Heaven’s Shadow

Chapter 100

Chapter 100

Chapter One Hundred - Bloodied Hands of Young Girl

Deep in the woods, it was quiet, and across a clump of branches and leaves, the black dog Ah Tu and the young girl who suddenly appeared looked at each other.

For some reason, Ah Tu looked a little nervous, staring at the woman behind the bush with wide dog eyes without blinking.

Especially after it suddenly raised its head and sniffed the air with its nose for a few moments, Ah Tu suddenly took a step backward, then the hair on its neck slowly stood up and a low growl came out of its mouth, showing its sharp fangs to the little girl.

"Well, it's a dog..." The little girl behind the bushes was also looking at Ah Tu with a bit of surprise and curiosity. After a while, the branches and leaves shook suddenly, and then she walked out from behind that bush.

Like a fairy fallen into the mortal world, elegantly untouched by dust. Every time she took a step forward, as if the emerald green branches and leaves were swaying lightly for her, her right hand behind her back, her left hand fell on her side, she gradually revealed a smile, as if with innocence, and came towards Ah Tu.

"Grrrrr......" The roar in Ah Tu's throat snapped a few points louder, seemingly wary and hostile to this beautiful young girl.

"Huh?" The girl seemed a little surprised and stopped, but she looked at Ah Tu with more interest in her eyes. After looking at Ah Tu again with her clear and bright eyes, she pondered for a while, then as if she thought of something and smiled faintly.

"Come here..." The girl squatted down six or seven feet away from Ah Tu, still maintaining the strange posture of holding her right hand behind her back, and then raised her left hand. Her skin was like snow and looked onion white as delicate and beautiful.

She beckoned to Ah Tu, lowered her voice deliberately, as if whispering, with a touch of inexplicable weirdness, and said, "Puppy, come here."

Ah Tu stood still on the spot, while his eyes were fixed on the strangely beautiful little girl, and he seemed deaf to her greeting.

The atmosphere in the forest was silent and a little cold, but the girl did not seem to care, she slightly narrowed her eyes, but her gaze seemed to grow brighter as she looked at Ah Tu, smiled a little, and then flexed her white fingers, said to Ah Tu: "Puppy, do you feel very hungry? Do you feel that you can't get enough to eat all the time?"

Ah Tu stared at her, a low and slurred sound came out of his mouth, seemingly angry, but also like doubt.

The young girl laughed and squatted on the ground, her voice seemed to gradually have a bit of indescribable temptation, it was almost hard to imagine that the ghostly voice came from such a little girl who was only about ten years old.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

"I can help you, come here, I'll give you something to eat."

"A food you really crave, but have never seen before..."

She smiled, her demeanor was as holy and beautiful as a fairy, but those eyes seemed to be flickering with terrifying but crazy flames from hell.

Ah Tu hesitated, as if a little hesitant, but after a while, it seemed that Ah Tu couldn't resist the mysterious temptation, and finally stepped forward, and then slowly walked in front of the little girl.

It no longer showed its teeth, the hair on its neck calmed down, and its tail occasionally wagged, but for the most part, Ah Tu still looked at the little girl with puzzled and cautious eyes.

A smile of satisfaction slowly appeared on the young girl's face as she reached out and gently touched the back of Ah Tu's head. Ah Tu had a subtle retreating movement, and then it heard the young girl's voice become deep and wavering as she slowly took out her right hand from behind her back.

"Eat, eat, I know what your heart craves most is actually this thing ......" she said quietly to Ah Tu.

The light fell through the gaps in the dense branches and leaves, and suddenly there was a steep silence in the depths of these woods, the wind stopped and the trees were still, as if the whole world had come to a standstill.

A splash of crimson blood floated up, painting this side of the world with a shocking bloodstain, right in front of Ah Tu's eyes, in her right hand that just appeared.

Blood dripped down, flowing wildly and wantonly, rolling along that delicate skin.

A bloody hand, a blood-soaked, chillingly bloody hand!

The strong smell of blood instantly like a tide, overwhelming the depths of the woods.

"Brother Lu!"

A crisp call came from the ridge, and when Lu Chen looked up, he saw Yi Xin standing over there smiling and waving at him.

Lu Chen dropped the tools in his hands, clapped his hands to shake off the mud, then walked over and sat down on his butt at the edge of the ridge, smiling, "What brings you here?"

Yi Xin smiled and said, "I don't have anything to do today, so I ran over to see."

Lu Chen skimmed his mouth and sighed: "This is a big gap between people, I'm a handyman disciple at the bottom of the mountain all day long, and I still can't earn much, but you're still earning a lot of money for being idle for three days, isn't it? There are a few more pillars on the divine plate in your stomach than mine."

Yi Xin was squatting beside him, but when she heard this, her cheeks flushed, she spat on Lu Chen, and said, "You're talking nonsense again!"

