Human King

Chapter 191: Rabi

Chapter 191: Rabi

In the forest where the darkness has overshadowed the sun and the night was going strong, there was a goblin who was currently jumping from one tree to another as he kept running.

That goblin's speed was so fast that it was impossible to see him with one's naked eyes unless one is super strong.

Of course, this goblin was Moris, who was tasked to destroy the other fortresses located around the center of the southeast of the forest.

It seems that Moris was determined to do this job as he was going really fast and without any care at all.

After all, even if Moris was to be discovered by the enemies, it wouldn't really matter.

Why? It was because the enemies would think that the enemies were targeting their fortresses and dedicate their monsters around the fortresses now.

What's more, the goblins in the center of the southeast of the forest would be able to move better and freely as the monsters wouldn't think that there would be another threat right in the center of their hearts.

That was why Moris knew that Dawn would have allowed something like this as it would result in an advantageous battle for the other side of the goblins.

After all, the monsters focusing their efforts on the fortresses was just that advantageous, not only on the other side of the goblins but also in the overall war.

As long as Dawn and the others would be able to defeat the three legendary hyenas immediately, the war would be won by the goblins, no doubt.

The monsters would probably scatter around the forest and would try to survive as they wait for the storm called goblins to calm down.

After all, the three legendary hyenas were the heads, and once the heads are gone, it would be easy to push down the body.

Moris knew that very well, which is why he wasn't holding back his speed at all.

The way he moved through the forest seems like a bee flying in a silent room.

It was so noisy and conspicuous that it would be easy to tell that there was someone who was making all those noises.

"There's no need to hide anything now." Moris murmured as he swam in the pool called forest without any problem.

And it was because of that that Moris was finally able to see something in the far distance.

And it was...the sign of one of the fortresses in the southeast of the forest, the walls.

Right, it was the walls that Moris saw before when he destroyed one of the fortresses, and that was why Moris ran even faster as he churned up some of his powers.

And it didn't take long for Moris to appear right in front of this fortress now as he ran with all his might.

Moris...was now right in front of the fortress as he stopped running and he just stood tall on top of some tree in the forest.

However, when Moris got there, his eyes soon widened to the brim as his eyes witnessed something.

His eyes...witnessed thousands...thousands of monsters who looked like they were waiting for something to appear in this place.

After all...the monsters were currently lined up together, and they were all acting abnormally.

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It was as if...the monsters had order and manners in this place as they just stood still. There were no monsters who were trying to break out of this peaceful line, and that was weird!

After all, the monsters would always do what they want, and the only time the monsters would act this way is when their absolute ruler showed up.

It was then that Moris could see that the monsters who were stationed on the ground soon look up at the tree that he was standing on top of!

It was so weird to see that thousands of heads suddenly look up all at the same time!

And this scene made Moris feel a chill run down his spine.

After all, this means that the monsters know where Moris was at, and it wouldn't be a puzzle to think about what would happen now.

The monsters...would start chasing Moris and start their hunt for him!

However, Moris...couldn't move at all. He couldn't move at all as he just stood still on top of the tree.

'What the?!' Moris thought as he tried to move his body. It seems that Moris was really having a hard time as Moris couldn't move at all even though he was trying so hard to move.

It was then that Moris could feel something appear right in front of him.

No, it was not right in front of him, but it was at least...some distance away from him.

And what he saw was...a hyena. It was a hyena who looks like a human. 

And as soon as Moris saw this hyena, he soon...felt the pressure coming from the hyena!

"HKkkk!" Moris choked as he felt his saliva stopping at his throat.

Right, Moris, one of the strongest goblins in Dawn's village, was choking right now due to the pressure that he was feeling.

And the pressure that he was feeling was coming from the hyena right in front of him.

" the intruder was a goblin from the south." That hyena said as he observed the non-moving goblin, Moris with dangerously slit eyes.

This hyena...has quite the tough body as he had muscles all over his body, and he was big as well.

It was clear that this hyena specialized in the category of strength, and that was the truth.

After all, this hyena was Rabi, one of the three legendary hyenas who was considered to be the brawns of the group!

Right...and this means that the three legendary hyenas were on the move!

"I never expected this, but it seems like you are from that weak-ass clan. Are the other intruders in the center from the weak-ass clan, too?"

Rabi said with disappointment evident in his voice. Well, it was only normal that Rabi would be disappointed with this.

Why? It was because he could tell that Moris was from the clan that was used to heal the other goblins.

And since he was from that clan, it was clear as hell that Moris was on the weaker side of the Five Great Clans.

And if he was on the weaker side, that means that...Rabi won't be able to have any fun fighting Moris.

He won't be able to have any fun, and the fight wouldn't even last that long.

It seems that Rabi was sure of that as he just looked down on Moris with an annoyed look on his face.

However, Moris didn't care about that at all as his eyes just widened to the brim.

Why? It was because of what he just heard.

"I-Intruders in the center...?" Moris murmured with disbelief spread all over his face.

After all, that means that the hyenas also knew about the goblins in the center.

And if they knew about the goblins in the center, means that this was all a trap!

And when Moris realized that, he tried his best to move and run away from this go to the center of the southeast of the forest and rescue his king!

However, as if it were all useless, Moris...couldn't move at all.

And that was because of the pressure that Rabi released when he saw that Moris was able to get out of this place.

That strong Rabi was.

He was strong enough to be able to hold Moris down with just his pressure!

"Oho? Is there someone in the center that you wish to save? This is the first time that I am seeing a goblin react like this! Shik! Shik! Shik!"

Rabi said as he laughed. Well, it was funny for him that a goblin would actually get flustered about something.

Rabi knew that goblins were bastards who wanted to fight all day long, and they wouldn't even care if they were going to die.

They wouldn't care at all and they would just keep fighting until they die.

And of the goblins from the weak-ass clan from the Five Great Clans was actually flustered about something, and was trying to get out of this place?

Rabi couldn't believe that at all, and which is why he found this situation interesting.

Why? It was because Rabi knew that it was not because Moris was afraid for his life or something like that.

Right, it was not because of that why Moris tried to get out of this place.

" about this? If you tell me what's in the center of the forest, I'll let you live."

Rabi said as he wanted to find out why Moris wanted to get out of this place despite being a goblin.

It piqued his interest, and that was why he made this offer.

Well, there was just no way that Rabi would certainly live Moris even if Moris was to tell him what was in the center of the forest.

Of course, Moris knew that very well, which is why...he spit.

He spat on Rabi's face!

"R-rot in hell...bastard." Moris said with great difficulty as the pressure made it hard for him to speak.

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