Human King

Chapter 190: Palm

Chapter 190: Palm

"Right, it should be easy..." Dawn murmured as he looked at the forest here and there.

However, it seems that this spot was not the spot that he should be looking over as there really was no big village or something like that.

Of course, Dawn didn't plan to give up now in this area as he has already ordered Didi to find it.

What's more, he also planned to make this area their 'safety spot' as he also ordered the goblins to make this place a part of their territory.

That part should be easy enough as Dawn could feel that there were no monsters nearby the goblins.

The goblins should be able to conquer this place as there were no owners.

And it seems that Dawn's prediction on this was true as he could see Una running back to the spot where he disappeared.

There was only one reason why Una would come running back, and that would be to report his mission.

Of course, now that Dawn was done with this tallest tree, as he couldn't find the base with it, he quickly moved back down to meet Una.

Although he didn't really have to do something like that, as Una could just go up to him, Dawn didn't want to waste time now.

He still wasn't sure of the enemies' strength and numbers, after all.

If possible, Dawn wanted to crush the head first and then start conquering the southeast of the forest with that.

That would definitely be an easy ride even though there would definitely be some goblins who would die in the battle as a casualty.

Anyway, Dawn was on the ground right now as he waited for Una to appear. It shouldn't take long with Una's speed, and it seems that was the truth as Una appeared a second later.

"King." Una said as he proceeded to kneel right in front of him.

However, he wasn't finished speaking as he spoke once more with an excited voice.

"The goblins have succeeded."

And that was all Una said in regards to the order that Dawn gave to the goblins just a while ago.

After all, there was no need for any complications when it was just a matter of success or not.

And since the goblins were successful with their mission, it was only enough to say that it was a success.

Right, there was no need to overcomplicate it.

And since success means that the goblins have created a territory in this place, Dawn was satisfied with it.

Well, who wouldn't be satisfied when their underlings were able to perform a magnificent job?

Anyways, when Dawn heard what Una just said, he quickly thought of other things.

Since Didi was already on the lookout for the place of the home base, Dawn thought of the other things that the goblins could do.

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And it didn't take long for Dawn to think of one as Dawn spoke again.

"Search for tracks of monsters that roam around here, and follow them and see if they would connect us to the home base where those bastards are sleeping."


When Dawn said what he said, Una immediately disappeared as he went on to go and get the other goblins to do what the king just ordered.

Well, what the king just ordered was basically a search for the base of the three legendary hyenas, just the same with Didi.

After all, that was the only thing that the goblins could do here.

The goblins must find the home base of the three legendary hyenas before anything else.

It is only when they find the base of the three legendary hyenas could they finally do something in the forest.

Of course, that would be the time when they would clash against the subordinates of and the three legendary hyenas themselves.

Anyway, when Una disappeared, Dawn looked at the sky to check on Oz, the Lion Tiger, who was flying across the sky right now.

And it was as expected. Dawn...couldn't see Oz at all even though he was trying hard to see through the clouds and darkness.

However, Dawn really couldn't see Oz.

And that means that Oz was so high up in the sky that not even Dawn was able to see him.

Of course, if Dawn wasn't able to see him, then that means that even the other strong monsters existing in the southeast of the forest wouldn't be able to sense or even see Oz flying in the air.

"Good." Dawn murmured as this was something that he wanted.

He didn't want his card to be sensed so early in the game.

If that were to happen, it was obvious to see that his plans would have to be changed.

Well, that would only happen if there were a stronger monster than Oz.

Anyway, now that things were finally going on, Dawn was satisfied and was prepared for any changes now.

After all, it's not like every plan that he made would be executed perfectly.

He expected that some of the goblins would mess up, and cause some distributions in the forest that would foil their surprise attack.

He expected that some monsters roaming around in the forest would be able to find out the goblins who are snooping around.

He expected something to happen that would force Dawn.

However, it seems that Dawn was wrong into thinking that as there really was nothing going on for a few minutes.

No loud noises, and no new monsters...he could also feel that the goblins were doing great as they did each of their tasks as they roamed around the forest for tracks.

It seems that the goblins were truly determined to finish this job perfectly as none of them slacked off of doing their jobs.

Well, it was simply impossible for a goblin to slack off when it was their king who ordered them.

Anyway, when Dawn finished feeling all that, he finally could conclude something.

"Weird...the forest is weird." He murmured as his eyes turned sharp.

After all, the forest was always unpredictable. There was no way to predict what would happen in the forest no matter how prepared one is.

It was always chaotic and it was always full of unknown things, and that was why it was weird.

It was weird for the forest to be this calm was weird for Dawn's plans to be going this smooth.

They were able to get to the center of the southeast of the forest easily, and without having any real problems except for that spider that Oz killed.

They were also able to gather much information even though they wasted quite a lot of time.

However, even so, the way this attack was moving...Dawn was sure that it was weird.

At least, for Dawn, it was weird that one of his plans hasn't been foiled or something like that.

And when he realized that, he suddenly had a chill run down his spines as he felt goosebumps run all over his body.

"Are my plans being controlled...No, am I being controlled?" Dawn murmured as he realized that there was a chance that he was being controlled into doing all these things.

After all, it was possible that his enemies already predicted that he would come here and made plans against it.

Maybe...the calmness of the forest that was happening right now was a trap made by the enemies.

However, Dawn couldn't say for sure as he felt the area once more.

Dawn could feel everything as he did this, and he could feel no hostility against him.

He couldn't feel anything like that, which is why he was doubtful that things were going bad against him or something like that.

After all, it's not like being controlled is a bad thing. As long as Dawn was able to build the foundation he needed in this 'territory,' even if he was being controlled, he would be fine.

However, what Dawn was worried about was that...he would lose his surprise factor.

If the enemies were to know about the potential surprise attack, it was no longer a surprise attack.

And if the enemies do know about this surprise attack that Dawn was planning to make, that would mean...the fight would be harder than expected.

More casualties would come out, and things...things were looking bad.

After all, that was the only advantage they had over the enemies, and if it's gone...a head-on fight against the enemies is impossible with just their measly numbers.

"Hmm...this is bad..." Dawn murmured as he felt pressured now.

The situation was bad. And Dawn had no way knowing if they were truly found out.

Dawn was literally walking on water with a blindfold right now.

"Maybe it was a bad move to make Moris destroy the other fortress..." Dawn thought as he wished for the fighting power that Moris had.

If Moris was here, Dawn would probably be able to breathe more openly even if the enemies were to know their existence.

However, there was nothing he could do as he couldn't communicate with Moris right now.

"I feel like...I am dancing on top of someone's palm." Dawn he felt uncomfortable.

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