Lu Chen laughed, Yi Xin turned her eyes to look around and asked, "Hey, where is Ah Tu? Doesn't he usually follow you here?"

Lu Chen gave a "hmm" and looked around. Although he didn't see Ah Tu's figure, he said to Yi Xin calmly: "That stupid dog can't be idle, he likes to run around, and he likes to drill into the forest. Probably ran to some other forest now."

"So." Yi Xin looked a little disappointed, but soon showed a trace of worry on her faceand said to Lu Chen, "Brother Lu, Ah Tu has only been here for a short while, and this is a large area, there are mountains and gullies everywhere, Ah Tu will not get lost, right?"

Lu Chen waved his hand carelessly and said, "It's okay, you don't have to worry."

Yi Xin looked at Lu Chen helplessly, and didn't know where this big brother Lu had such strong confidence. Anyway, she wouldn't be able to do it anyway, but there was no way she couldn't find Ah Tu right now, so she had to suppress her heart. With that trace of worry, she said to Lu Chen: "Brother Lu, have you thought about what you want me to do?"

Lu Chen looked at the mountains in the distance, without turning his head, he responded casually, "What's the matter?"

Yi Xin said, "Didn't you say last time that you would help me with an idea and let me promise to do something for you if I succeeded?"

"Oh, that matter." Lu Chen seemed to wake up, turned to look at Yi Xin, with a relaxed expression, and said with a smile: "Why, are you in a hurry?"

Yi Xin shook her head and said, "Of course I'm not in a hurry, but that matter...... you really helped me a lot, so I thought I could also repay Brother Lu a little."

Lu Chen said, "For the time being, I haven't thought about it yet, let's talk about it later."

"Okay then." Yi Xin squatted for a long time and seemed to feel some soreness in her legs and feet, so she simply landed directly on the ridge and landed next to Lu Chen.

Lu Chen gave her a look and said, "Aren't you afraid of the dirty underground soil?"

Yi Xin pursed her lips, and said, "I'm not afraid. When I was in the land of confusion, I rolled over the water and the soil, especially the insect... medicine, which is much dirtier than here."

Lu Chen laughed.

Yi Xin glared at him, waited for his laughter to stop, and said to Lu Chen: "However, I heard something recently. Hundred Herb Hall will recruit some people to do 'spiritual power cultivation' in a few days. If its good, besides a chance, maybe I can leave this spiritual field at the foot of the mountain. I wonder if you are interested?

Lu Chen raised his eyebrows and looked at Yi Xin with a hint of surprise in his eyes, saying, "You actually know about this earlier?"

Yi Xin looked around and saw that there was no one around, so she smiled a little smugly, and said to Lu Chen in a low voice: "Although our Yi family's family background has been average these years, there are still some brothers and uncles of the same clan who visit Kunlun. Pai, one of them is at the Hundred Herb Hall, and has become Qiandeng Daoist's follower."

"How about it, are you interested?" Yi Xin smilingly looked at Lu Chen, said, "To do spiritual cultivation of this kind of thing, that is either the senior elders or young powerful genius elite in this sect, if you get the eye, in the future there will a great luck."

Lu Chen looked at her, and suddenly laughed after a while, then nodded and said, "Yes, of course I'm interested."

"That promise..." He pointed to Yi Xin, then nodded and said, "Just help me with this."

"Okay!" Yi Xin nodded vigorously with a smile on her face.

Deep in the woods.

The bloody hand in front of the eyes of the black dog Ah Tu slowly swept, bright red and terrible blood like sharp knives, stimulating its pupils to shrink unceasingly.

And that unusually beautiful girl, with her left hand, which was delicate and white and as warm as jade, was gently stroking the fur on Ah Tu's back, and her right hand was a bloody hand, filled with a strong and pungent bloody smell. This weird scene was concentrated on her body in an extremely weird way, making her look as beautiful as a holy fairy, but also like a ferocious ghost.

"Eat..." Her deep but melodious voice echoed in the forest, "You are the blood of Sirius*, you are born different, how can ordinary food satisfy your appetite? Only blood, blood that contains spiritual power, is what you crave the most."

"Come and eat..." She slowly put her hand on Ah Tu's mouth, with a strange smile on her face, which seemed to be anticipation, sympathy, and perhaps a little bit of similar desire, "Come and taste this fresh blood, as long as you have tasted this taste, one day, the blood in your body will awaken."

Ah Tu's panting began to grow louder, and there seemed to be a painful struggle in its eyes, and it wanted to leave several times, but every time its eyes fell on the bloody palm again.

After a while, Ah Tu's head slowly leaned over.

It stuck out its tongue, and licked lightly on that petite but devil-like bloody hand.

The blood diffused and dispersed, blending in between its mouth and teeth.

The light in the woods quietly dimmed, and before one knew it, it was dusk.

*Sirius - Heavenly Wolf

Thank you Kevin for Kofi

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