I Know the Secret to Surpass Level 100

Chapter 356: Irus, the Sin of Wrath

Chapter 356: Irus, the Sin of Wrath

Seven figures walk down the forest. Three of them were human in size, but the other four were giants with such height that they reached past the trees.

"Are we there yet?" Leslie groaned. "I'm tired."

"We're here," Irus cheered. He took a few steps forward before turning around and slamming both his hands on the ground. "Everyone, now!"

A large circular symbol appeared on the ground below the other Sins. The symbol trapped them in a state of trance, making them unable to move their bodies except of their mouths.

"What is the meaning of this?!" Aviditio growled. "Irus, what is this?!"

"You want to annihilate humans," Irus said. "Why?"

"The Forsaken wants us to," Aviditio replied. "What do you think you're doing, huh? Why are you betraying us like this?"

"Promise me first that you won't kill any more humans," Irus said. "Please, I don't want to do this too. But the humans they are not a threat. Please."

"Okay, then," Aviditio sighed. "If that's what you want, Irus. We will live with the humans in harmony."

"Maybe we can create anothe realm for us!" Juno cheered. "The humans can visit us there any time they want. That would be wonderful."

"Indeed," Vigor laughed. "I want to create more food in our realm. We can eat as many as we can there."

"Yes!" Irus raised both his hands in happiness. His heart was filled with joy after hearing the other Sin's response. "Hear that, your majesties? The Sins doesn't want to hurt you"

"Seize them!" The Azure King yelled. The trees surrounding the sins fell, revealing the Adventurers gathering around them.

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There was a platform where the kings stood. A tall platform with their thrones sitting on top of. The Azure King raised his hand and pointed them at the Sins, making a large number of Adventurers walk forward and created domes that trapped the Sins inside.

"Y-Your majesties, what is the meaning of this?" Irus gasped. "We have an arrangement, your majesties. We planned for me to convince them to not attack and we will not do the plan anymore."

"What plan is it, Irus?!" Aviditio yelled in anger. "Tell me!"

"To seal all of you," a man walked in front of the platform where the Kings were seated. The Sins, even the crowd gasped when they saw the man.

Tall, muscular, has white long hair and had strong features. But the most notable of them all, was the large wings on his back.

"Who killed the army when they went to the pit?" the Angel asked, looking at Irus. "Who killed the civilian who got near the pit? Isn't it just you, Irus?"

Irus was silent.

"You caused for the corruption of their men to happen. It was your fault that it happened wasn't it?!" the Angel yelled.

"You don't understand!" Irus cried. "I was possessed by the darkness of the Abyss. Its power consumed me whole."

"And what if that darkness would consume you again?" the Angel asked, raising his head and made Irus felt small. "You can't even answer."

"Sariel, we can't thank you enough for this information," the Grass King said. "So that's whe he resorted to sealing the Sins instead of killing them. He's still one of them after all. A mere spawn of the Abyss."

"M-My King" Irus stuttered, looking at the once kindest King to him turn cold. "I-I'm sorry."

"You killed my men. It is time you pay the price," the Grass King said with no remorse. He raised his hand, along with the other Kings and started the sealing process.

"Since we can't think of other methods, we will seal you for now and kill you when we have the power," the Crimson King said. "How painful it must be for you to know that your plan is what's going to destroy you and your allies."

"Please, don't." Tears fell from Irus's eyes, the Sin not believing the events that had been happening.

"Seal them!" Sariel commanded.

His command made the Adventurers gather their power and sealed the other Sins away. Irus watched his brethren being deformed and morphed into almost nothingness.

"Please stop!" Irus yelled, crying even louder. "I don't want any of this to happen. Please, I'm sorry. Everyone, I'm so sorry."

The other sins were completely sealed, making Irus fall to his knees. He watched the Twilight Wings stored in a chest like they were mere objects. His brothers and sisters, treated like they were nothing.

"And to top things off," Sariel grinned. He gestured his hand and two guards dragged Rita, the kitchen maid, in front of the platform.

"Don't drag mama into this!" Irus yelled. "Kill me! Just kill me! Please don't do it. You already took everything from me! My sisters, my brothers. What more do you want?!"

"It had been unanimously voted that this woman is an accomplice of the Seven Deathly Sins!" Sariel yelled. He brandished his sword and hovered beside Rita. "And for that, the Kings sentence you with treason!"

With a swing of his sword, the woman's head rolled to the ground. This silence the world. It felt as though the time was paused.

The skies darkened, the earth shook. It was like the planet was shaking itself by how powerful the earthquakes were. A terrifying aura seethed out from Irus's dome. His eyes lost their light as he became a presence that would reach all people in all realms.

Fear would creep into the other realm's hearts as they felt the aura of anger. It was an aura that was capable of destroying them all.

"No!" Sariel yelled. "Seal him! Seal him now!"

Adventurers gathered around Irus's dome, but it was too late. With a slash of his bare hands, he cracked the dome open, cutting all the Adventurers around him in half like paper.

"Do you know what Sin I represent?" Irus asked. "We embody sins of humans and those sins are the aspect that makes us powerful. Aviditio of Greed, Livor of Pride, Vigor of Gluttony, Juno of Envy, Leslie of Sloth, and Mystique of Lust. Now what is missing?"

When no one answered, Irus slashed his hand to the side, firing a beam that destroyed everything in its path. They were far from the sea, but his attack managed to split the ocean.

"Answer me!" Irus yelled. 

"Wrath," Sariel squeaked. "You're Irus, the Sin of Wrath."

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