I Became A System

Chapter 12 - Expedition

The trainer had finished his compliments. Wow, that was 10 minutes of an interview... That's what I feel. He even asked for some personal information.

"I can see great talent in you. Maybe you want to join the knights? We are currently accepting female talent."

"Ah. No, I'm just an ordinary herb collector. It's just a coincidence that I care about people's safety."

"Ohh... You have a good heart. You'll live longer than I will."

I don't know if it's only me who can notice the trainer, but he really lacks vocabulary. He likes to compliment, but his words are limited. I guess, he is a knight with a lack of background. Or he has just pure talent.

"May I ask what is you rune?"

"I'm sorry, I don't really disclose my rune."

"Ah, haha. I guess you have a high-ranking rune in close-combat. I will just safely assume, I guess."

After such a long talk with the trainer, he left Ellena and continued his lecture.

"You're really awesome Big Sister. The captain even praised you!" Isabella remarked with a joyous exclamation.

"No. It's just a help from Aaron."

"Oh, come on, don't be too humble, Ellena. You are just too talented. Shadow Hero." I teasingly said while she was listening to the trainer's voice.

Ellena made a pouty face, making me chuckle. That's too cute. How can she be so adorable? Oh... please make me stop!

'Geez! Can you please stop it Aaron? I'm trying to concentrate here.'

The training continued, but I was aware of a glare directed at Ellena. Because of that feeling, I looked for that glare and saw the same girl who was shooting some daggers from her eyes.

That girl the trainer praised earlier, she's really envious, isn't she? Does she want the attention all to her?

Just why is that girl envious of Ellena? AH! NO need to ask! Why am I stupid! It's because of Ellena's talent. Geez.

The training was finished and I saw the girl gazing back and forth at Ellena, as if she was observing her.

The girl actually looks the same age as Ellena. She has red ponytail hair and fair skin. Her face conveys a determined demeanor. I can tell, she could feel some rivalry.

The redhead approached Ellena and attempted to speak with her, but Isabella cut her off right away.

"Big Sister, can I ask you and Big Brother Aaron what I should do?"


Right. I have thought of a training for her.

"Tell her about molding a rock into her desired design. In that way, she can learn how to easily control objects' atoms."

This is really an important matter. Her potential is gradually growing. Before, she could only make an item strong for a short amount of time, but right now, she can make it permanent.

She has already learned how to control the solidity of objects, so she understands how to make the atoms obey her commands. And the next way to fully command them is to learn how to mold them. She could probably figure out how to make atoms of gas and liquid matter obey her commands.

Really, imagination is the stepping stone to this world. I can't teach her any mathematical formulas because she won't understand them. I will just let her imagination work on it.

"I see... Thank you, Big Brother."

"You're welcome."

"Aaron said, you're welcome."

And just after Ellena and Isabella finished their conversation, the red head stepped forward.

"Nice for you. Perhaps you'll be recruited as a female knight." The voice of the red head is really strong. She has the sound of a typical tsundere's voice. But I don't know if she is a tsundere.

"Hmmm...? How may I help you?" Ellena, on the other hand, just acted like she hadn't noticed that girl. I'm guessing she's well aware of it as well.

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"I'm Selena. A bronze close-combat adventurer."

"Ellena, copper adventurer."

From what I can see, this red head is observing Ellena up close. Maybe she was observing her potential rival. Haha.

"Wanna spar?"

Out of nowhere? This girl is really envy huh? Well, I can't react anymore. I just have to watch how Ellena handles it.

"I'm good. We're on our way back to our inn."

But that answer, the red head, made it look like Ellena was avoiding her. Half of it is the reason, but can't she just be mature?

"Perhaps you are afraid."

Ellena just smiled with her eyes closed. She also learned how to act a fake modest. Ellena is really...

"Yes. According to what you say. " Ellena simply cut the redhead's remark. She couldn't argue with Ellena, or even have a chance to fight her.

"Selena, don't bother her anymore. If you don't want to have a bad side with the guild." A fellow adventurer cuts off Selena red head. She really can't be on the bad side of Ellena, because Ellena has a good relationship with the guild.

"What do you mean?" A confused expression emerged on her face.

"It's because she's the number one provider of herbs. If the guild learns about this, they will obviously warn you. It will be bad for you, specially your just starting."

