I Fell For My Nemesis

Chapter 69 - She Had Done It!

Avery was rather overwhelmed as people fussed over her. She had been the recipient of so many hugs and felt trapped. She was beginning to panic. What was she even doing? She couldn't marry her former archnemesis!

Before she knew it she was ushered to the area where people where the bridal party was gathering. The panic was swelling into a crescendo until she felt someone's hands on her shoulders. 

"Güera! Quit spacing out! We're almost up unless you changed your mind. Because if you did I can totally get us out of here," Angelo said seriously.

That brought her back to earth. No, she hadn't changed her mind. She had made her decision and she had to stick to it no matter what happened later. Even if her heart did get broken and everything was ruined she wanted to enjoy being happy now. 

"I'm fine. I was just…swarmed in there," Avery replied lamely. 

Angelo sighed and muttered to himself in Spanish before poking her cheek. "Well, snap out of it. Once you're in there I doubt your fiancé is going to let go of you so he can handle the swarms on your behalf." 

Right. Her fiancé. The whole reason she was here. Angelo was right; Christian would have her back once she was with him. 

All she had to do was get through the ceremony and then she could focus on relaxing with him in Costa Rica. Everything was going to be fine. She needed to breathe and get through this. Everyone here meant well. They were here because they loved her and weren't trying to smother her. This mental block she had about getting married was her problem. 

Avery had agreed to this. She said yes when Christian asked her to marry him so whatever happened next was on her. 

"I'm snapped out of it. Thanks, Angelo." 

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"Come on, I think that's our cue," he said when he noticed the music changing to the bridal march. 

She took a deep breath and linked her arm through his. She tried not to think of the insanity she was going forward with or the fact that her dad was supposed to be here instead of Angelo. She tried not to think of anything at all. 

It wasn't hard once they were at the top of the aisle and she saw Christian grinning at her for all he was worth. She couldn't help but return it. He was why she was putting herself through this. She loved him and she wanted to be with him so she had charged straight ahead, screwing any potential consequences. 

He gave her hope for a future that wasn't filled with revenge. One that had peaceful moments, laughter, and a whole lot of love. The kind of future she thought was out of reach forever when her dad died. 

Avery would fight for that future. Getting married felt riskier than all of her Nox missions combined but here she was. Fighting for it. 

She felt a lot better once her hands were being squeezed by the man she loved. As Angelo predicted, he didn't let go of her so she didn't feel quite so overwhelmed by all of the attention. 

They went to take pictures and even once it was time to include family in the shots his hand remained around her waist. They did pictures with his immediate family first then his aunts, uncles, and cousins who came joined in. 

After that it was time for the pictures on her side. She didn't have any immediate family unless she counted Angelo. She hesitated for a moment, wondering if she should even bother with those sorts of pictures, but he clinched it for her by coming over and making an Avery sandwich by standing on her other side and putting his arm around her back too. 

The photographer took a few pictures like that before the entire Cruz clan piled into the shot. Earlier she had been too overwhelmed to notice it but they had all worn her wedding colors just like Christian's family. 

Avery was tempted to cry as she felt affection for them overwhelm her. Her family that wasn't her family had come through without her even asking them to. 

She was emotional through the bridal party pictures and ended up eating her feelings a bit once they made it to the luncheon part of the wedding. She had felt so loved today. Being taken care of by Vanessa and Maribel in the morning…Angelo standing in for her dad walking down the aisle and in the pictures…what the Cruzes did…the way Christian had been looking at her the entire time. 

It would be a miracle if she wasn't bawling by the end of this. And she wasn't much of a crier! 

Getting injured as a kid wasn't enough to make her cry. She knew how to soldier on. The last time she had cried was the first anniversary of her dad's death. Maybe happy tears were different than sad ones. 

The best man/maid of honor speeches were up while everyone was still seated. Avery was a little worried about Liam's but it was a lot more sentimental than she had expected. 

"My brother Chris is the straightest arrow you'll ever meet. Sometimes it drives me crazy but he's always been there for me when I needed him. He's a little too uptight but he's the most dependable person I've ever met. 

"I like to give him a hard time about things but really it's because he's so good at everything he does. He's smart and hard-working and willing to lend a hand to anyone who needs it even if it inconveniences him. I'm actually really proud of him though this is the only time I'll admit it.

"Chris, I'm really glad you found someone who makes you happy. As far as I've seen, Avery is perfect for you because she gets you to lighten up. I'm looking forward to having her as a part of our family. She's lucky to have you and so am I," Liam finished. 

Christian looked incredibly moved and got up to wrap his brother in a bear hug. He grunted and mumbled that his ribs were being crushed. 

Avery laughed at that but the real danger of tears was when Vanessa did her speech. It wasn't much longer than Liam's but she had to try very hard not to ruin her makeup throughout it. 

"Avery is my best friend. We met in culinary school but didn't interact much until we both got jobs at Carmine's Bakery around the same time. That was when we realized we practically shared a brain. 

"Having her around has brought so much more laughter into my life and I'm so grateful for that. Being alone in the big city is hard and she's been there for me more times than I can count in the past few years. She is the literal light of my life since she's a bit blinding when the light shines on her a certain way when she's wearing her uniform under the kitchen lights." 

Avery snorted and that momentarily helped her stem her tears. A few other people laughed as well. 

Vanessa continued. "I was so happy when I found out Avery was seeing someone who made her so happy. I always hoped she would find a guy who could dazzle her with witty banter like in those movies we like and that's exactly what happened. 

"I've been able to spend a lot of time with the two of them and can say with confidence that they are absolutely perfect for each other. Christian, I'm sure you're aware of this but you're married to the best girl in the world. So take care of her for me. I love you, Aves."

"Ness!" Avery wailed, unable to take it anymore. 

As everyone else clapped she hugged her best friend tightly and wished more than anything that Vanessa could find someone who made her happy too. That was when the tears finally overflowed and she had to have her best friend do a makeup check when they broke apart. 

Vanessa was crying too and laughing at the same time. "I didn't see you needing waterproof makeup. My bad."

Avery rolled her eyes. "Whatever. And I love you too."

After the emotional part got out of the way it was time for the bouquet and garter tosses. They were caught by an ecstatic Maribel (the rest of the Cruzes gave Jorge such a hard time after that) and a nonplussed Kyle. 

Then it was time for the first dance and Avery was in Christian's arms and couldn't think about poor Jorge getting ribbed anymore because this was the first time they had done this. They had never gone dancing before and he didn't seem to know what he was doing but she didn't care. 

She had done it! She had actually married the man she loved! In this moment nothing else could possibly matter. 

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