Heaven’s Shadow

Chapter 101

Chapter 101

Chapter 101: Marks on the Back

At dusk, when the sky was about to get dark, the evening sun was still hanging in the western sky, like a burning flame radiating an unusually beautiful and brilliant afterglow. Most of the handyman disciples had already left, Lu Chen and Yi Xin were still sitting on the edge of the ridge, watching the surrounding cold and clear area, but they were the only two left.

A long time has passed, and it seemed that it was going to be dark, but Ah Tu still didn't come back.

Yi Xin became a little anxious, kept looking around, and at the same time glanced at Lu Chen from time to time, Lu Chen also frowned slightly, looking a little surprised.

After waiting like this for a while, seeing the sky getting darker and darker, the last ray of setting sun in the sky was about to disappear, and when the huge rocky valley was about to be shrouded in darkness, Yi Xin finally couldn't help but stood up and spoke to Lu Chen said: "Brother Lu, let's go find Ah Tu?"

Lu Chen dust frowned and said: "This valley is too big, we do not know where that stupid dog went, plus it is dark, so we can not find it."

Yi Xin suddenly brightened up and said, "Could it be that Ah Tu ran home by himself?"

Lu Chen thought for a while, and said: "Probably not, these days it comes back and forth with me every day, and never slipped away by itself."

"Aiya, what can we do!" Yi Xin was so anxious that she looked really worried, and was in a panic, suddenly she heard Lu Chen beside her "eh", walked to her side, said: "Look over there."

Yi Xin looked in the direction Lu Chen pointed, only to see the far end of the ridge, has become very dim on a path, suddenly appeared a black shadow, slowly out of the darkness, and then was approaching them here.

The black figure was not tall, and when he got closer, he really looked like Ah Tu, but the strange thing was that Ah Tu, who was usually lively and active, although he was lame but still liked to run, this time walked very slowly.

Step by step, he stepped on the ridge of the field, and the darkness surged around him silently, as if it had merged with his black fur, except for his eyes, which looked a little different from the usual darkness of the valley with a faint and deep light.

"Ah Tu!" Yi Xin called out joyfully, the previous worry suddenly disappeared, smiling and walking towards the black dog, while opening her arms, laughingly said, "Stinky Ah Tu, I've been waiting for you for a long time today, ah, where did you run to play?"

Ah Tu's footsteps slightly paused, slowly raised his head, looking at Yi Xin running towards it, and then stopped in his tracks.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Behind Yi Xin, Lu Chen looked into Ah Tu's eyes, and followed without saying a word.

"Haha ......" In a blink of an eye, Yi Xin had run up to Ah Tu's side, squatted down and first touched Ah Tu's head with her hand, then as usual, one hand stroked the fur on Ah Tu's back and one hand wrapped around Ah Tu's head, playing affectionately with it.

Her white skin looks particularly beautiful and conspicuous in this night, and her long neck and cheeks were right in front of Ah Tu's eyes, and now and then she leaned on it, accompanied by her cheerful and crisp voice, looking so warm.

Ah Tu's eyes were fixed on Yi Xin's neck, which was close at hand. Its mouth opened and closed slightly, as if breathing heavily, and then gradually opened its mouth again. Like a hungry and thirsty traveler as if he saw the clear water ahead. Sweet spring water, white and sharp fangs glistened around its mouth, giving it a cold feeling.

Its head retracted slightly, and then slowly stretched forward, as if responding to Yi Xin's joyful embrace, it slowly approached the girl's fair neck.

Sharp fangs, with seemingly blowable veins, close at hand ......

Suddenly, a hand suddenly reached out from the dark shadows, through Yi Xin's shoulder pressed it down, and at once covered the eyes of the black dog Ah Tu.

Those deep eyes suddenly disappeared in the dark night. Ah Tu's body shook suddenly, his standing body trembled for a while, the hair on his neck stood up suddenly, but he calmed down again in an instant, everything was so fast that it seemed invisible to the naked eye, and in a blink of an eye, it became quiet again, motionless standing on the spot, let Lu Chen's palm cover its eyes.

"You stupid dog, where did you go to the wild?"

Lu Chen laughed and scolded Ah Tu, palm still covered Ah Tu's eyes, body also squatted next to Ah Tu, look past like covering Ah Tu's head, then turned his head to Yi Xin smiled and said: "But it's finally back, It's getting late now, and there will be a curfew later, it seems that we can't play today, let's go back."

Yi Xin hesitated for a moment, smiled and said, "Yes." Saying that, she stroked Ah Tu's soft fur and laughed: "Ah Tu, be good and listen to Brother Lu, I'll come back tomorrow to play with you, okay? But you can't just run out again and play until so late."

Ah Tu stood motionless, his eyes still covered by Lu Chen, and remained silent, but its mouth opened and closed slightly, and a dark light flashed across its lips with sharp white fangs.

