I Became A System

Chapter 13 - Demon: Goblin General

"Nice! We have already finished with these goblins. It won't be a problem for the veterans right?"

Just after the normal goblins were defeated, the new comers only have little injuries. There were no casualties, thanks to the plan that Ellena had thought. WE THOUGHT.

"I think it's enough." Ellena remarked calmly, as she helped Selena wipe away the blood on her face.


"You are a good girl!" A guy had just approached Ellena, praising her for her amusing movements earlier.

I can tell that Ellena has a pure talent in swordsmanship. Swordsmanship is a thing that you can learn without having a rune specific for it. Just the difference with a close-combat rune owners is that they improve quickly.

Magic is also a thing that can be learned, but not that powerful. Non-mage rune owners can only do basic magic, like ignition, which produces a small fire by igniting fire woods.

"Yes, that was also amazing, Ellena. I was stupid of thinking you as my rival."

So I was right. Selena was thinking of Ellena as her potential rival. I don't know why, but it won't hurt to know about it.

"Why? I don't see any thing to fight for." Ellena said as she wiped her sword. This sword is bought from the weapon shop, after all, she decided to pursue on fighting in dungeons, she needs a weapon that won't use too much stamina.

"I was aiming to become a knight. That's why I joined the expedition team so that I could get some attentions of the captains. I was just trying my luck."

Hm... if that's her case, why would she go far of rivaling with Ellena? She can just join- ah! I see... She can't join because of her status as a commoner.

"Was it because you were a commoner?" Ellena asked as she rest for a while. There are still someone who's fighting and it was the veterans. They already took their part so it won't be bad to rest a little.

"Yes. It was because I was a commoner. I couldn't join the knight's academy. I don't have money, so my only ticket is to be recruited by captains."

She was really trying hard huh. What is because of money? She really needs a money? I think that Ellena won't be too stupid to help her problems.

"Do you need some help? Maybe I can talk with the captain?"

Selena smiled awkwardly after hearing Ellena's words. I think she would feel bad about feeling that Ellena was talking to her out of pity.

"No! Of course! I will feel bad to know that it was because of pity."

I was right... It was because of her pride... But after all, pride makes humans human. It is part of human nature, so I can't talk about it.

"I'm not pitying you. I think that your efforts are enough to be recognized."

"Thank you."

"Why do you need that much of money?" Ellena is starting to get curiosed of Slena's life. I think that this is also part of her development, to be curious of other people's life. Well, I just can think of it in that way. It's because I was observing the changes in Ellena.

"It's because of the orphanage. I was raised there and budgets are not enough."

Huh? Wait! We just donated some moneys there. Don't tell me someone stole it. No way... I thought that the church would be a righteous place...

"What do you mean, not enough budget?" Ellena also noticed it.

The money from the slave trader, we donated it in the church so that they can send it to the orphanage. But to think that there are also some corrupt activites there... it's unexpected.

"The great mother of the orphanage was a noble... but to think that she was sending the budget for the church to her family... I just can't accept it."

Ellena gritted her teeth as she heard Selena's story. I think that we will expand our target range.

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Selena, on the other hand, was making a down expression. That was really painful for her huh. I can barely imagine the sufferings of the orphans experiencing.

"Then why did you not sell her off?"

Selena made a hesistant face before answering. "It's because only me know it. No one will believe me. After the rumor that a rich girl donated a big amount to the church, no one saw that money so it remained as a rumor."

"Tsk. I'm sorry, Selena. It's my fault."

"What? No it's not!" Ellena shook her head hearing Selena's comfort.

"It was mine. If I just observed the church first, this won't happened."

"What do you mean?"

Ellena faced Selan as if telling her important information. But it really was, but the reason for this was to show Selena her serious face.

"I am the one who donated that money. But to think that it would become like this... I'm sorry I didn't study that place."

Selena widened her eyes. That was really a big revelation for her. To think that the one who donated was the person you are facing right now. I can't even imagine her reaction.

"Is it true?"


Selena face a different direction before sighing.

"Hah... it's okay. It's our fate, I guess. We can't fight it."

"No, Selena, I will fight for it!"

Just after that heartful talk. A scream echoed through the forest. The forest was already covered with cries, but this was different. It was a scream in agony.

Their attention was altered into the source of the scream. It was the veterans who was bleeding and have a scared expression at their enemies.

Their enemies are variants. The body of the variant goblins was distinguishable than the most variants. It has markings around the body and lining on its forehead.

Those are dimensional chaos... demons.

"The veterans hurt! Let's help them!" The newcomers decided to aid the veterans, making them rush towards the left position of the expedition team.

As they reached them, they faced a variant of a goblin who was the same size as an average adult human.

"No. Don't come here! Run away! This goblin is different from the variants."

The leader warned them as they tried to help the veterans stand up.

This isn't an expedition anymore...

"Expredition team, prepare for escape. Take the longest path so that these monsters won't follow us to the city!"

As soon as the veterans started to stand, the red-marked variant attacked them once again, making them fly away from the impact.

That's... how strong are they?

"Ellena, I suggest not going near that monster. It's out of your league."

However, despite that warning, Ellena ran towards the position of the veterans.

"Tsk. Leader, please, stand up. This won't make people safe!"

Ellena! Why would you do that?!

"Ellena, you are just an adventurer. This isn't your job. Go, escape, we will buy you enough time."

"No. I don't agree with you. These monsters are different as you said." Ellena is adamant about it.

Why? This is a stupid move, Ellena. Just respect their decision... There's no way you can fight that monster.

"Ellena, take the other newcomers and run away."


