fog.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com


Makina's voice trembled as she called out to her loved ones, her words echoing into the boundless darkness.

For a fleeting moment, she thought she saw familiar silhouettes forming in the fog, a glimmer of hope that she wasn't alone.

Her heart quickened as she moved closer, her steps tentative and filled with both anticipation and trepidation.

The figures seemed to solidify, taking on the distinct forms of her sister, her mother, and her father.

Tears welled up in her eyes, a mixture of relief and joy flooding her emotions.

"Marin, Mom, Dad!"

 Her voice was filled with a desperate longing as she reached out, her hands trembling as they brushed against the figures.

But then, as her fingers made contact, a horrifying truth unfurled before her.

 The figures she had hoped to find were nothing more than lifeless shells, their cold and unresponsive hands slipping from her grasp.


Makina's voice caught in her throat, choked by the gut-wrenching realization. Her heart pounded with a mixture of shock, grief, and terror.

The images she had clung to shattered before her eyes, leaving her with an overwhelming sense of loss.

A sharp scream tore through the air, a raw expression of her fear and anguish.

 "Ahhh!" The sound reverberated through the darkness, a desperate plea for escape from the haunting spectres that had taunted her.

In an instant, the dream shattered like fragile glass, and Makina's eyes snapped open.

 Her breath came in ragged gasps as the remnants of the nightmare clung to her consciousness.

The reality of her surroundings slowly registered, the dim light, the distant sounds, and the sensation of her own body lying on a solid surface.

For a moment, the boundary between dream and reality remained blurred, and her heart still raced with the intensity of her emotions.

As her breathing steadied, the stark contrast between the nightmare and the waking world settled in.

She was alone in a new place, a place that held the promise of answers and a chance for her sister's survival.

Makina's chest heaved with the remnants of her nightmare, her breaths coming in rapid bursts as she grappled with the disorienting transition from the dream world to her waking reality.

Beads of sweat clung to her skin, a testament to the intensity of her emotions.

"What...was that...?"

 Her voice trembled as the lingering images of her nightmare continued to dance at the edges of her consciousness.

The vividness of the dream seemed to linger as if trying to hold her As her senses gradually returned to her, Makina's gaze swept across her surroundings.

captive even as she fought to break free.

As her senses gradually returned to her, Makina's gaze swept across her surroundings.

The room was unfamiliar, its features dimly illuminated by a spiritual stone's light filtering through a nearby window.

She felt the cool touch of bedding beneath her, the sensation grounding her in the present moment.


The name slipped from her lips, carrying with it a mixture of concern and urgency.

She instinctively looked around, her eyes widening as she realized that her sister wasn't there beside her.

Panic welled up within her, gnawing at her heart as she struggled to process the absence of her sister.

However, just as anxiety threatened to consumeher, a voice gently pierced through the turmoil in her mind.

 "You don't have to be worried about your sister, she's in the other room being attended."

Makina's head snapped toward the source of the voice, her eyes widening as she took in the figure before her.

A young man stood there, his presence emanating a sense of calm and reassurance.

 His words seemed to carry a weight of understanding as if he could fathom the worries that had consumed her.

Her racing heart gradually began to steady as she absorbed his words.

She found herself torn between scepticism and a glimmer of hope.


Her voice wavered, a mix of uncertainty and longing colouring her words.

"Who...who are you?"

The young man's gaze held a kindness that eased some of the tension within her.

"My name is Daniel," he replied, his tone gentle.

"And I'm here to help both you and your sister."

''We found you near the entrance of our sect's land, and I assure you, our intentions are genuine."

The weight of Makina's realization settled upon her, and her eyes lifted to take in her surroundings anew.

The words that Daniel had spoken hung in the air, their impact sinking in.

 "S-So...I have made it here...?"

 Her voice quivered with a mixture of disbelief and relief.

Tears welled up in her eyes, threatening to spill over as a rush of emotions overtook her.

Daniel's presence beside her was a comforting anchor, a reminder that she was no longer navigating this journey alone.

His understanding gaze met hers, offering a silent affirmation of her accomplishment.

 "That's right," he replied, his voice gentle yet carrying an undertone of admiration.

 "Your courage in carrying your sister despite your own condition was truly commendable."

Makina's vision blurred as tears trickled down her cheeks, the weight of her exhaustion and the emotional tumult she had endured washing over her.

She didn't try to stop the tears, allowing them to flow freely as a release for the pent-up feelings that had accompanied her every step of the way.

"I...I had to," she managed to say amidst the waves of emotion.

Her voice trembled, a reflection of the vulnerability she felt at that moment.

"I couldn't...I couldn't let my sister suffer any longer."

Daniel's expression softened even further, a mixture of empathy and understanding evident in his eyes.

"Your devotion to your sister is truly remarkable," he replied. "It's a testament to the strength within you."

As Makina took in his words, a mixture of gratitude and wonder unfurled within her.

She had carried a heavy burden on her frail shoulders, driven by a fierce determination to change her sister's life for the better.

 And now, to be recognized and understood, to have her efforts acknowledged, felt like a balm to her wounded spirit.

"Thank you," she whispered, her voice a fragile thread as she wiped away her tears.

The journey had been arduous, but the compassion she encountered in Daniel's presence and the promise of a new beginning within the Heavenly Harem Sect gave her hope.

 She realized that she had stepped into a realm where her sacrifices were acknowledged, where her sister's well-being was valued, and where they might find the healing and sanctuary they so desperately needed.

"Can I see my sister...?"

Makina's voice held urgency, a deep-seated need to ensure her sister's well-being after the ordeal they had endured.

 Her eyes searched Daniel's face for any hint of permission, her heart racing in anticipation.

Daniel's response was immediate and reassuring, his demeanour kind and understanding.

 "Of course, you can," he said, his words carrying a sense of empathy for the bond between the two sisters.

 With gentle support, he helped Makina to her feet, their unspoken exchange expressing gratitude and a shared understanding of the importance of this moment.

As they left the room, Makina's heart beat faster with a mixture of hope and worry.

She followed Daniel's lead, her determination propelling her forward.

 The transition from one room to another was swift, and as they entered the opposite chamber, Makina's eyes were immediately drawn to the figure lying on the bed.


Makina's voice held a mixture of relief and emotion, a reflection of the intense concern she felt for her sister's well-being.

With careful steps, she approached the bedside, her eyes fixated on Marin's form.

Seeing her sister lying there, peacefully sleeping, brought a wave of comfort that washed away some of the anxiety she had carried.

Marin's presence seemed to fill the room, a testament to the bond that Makina held so dear.

Her sister's fragile state was a reminder of the lengths Makina had gone to ensure her safety and a better life.

A sigh of relief escaped Makina's lips as she placed her ear against the rise and fall of Marin's chest, the assurance of her sister's peaceful slumber.

 The room itself radiated a sense of calm and serenity, a far cry from the challenges they had faced on their journey.

Turning her gaze toward Daniel, Makina's eyes conveyed a gratitude that words couldn't fully express.

"Thank you," she whispered, her voice filled with sincerity.

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