"Don't worry, I'll find a rope to tie it to the tree later, see if it can still run!"

"Ah, that don't, poor Ah Tu." Yi Xin immediately protested.

Lu Chen nodded with a smile, and said, "It's up to you, you won't be tied if you say you don't want to be tied."

"Eh!" Yi Xin was immediately happy, nodded and smiled at Lu Chen, then stroked Ah Tu's head again, then turned around and walked away to the distance. After walking a few steps, she suddenly seemed to remember something and looked back, only to see that on that ridge, Lu Chen was still gently pressing Ah Tu's eyes, one person and one dog side by side, the posture seemed a bit weird .

"Brother Lu, why are you always covering Ah Tu's eyes?" Yi Xin asked aloud.

"Oh, this stupid dog doesn't listen, I have to cure it, and I'll take it back later." Lu Chen replied with a smile.

Yi Xin let out an "oh", turned around and continued walking, and then quickly disappeared into the night.

When the last remnants of the girl also disappeared, the entire valley was left with only Lu Chen and Ah Tu, by this time the sky had been completely dark, and the darkness spread down from all directions, completely swallowing up their figures.

In the darkness, Ah Tu still stood quietly, as if waiting for something.

After a while, it suddenly felt a relief in front of its eyes, and then the palm of the hand that covered its eyes, slowly moved away.

The man's face in the darkness, it appeared in front of its eyes, like a shadow in the darkness of the night, blurred, only bright but some stern eyes, coldly gazing into the eyes of Ah Tu.

Between heaven and earth, there was suddenly a cold wind blowing.

The cold is bone chilling, as if the blood can be frozen and solidified.

Ah Tu took a step backward, and then slowly, slowly, gently lowered its body to the ground, like a submissive subject, bowing its head in front of a powerful king, and from its mouth, a low whimpering sound came out.

Lu Chen stared at Ah Tu for a while, then suddenly stood up, turned around and walked away, and at the same time said lightly: "It's late at night, let's go back."

In a simple and cold hut in a secluded mountain pass, Lu Chen lit a candle flame.

The door was closed and the window casement was tightly shut, so this lonely hut was like isolated from the outside world and turned into a small world.

Ah Tu lay at Lu Chen's feet, looking a little sleepy and exhausted, but he didn't just fall asleep. It put its head close to Lu Chen's ankle, rubbing against it slightly, its long black tail would shake every now and then, but it was unusually very quiet.

Lu Chen sat alone in silence for a long time, frowning slightly as if he was thinking about something. After a long time, he suddenly bent down, then sat directly on the ground, and at the same time stretched out his hand to hug Ah Tu and put him on his feet .

An inexplicable aura seems to be faintly dispersed from his body, Ah Tu squirmed uneasily, but after a glance at the expressionless Lu Chen, he quickly calmed down and lay quietly in his arms.

Lu Chen's gaze swept over Ah Tu's body, lingered in its eyes for a little while, then suddenly reached out and broke open Ah Tu's mouth. Snow-white sharp fangs showed up in front of his eyes, mixed with a faint almost inaudible hint of blood.

Lu Chen's face changed slightly, he let go of his finger, and then pressed his palm on the fur of Ah Tu's body, and slowly felt it down.

Under the fur, the black dog's muscles bulged a bit, wrapped around the bones, there was a strange sense of strength, and when his hand slid over the side of Ah Tu's chest, Lu Chen suddenly stopped.

Through the muscle fur, within that chest cavity, there was a heart pounding powerfully.

Strong, fast, fierce, violently beating, far better than the average beast, but also far better than it's usual self.

The depths of Lu Chen's eyes swept a trace of gloom, but his face did not change much, after feeling Ah Tu's strange heartbeat for a while, his palm again slid downward, in Ah Tu's spine backwards.

In his hand, there was suddenly a little wetness.

Lu Chen's eyes lowered slightly, and he saw a dark shadow between Ah Tu's black fur.

Like flowing blood remnants, between dry and bloody, scattering a subtle scent, and then not far away, there was another similar small bloodstain.

Lu Chen fumbled away bit by bit, and the remaining traces gradually appeared on Ah Tu's fur, some were attached to the surface, and some had penetrated deep into the skin, and then gathered together, and finally formed a shape.

Lu Chen's face turned cold for the first time, and his gaze was as cold as a knife, looking at the traces blood on the black dog's back in front of him.

That is a handprint.

A handprint formed by blood!

He suddenly covered his own palm, and then realized that the handprint seemed to be only half the size of his palm, as if it was like a child's palm, stained with dripping blood, and this bloodmark was stamped on Ah Tu's body.

As the night got darker, suddenly there was a cold wind blowing, and the window of the room was suddenly knocked open. The cold wind rushed inside and suddenly blew out the candle.

The whole world suddenly went dark.

"I'm sorry guys I've been very busy these days so couldn't update"

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