"Ellena, why do you insist on it so much?! We can't fight that monster." I cut off her exclamations. I can't take it anymore. This infuriates me. Ellena is not stupid enough to sacrifice her life for nothing.

As I observed the situation, the variant just attacked the other participants indiscriminately. His hands are glistening with red marks, and his muscles are clearly massive. Even swords cannot pierce his thick skin.

Ellena, on the other hand, stepped back from the leader and faced the variant.

Argh! I'm out of ideas for making Ellena fight that monster! We don't have enough fear points to exchange some abilities.

"How many points do I still have, Aaron?"

I was hesitant at first, but my system's nature was activated out of nowhere, making me answer her question.

"We only have 28 fear points."

"Can I exchange it for an ability that can make me strong overtime."

"I'm sorry, esteemed host, the level is not enough to exchange Berserker for 28 points. You must have at least 300 points."

That! was a huge amount. My system nature is acting up, making me not hesistant of answering Ellena. Ellena is on the more dominant side of the system, so I can't act as if I'm arguing with her right now.

I need to think of a proper solution! I don't have enough information. The Berserker ability is an ability of a close-combat rune owner and since it has a huge contribution in combats, it is expensive.

How can we collect that much?! This is too much!

"I can't let this kill them."

I don't know how to react. I can't make her believe in anything anymore. She has already established her personality. She also has a sense of justice that's too strong for me to fight. She won't leave them, of course.

"Then... fight it. Use Stealth to get near it and Footwork Acustomization to do it haste."

I don't have any choice anymore. Ellena is acting up strange. Maybe her noble traits is acting, like her justice persona but in a way stronger manner.

Ellena makes some serious faces, really serious ones that I haven't seen before. Her eyebrows are lower as her eyes are also squinted. She was gritting her teeth and clicking her tongue.

"Ellena!" A call from Selena stopped her for a moment.

"Selena, I promise that I will fix everything."

After that, Ellena rushed towards the variant. She used Stealth making her presence less noticeable and Footwork Acostumization for her footwork. It was my suggestion, but her movements played a big role in this.

Ellena jumped on different huge rocks, escaping the gaze of the variant. She then reached for the variant's back and thrust her sword at it.

There was only a bruise from the sword's piercing.

Shit! Just how hard and thick is this monster? Is this what the veteran said, that this variant is different? Maybe his ability is something that makes him really hard.

"Ellena, use your Lightning."

"Yes." Ellena controlled her breath and produced threads of lightning. It rushed towards the variant and fortunately, it was electrocuted. After the shock, smoke appeared on top of the skin, but... we were not fortunate enough. The variant seems not much affected.

The variant was acting that he would swing his arms towards his back. "Ellena, back away!"

But it was too late; the variant had moved too quickly. It wasn't even a swing anymore; it was more of a punch.

The variant was taking a stance that looked like a stance in karate.

He forward his right foot and faced his back sending a huge punch with his left arm. His right arms were leveled with his chest.

This... I can't believe this... They are intelligent. This is not a variant. Why am I so ignorant to still call it a variant!

Strength is not just about the capabilities of a body, it is also measured by the ability to think properly while using the capabilities of the body to their maximum potential.

Ellena was thrown away and landed her back in a tree.

I released a scream just before Ellena was thrown. I was too surprised, astonished and worried by her condition right now.

She spit blood, smiled, and re-set her foot on the ground.

"Aaron, do you have any suggestions? I can't defeat it."

"Dummy! I already said that you can't defeat that monster!"

"Haha. Sorry... but I can't just leave them behind."

Ellena took a look back at the veterans who were still on the ground, fighting for their lives. The leader of the expedition was kneeling on his left knee, supporting his right foot on the ground. Selena was on the back of the leader, covering her mouth in what she saw.

"Men! Look at that girl! She isn't backing out! Can you accept that!" That was a shout from the leader, I think more as a way of increasing morale.

I looked at the variant— demon. His red marks were all around his body. I observed his rune on his right hand and saw nothing. I see...

I observed the demon once again and used my little knowledge of demons. Demons looks the same as variants, but the thing about them is that they have an ability, an ability the same as humans. Just like the other variants, these demons can be compared to a high-rank knight, or at least a general.

"Ellena, that is a Goblin General. It specializes in close combat, which is what it is supposed to be."

"How did you know?"

"That was a stupid question, Ellena. Have you forgotten what your rune is?"

I let out a chuckle, trying to dig up more of the vague information that my employer gave me.

Demons who only know how to fight have runes, but their runes are not the same as humans. They may be a variant for those who are not knowledgeable, but the variants have runes slightly comparable to a teenager. But demons are not variants.

It was incorrect to refer to this demon as a variant; this was a bad thing. But right now, I'm getting confident. I think we can fight this demon.

First and foremost, how did I know it was a demon... because of its red markings... A goblin with red markings are demons... or any monster with red markings...

Second, how did I discover that this demon was comparable to a high-knight? It's because the veteran leader was defeated.

And lastly, how did I know it was a Goblin General? Because I named it at this moment. After all, it was an unnamed type of demon, so I just gave it a name.

Hah... that was a lot of thinking... and I already knew how to defeat them. That is to remove his rune. And it's rune is the markings... lining... on its forehead.

"Ellena, do you want to know how to defeat that?"

"That's a stupid... gukh! question." Ellena spit out more blood.

"Sorry." I am getting worried as she spits more blood.

"Make your hair black again. We need some points." Ellena, on the other hand, didn't oppose my funny suggestion. She just smiled and wiped away her blood.

"Sure.... I'm no longer affected by the term "cursed child."

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