The eyes of the red head widened as she heard the guy's words. She didn't expected it huh. Ellena's contribution was greater than that of the majority of the silver adventurers. It's just that Ellena's rank remains copper, the lowest, because herb gathering does not rank you higher. You must first amass a diverse set of accomplishments and contributions.

It's also because the guild needs to assess your abilities, which Ellena hasn't yet. And obviously, with what happened earlier, the guild will start to recognize Ellena's capabilities.

"Tsk. That's why she is so confident."

What are you making Ellena for?! She isn't thickhead like you! She simply did not want to be bothered.

"I see you were not contented with what you saw earlier."

No Ellna. You must not play with that red head! Argh! This is not good!

"Prove it to me. If you really are that good."

"I see... then I surrender. My time is not that cheap."

Pft! Nice save Ellena! I thought you were going to bite that bait.

Ah... Why do I even underestimate Ellena? She's not the same girl as before. She is way smarter than her previous mediocre self.

I noticed the red head releasing some smoke. Her head was heating up from annoyance. That was really priceless.

Ellena... I can't take this anymore... Why would I even think that you still need me.


It was already 3 days after the joint training of knights and adventurers ended. The team organization was preparing for the expedition.

Just after they finished the preparation, they spread the plan to the participants.

First, the expedition is simple data collecting. There are experienced individuals from both sides to help the newcomers learn a little.

After gathering data, they will return to prepare some subjugation for the dungeon investigators' evaluation.

The reason why there is a force, rather, trained adventurers is because they need to learn some experience and also have insurance for the expedition.

There are unknown dangers to approaching an overflowing dungeon. That's why a number of 50 was collected as a participant force for the expedition.

As the adventurers finished their preparation, they met up with the knights in front of the gate.

"Why did you join this expedition?" That question was from the red head. She was really curious about Ellena. I think she is confused about why an herb collector decided to join the force, if they could just stay as herb collectors.

"It's for the safety of the people. How about you?"

Ellena knows how to carry on a proper conversation. That's 5 stars!

"For money. I need money, which is why I'm doing this. They do, after all, offer a substantial sum. "

I see. Money is her driving force. I'm not judging her because of that. I can't really say that she's greedy because money is her driving force. People have their own situations.

Minutes later, the expedition team entered the forest. I levitated my vision 1 meter above and observed the vicinity.

I saw some wandering goblins. They are from 3-5, just scattering through the woods. It means they're getting close to the dungeon's entrance.

The front line began to encounter goblins. It was a calm extermination. They simply killed the hostile goblins without making a sound. I guess they are experienced enough to not be panicked by small monsters.

Ellena was assigned to the midguard because they were the newcomers. The rear and vanguard are positioned for experienced people.

"We're starting to get close to the gate." Ellena murmured just making around her hear her.

Ellena also noticed it. Just after the vanguard started to slay some goblins, they became restless and continued to spawn. It only means one thing: they are around the perimeter of the overflowing dungeon.

"How can you fight with goblins, Ellena?" The red head is getting closer to Ellena? I guess, their conversation while venturing help her settle her problem.

"Uhm. Isn't it obvious? I fight with swords."

Did you just sound like sarcastic, Ellena? I mean, Ellena learned how to play with words. It's just that I didn't expect her to learn sarcasm.

"You're stupid. I'm referring to your rune."

"Be specific. Nothing's clear this days."

Oh!!! What is this? I can't! It's too funny. I can't!

It's like a debate between two 4-eyes. It was exactly like that for a short moment.

Is this a sign of friendship? Oh... it would be great if Ellena had a friend with a different personality.

"I can't tell you about my rune. It's really different. Assume that I did not activate my rune. " Ellena is starting to reduce her sarcasm. I guess sometimes there are words and situations where something hits her nerves.

"I see... You have pure talent. Good for you. Perhaps they'll accept you as a knight."

"I don't want it. The Knights are honorary nobility, and I don't particularly like them."


Selena, let's call her like that. After all, she settled her envy towards Ellena. It won't be bad to be nice to her.

She's starting to have some confused expression. Probably because she could feel some prejudice, or hate?

"My parents disowned me. They're both nobles."

Is this a sign that Ellena hates her parents? The probability that this is a result of her development is high. She no longer acts like a mediocre person. She learned a lot in just a week of socializing!

Selena finally expressed her surprise. Her eyes widened as if she couldn't believe what Ellena had just said.

"Why would they do that? You are talented."

"Not before I was on that estate. Just... don't mind it. Let's get going."

