I Know the Secret to Surpass Level 100

Chapter 355: Cloaked Man in White

Chapter 355: Cloaked Man in White

As the kings planned on how to defend themselves against the darkness that came out from the pit, a figure had already escaped from it.

Their planning days and weeks, making the figure from the pit infiltrate the Crimson Castle completely. It took form of a child and wandered in the kitchen in the middle of the night.

There, a kitchen maid saw him and adopted him as her own. The woman was a kind to the boy. She even treated him with care like he was her actual son, giving him all the love she could offer even when the world they knew might soon end.

As the days passed, the shadows got closer. The Kings were panicking for they were yet to finalize their plans to defend the world. They weren't ready to deal with the darkness from the pit, and they were scared.

They sought out for warriors who were willing to fight for their kingdom. The kings asked for days, but no one set foot forward. Everyone was afraid. No one wanted to die. Even the top Aventurers backed out, making the lower Adventurers get scared even more.

The Kings lost all hope until one young boy took a step forward. He walked out of the crowd and walked in the aisle of the throne room, garnering all the attention and making the people whisper to themselves.

"Who is that boy?"

"Isn't he the one who was adopted by that kitchen maid?"

"A peasant, walking like that? How brave of him."

The boy ignored all the whispers. He continued walking until he reached the bottom of the stairs of the stage where the thrones were. "My kings, let me introduce myself first."

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Everyone was shocked after hearing the boy's voice. It was deep but smooth, as if he was a man three times his age.

The crowd could only gasp in fear, shutting all the whispers when a dark cloud crawled from the feet of the boy and covered his body. The cloud coated the boy's body, showing how he was able to grow taller in a matter of seconds.

"I am Irus, a dweller from that pit you are having trouble dealing with right now," Irus introduced. "I saw the beauty of this realm, but my brothers and sisters want to destroy it. I do not wish for such things to happen, that is why I want to extend my arms to help you."

"How do we know we can trust you?" the Grass King asked. "What if you are actually the evil one and they want to save this realm before you destroyed it?"

"I do not plan on doing such thing, your majesties," Irus said. "My eyes saw how beautiful thie realm is, and how much goodness can do to people. I found that goodness in Miss Rita that adopted me. Please allow me to help, your majesties."

"Very well," the Azure King slammed both his palms together.

Immediately, the other kings opposed.

"Are you crazy?" the Sun King yelled, his voice higher than he intended. "Pardon me, Azure King, but you are making a wrong decision here."

"I concur," the Purple King said. "We cannot just trust anyone, especially someone who claims that they are from that pit. They are dangerous. You know what that cloud did to our men."

"That cloud was an attack from the ones who dwell on that pit," Irus interjected. "The Seven Deathly Sins, the ones who rules the Eighth Layer of the Abyss. One of them alone could wipe out your little kingdom if you don't act now."

"I agree with the Azure King," the Grass King suddenly raised. "We don't have any more time. And whatever it might be, if he is a traitor or not, we will die."

"Might as well take a chance," the Crimson King added, smiling to the Grass King. "I also agree to let Irus help us. Our kingdom is in deep peril, it is not the time for us to be picky."

"It is decided then!" The Azure King stood. "Irus, you will help us defeat the Seven Deathly Sins. Let us know of your plan, and we will start right away."

"But before that, my kings" Irus trailed off. "I would like to request one thing. I know how my brothers and sisters feel right now. They are confused, and the darkness from the Abyss are corrupting their minds."

"Meaning?" the Purple King quirked his brow up. "That anytime they could go on a rampage and kill us all?"

"Not exactly, your majesty," Irus scratched the back of his head. "I would like to exchange a few words with them. I want to convince them to stop. If you could let me do this one thing, I would be forever indebted to you."

"I don't see why not," the Grass King smiled. "Very well, now show us your plan."

"First, you need a lot of influx of mana," Irus said. "Let me show you how to seal them properly."

Days afrer Irus went to the kingdom to help the Kings, he managed to built an altar meant to seal the sins. He told them about his plan, how he'll lure the Sins to the altar and for the Kings to activate it with a power of hundreds of Adventurers.

The Kings agreed to his plan, all of them trusted Irus wholeheartedly. They managed to get closer to the Sin and even took care of the kitchen maid who helped him in the kingdom.

They all saw how close Irus was to the woman, just like how a child was close to their mother. Their relationship was closer than most mother and son they saw in their lifetime.

That was until Irus's secret was revealed.

The day before they executed their plan, a cloaked man in white reached out to the king and whispered something in their ears. The Kings were enraged by the news, but they didn't tell anyone yet. They had another plan in mind.

It was the start of the collapse of the Five Kings.

"Where are the humans?" Livor asked while Irus led them deeper into the forest.

It was the day of the sealing, and Irus was now leading them to the altar. He went back to the pit and told the other Sins that he saw a large group of humans. He promised them to give the humans to the others for he have devoured so many already.

The Sins didn't know that it was the star of Irus's task. That was before he knew that it was actually a start of another person's plan.

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