I (30), Who Works for a Black Company and Died While Regretting My Gloomy Life, Started Over From High School!

Chapter 149: Catching a Glimpse of the Youth that Eluded Me

Chapter 149: Catching a Glimpse of the Youth that Eluded Me

I, Haruka Shijouin, of my third year as a working adult, returned to the apartment that I call home.

In my family home, saying Im back every day had become a habit. But now, living alone as a working adult, it seemed meaningless.

Instead, as always, only the dark room welcomed me.

I flicked the light switch and the room that was extravagantly spacious for just one person lit up.

When I moved into this apartment to live on my own, my father insisted on giving it to me as a present, saying it was a property with top-notch security. But

I really dont like this sort of thing, Father.

I muttered something that was definitely not praise to my father, whom I had distanced myself from a bit after graduating from university.

Taking off my suit jacket and skirt, I collapsed onto the bed with just my shirt on.

This bedding, the lighting, the curtains, the carpeteverything was a luxury item that my father had handed over to me. For someone who had only been working for three years, it was obviously inappropriate.

I glanced at my smartphone and saw a message from my father.

The content was the same as always, worrying about my health and how I was getting along.

And, just like always, I replied with safe and unremarkable answers.

Im fine, Im doing well, Im getting used to the workplace

Yes, thats right Im fine. Father, theres really nothing to worry about

I whispered to myself, alone in the room, as if reminding myself.

Yes, thats right. Im just an ordinary working adult, doing an ordinary job.

Even if it feels tough, its normal.

Theres nothing strange about it. Because thats whats normal.

As I recited this in my mind

Suddenly, I recalled the words I had spoken earlier at the izakaya.

What should I do!? Or am I just being naive!? Why am I always like this!

Why did I say something so childish? I felt terribly embarrassed for letting out such a complaint to Niihama-kun, whom I had just met after a long time.

(Its probably because of the alcohol. Its the first time Ive relaxed and had a drink with someone other than my family.)

And also, Niihama-kun was a good talker.

He understood my subtleties as if we had been friends for a long time, and I could talk to him without feeling self-conscious

(Niihama-kun Hes become really impressive, hasnt he?)

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He had said his workplace was the worst, but Niihama-kun himself had changed so much that he was unrecognizable.

Unlike his somewhat reserved high school days, he had become strong and articulate. And there was a kindness in him, caring for others.

(He took me, who he had just reunited with, so seriously)

After entering university, I realized that I inevitably attracted men, being blessed with an appearance that strongly appealed to the opposite sex.

However, it only led to countless troubles and in the midst of it all, I developed a certain wariness towards men and a discerning eye for their motives.

(But, Niihama-kun didnt seem to have any ulterior motives)

Even though I always turned down invitations from men for the slightest reasons, at that moment, I couldnt suppress my interest in him.

He didnt seem to be drawn to my appearance, and he focused solely on my inner self

Im sorry

Saying that to him, who had almost begged me, I coldly rejected his proposal to quit my job.

I felt sorry for him, and I didnt think his suggestion was wrong.

His words about witnessing many severe cases at his black company carried a weight that wasnt just a passing thought.


Thats the one thing I cant do.

That one thing, no matter what, I couldnt agree to it.

No matter how correct it might be, I couldnt accept it.

In this room, which, with my own salary, I shouldnt have been able to afford, I looked around at the overly expensive furniture.

This room It forced me to confront the fact that I was the daughter of a big company president, with privileges that I was born with.

I cant quit

Because if I did, I would fall apart completely.


The first thing I perceived was the room dyed in the orange hues of twilight, and the scent of books filling the air.

Next, what reached my ears were the shouts of the sports club and the music from the wind ensemble coming from outside the window. Yet, neither of them was jarring; they rather emphasized the tranquil silence of the place I was standing in.

The school library?

In an adult ladys suit, I, Haruka Shijouin, was perplexed by this unexpected sight.

Im sure I was dozing off on my bed

A dream? It feels strangely vivid though

The lucid dream unfolding before me was rather peculiar. First, the details were extraordinarily intricate. Despite being memories of the library in my high school, which I graduated from seven years ago, even the scratches on the desks and the titles of the lined-up books were vivid.

Moreover, usually when I dream of my student days, I find myself back as a student. But now, I, in an adult ladys suit, stood in a corner of the library.

Why am I dreaming about high school at this time? And why any good memories now

The sight of my alma mater didnt bring me any joy or interest. After all, my school life had been rather dull. There were no cherished moments stored in the album of my memory

I did it! I got all the answers right! And its all thanks to continuing these study sessions!


Turning towards the voice, there stood a teenage me dressed in a school uniform.

The me from back then. Trying to be liked by others, yet not making much effort to be liked. The childlike me who was still innocent, believing everything would be solved in the future.


Oh, great job, Shijouin-san! Youre using the official badge perfectly!

Hehe, thats all thanks to you, Niihama-kun! Thank you so much for teaching me every day!


I was astounded by this unimaginable scene.

There, wearing a school uniform, was the high school student Niihama-kun. He seemed to be teaching me, who was wearing a yukata and working busily, offering octopus balls and drinks on paper plates to the customers.

A takoyaki stall? I remember our class had a simple exhibit around this time

Dreams might be absurd, but the alterations were going too far, and I was left in dumbfounded amazement. The smell of takoyaki pervading the air, the elaborately decorated classroom, everything was so realistic It was as if this were reality.

Yet its strange! Even though its this busy Im having so much fun!


The me in the dream was sweating profusely, but she was laughing with genuine delight.

It was as if she was fully enjoying this time, like a scene from a light novel I used to love.

Haha! It really might be strange!

Answering the mes voice was Niihama-kun, wearing a happi coat and tirelessly making takoyaki. He too was drenched in sweat, busy with his work.

Im insanely busy and feel like Im about to die, but Im insanely enjoying it!

The Niihama-kun who should have had a quiet personality back then was also wearing a cheerful smile, seeming to share the same feelings as me.

I felt like there was something I didnt know between these two.

Again, the scene shifted.

This time, it looked like a classroom during lunch break.

Phew, its finally lunchtime! Im starving!

Oh, that tamagoyaki looks super delicious, Haruka. Want to trade it for this boiled broccoli?

No way, Mitsuki Thats an awful exchange rate. At least offer me some bacon-wrapped stuff!


Spread before the me, who was supposed to always spend her time in solitude, were two female students who treated her very familiarly.

Those two girls, we should have had no connection. I barely remembered their names, but I didnt have any memories of having lunch happily like this.

In this supposed fabricated sceneI was chatting happily, just like any normal girl, and I was left in astonishment.

Andscenes kept changing rapidly from there.

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