Ellena left Selena and continued on her own, at a fast pace. The goblins were getting plenty, so she decided to join in the killings.

Selena, on the other hand, was just left astonished. I believe she discovered some of Ellena's heavy experiences. But I think it wouldn't be bad to let her know. She can assume everything, but Ellena won't be bothered by it. I know she won't.

"Ellena, are you starting to hate your parents?" I inquired about her emotions. I want to be there to support her, so learning her emotional situation and mental health is appropriate to help her at any time.

Ellena is becoming more complicated. I can't anticipate or even deduce her decisions. She is no longer merely mediocre. She's getting better at handling the situation.

'Yes. I just realized that. You know, Aaron, I can feel what you feel and I know that you hate my parents too.'

"Wha-! How? I mean, I'm not physically connected with you. I am just your rune, but it doesn't mean that there's a physical connection there."

'I don't know. It's just like we have some telepathic connections. Let's put it like that. I can barely feel your emotions.'

"Does this mean you despise your parents because of me? Please stop it if that's the reason."

I don't want to feel guilty anymore. I've been trying to forget how I used to control you for the past few days. I was sorry so many times, but I started to accept reality too. I just molded you so that you can stand on your own feet. But it doesn't mean that I will use you.

'No. I was stupid in those days. From observing how people react, how they interact, I can tell that I was stupid. I was talentless.'

But you are not. You're supposed to be destined for greatness. But in that greatness, she failed.

"I see... thank you, I guess. It made me feel better."

'Yeah. Thank you too. For assisting me, even if you have to control my idiotic self.'

She realized it too?

'Don't feel bad. I know it was because you loved me. And, I love you too...'

Just hearing those words... I can't help but feel down... I don't deserve this, Ellena. You were just too kind for you to feel like this towards me... I'm not worth of it.

It was true that I loved her. Really... I love her more than anything... She's too precious to me...

Haha. I can't believe what I just thought. Is it possible for an invisible entity to be sentimental? Just how did I become this stupid after losing my brain?

'Hey! I said don't feel bad about it! Aren't you listening to me?'

Ah... Okay... I'll just have to listen to my host. After all, she's my everything.


We were silent for the moment. Ellena just ignored the silence and continued her venture with the expedition team. With these 50 individuals, they won't encounter something dangerous, right? But that was a flag I had just set up.

"Everyone, prepare for combat! There are almost 150 goblins and among them are some variants." The expedition team's leader uttered an exclamation. He was also the one who trained the newcomers.

The veterans help the newcomers maintain their composure. This is a nice sign, but there are still some who become careless because of being hysterical.

The goblins are the same height as human children. They also have pointed noses and ears, which add to their grotesque appearance. Their saliva was also dripping.

"Ellena, move to the right. It looks like there are more there, but up ahead there are just normal goblins. At the left are variants, we still don't know their abilities so first lessen the numbers."

What I mean variants are rare kind of a goblin. Rare goblin means... they have runes and different eye color. They are also twice the size of a typical goblin.

"Leader. I will move to the right!" Ellena exclaimed, requesting permission from the leader.

"What-! You're supposed to be in the mid, Ellena!"

"Please forgive me. Those variants are simply too powerful, and we can't focus on them because of the swarming goblins. Let me handle the numbers. Please focus on the stronger ones."

Ellena suggested something brilliant. It made the leader smile in delight as she observed Ellena's eyes.

"You're not just altruistic, but also smart. Go on! Men! Go to the left! There are more variants there."

Ellena smiled in response and rushed towards the right. As she passed through the wave of goblins, the beaming sounds became louder. Slashing through their necks, she immediately beheaded them.

I am confident that Ellena will be able to complete this task. After all, she works out every day, which helps her stamina.

"Ellena, don't use too much of your abilities, you Arm Acustomization and your Footwork will drain your stamina. Use your actual reflex."


After fighting with the other newcomers, they successfully killed the normal goblins and the only ones left were the variants, which half of them were already handled by the veterans...

I levitated my vision to see more of the surroundings... I noticed the leader was fighting with some massive goblins, so I focused my attention on them.

But... That variant goblin is not normal. It has red markings reaching its forehead where more markings exist. It has gleaming linings on its forehead that set it apart from the others...

I won't believe this! This... Ellena's strength is not enough! Why? Why?! Those are signs of beings called... dimensional chaos.

Demons are beginning to appear.

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