I Fell For My Nemesis

Chapter 68 - You're A Miracle Worker

Christian had a hard time falling asleep that night. Part of it was that it felt wrong not having Avery here (he never did sleep as well on the nights she was gone) and part of it was being overloaded with thoughts about the future. 

The wedding was being held at eleven but he didn't need to leave for a few hours so he ended up going to breakfast with Trevor and Eric, who he hadn't seen in years before they flew out here. Catching up with them specifically helped the time pass before he needed to get ready. 

Trevor had gotten married to his girlfriend about a year after finishing law school and now had two children and Eric was thinking about proposing to his girlfriend since they had been together for four years. He laughed that he was a slowpoke compared to Christian, who had met Avery less than a year ago. 

"How did you meet her, anyway?" Eric asked. 

"Her bakery is on the first floor of the building I work in. I thought she was pretty so I ordered a cake from her for Liam's birthday and that got us on a semi-friendly basis. Nothing happened for months though until she fell down the stairs and landed on me in the subway. 

"She got a pretty bad nosebleed so I stayed with her until Angelo came to pick her up. She made me this amazing apology cake even though she didn't need to and I ended up asking her out. The rest is history," Christian said with a shrug. 

They both laughed and grinned at him. Andrew leaned his head on one hand and said, "That whole story was a rollercoaster. Not what I would have expected."

"I've learned to expect the unexpected with Avery. She really knows how to shake things up and that's exactly what I need."

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"I can tell. You've always been a pretty chill go-with-the-flow kind of guy and you seem more animated with her. I'm happy for you," Eric said as he clapped him on the shoulder. "We should all go get ready now though if we don't want to be late."

Their little group disbanded and Christian headed home to put on his suit and tie and do his hair nicely for the pictures. He put on a suit and tie every morning before going to the office but this was different. He was doing it to get married to the woman he loved more than anything in the world. 

He hurried to get ready and saw that he had a text from Avery that said "see you soon" with a heart emoji. He smiled and sent her a heart back before hurrying to his car. 

When he arrived at the venue his parents and Liam were already there. He saw Vanessa briefly too heading to the brides' room so Avery must be here as well. His stomach flipped at the thought. This was really happening!

Christian went to go stand with them and he finally had a minute to talk to his brother. "Hey, Liam. Thanks for yesterday. Plastic crown aside, you did a good job with the party planning. I had fun."

Liam looked both surprised and pleased by the compliment. He decided to be flippant about it rather than show he was moved. "Look at you having fun with something! I'm so proud."

"Can you just accept my thanks like a normal person?"

"Right. You're welcome."

Christian glanced out at the crowd and saw people filing in. His heart began to race and he could really use some loop-de-loops right now but a) had nowhere to do them and b) couldn't mess up his hair or outfit. 

The rest of the groomsmen arrived and the florist came around pinning boutonnieres on all of them, last minute checks were done, and before he knew it the music was playing indicating it was time for everything to start. His erratic heartbeat only grew worse. 

The officiant went down the aisle first then he was up like they had practiced. He forced himself to walk and not float despite his nerves. 

Trevor and Marianne came down together next. Then Eric and Maribel. Liam and Vanessa. Hector the ringbearer. Sofia the flower girl, who was so into it she was skipping. 

Christian's heart leapt to his throat when he saw Avery with her arm in Angelo's at the top of the aisle. She was unearthly beautiful in a ballgown-style dress with a lace bodice and her white hair in an elaborate updo. 

She beamed when she caught sight of him and he felt tears come to his eyes against his will. Beautiful. She was so beautiful and she was about to become his forever. He felt like his smile might split his face as they slowly and purposefully approached. 

When they arrived at the front Angelo squeezed Avery's hands and gave her a jerky nod before handing her off to Christian. Her violet eyes sparkled as she turned to him and his heart momentarily stopped. 

He hardly paid attention to a word the officiant was saying because his attention was solely on his wife-to-be but he tuned in when it was nearly time to say I do. "…for better or for worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health, til death do you part?" the officiant asked him. 

"I do," Christian said firmly. 

He didn't want Avery to have a hard time anymore. He had promised to be there for her as she figured things out and that was exactly what he planned to do. Secrets or no secrets he would have her back whatever happened. 

The officiant asked her the same question and she said "I do" with tears shining in her eyes. They exchanged rings and when the officiant said he could kiss the bride he didn't need to be told twice and neither did she. She threw her arms around his neck before kissing him and he couldn't even process all of the cheers and catcalls. His head was entirely full of her. 


Avery's bachelorette party was much needed to help her relax. Getting her nails painted lavender while laughing with her friends and Christian's cousin Kristin (who was surprisingly good company), playing silly party games Vanessa had put together, and watching some of her favorite chick flicks while enjoying home spa treatments was exactly what the doctor ordered.

She was sleeping over at Vanessa's so her best friend could help her get ready for her big day and was so nervous and unable to sleep they had to watch another movie after everyone else left. It was so late she was out cold before the credits were over. 

The following morning she woke up to the smell of crepes being prepared and felt her mouth water. Crepes were one of Vanessa's specialties. 

"Someone's going all out," she commented. 

"I have to spoil my best girl on her big day! What toppings do you want?"

"Whipped cream and berries, please."

"You got it."

Vanessa served them up and Avery gave her a big hug. "You're amazing. Thanks, Ness."

"Any time! I want to do your hair and makeup here once you're done eating and you can change once we get to the venue. You're going to knock Christian's socks off by the time I'm done with you." 

Avery laughed. That sounded more like a threat than anything. "Is that so?"

"You bet!" The doorbell rang and Vanessa got up to get it. "That must be Maribel. She's going to do your hair since I don't know much about working with your texture and she's a professional. She's going to do your makeup too with the palette we got from that consultation we went to a while back. I already have it set up in my bathroom." 

She certainly came prepared, didn't she? Avery had won a free raffle for brides-to-be involving a wedding makeup consultation and she invited her bridesmaids to attend with her a couple of months ago. 

Marianne was savvy to these things because her mom had been a consultant for this makeup brand before and she knew all of their sales tricks. They didn't pay a cent but still got free samples because of her expertise, which was great. 

"I've got you, Güera," Maribel reassured Avery as she sat her down. "You're going to look like an angel by the time I'm done with you."

And she did. Avery could hardly recognize herself in the mirror. Maribel's makeup skills were truly impressive. She looked much more feminine than usual and managed to have a more dramatic makeup look without it being too excessive for her skin tone.

"You're a miracle worker," she said in awe. 

"I try. Come on, we need to get to the venue! Everyone has to be waiting for us by now."

Avery was practically shoved out the door and barely managed to grab her wedding dress and shoes on the way out. She was currently wearing a button-up shirt, jeans, and boots so she could change easily without messing up Maribel's masterpiece. The others were already in their dresses with their hair and makeup done. 

When they arrived she changed and had people fussing over her constantly. Nancy, the tías, the florist, the photographer, the bridesmaids. She hardly had room to breathe. 

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