I Know the Secret to Surpass Level 100

Chapter 381: Ed vs Sayu

Chapter 381: Ed vs Sayu

Ed watched as Elizabeth smiled, blood dripping from the tip of her lips. The boy caught the woman's body before she could fall to the ground.

"Elizabeth? What are you doing here?" Ed asked. "Why... Why?"

"I came here to help," Elizabeth whispered. "The Raven Justice caught wind of what was happening here in the East, so he sent us immediately."

"That can't be," Ed whispered. "But why didn't you use your magic?"

"You nullified my shield earlier on your first strike," Elizabeth said. She started coughing blood which made Ed panic even more. 

"Liz!" the boy yelled. "Please, stay with me Liz."

"That's okay," Elizabeth whispered, tracing her hand on his face. "You're as handsome as the day I first so you."

Ed sniffed his nose while holding back his tears, "Which was?"

The woman paused for a moment, seemingly not knowing what to reply. "What?"

"You're not as convincing," Ed chuckled. He threw Elizabeth and rolled to where he dropped his sword. "You're such a bad liar, Sayu!"

Ed raised his sword and pierced it to the ground. "I struck down Hope earlier. What do you mean by Liz's magic?"

"No!" Sayu yelled. "You can't do that!"

"The Eternal Chaos's magic has already made its way to my system," Ed said. "I always have known that you have hidden intentions."

"Oh yeah?" Sayu chuckled.

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"Oh, yes"

Ed froze after feeling the wooden object in his hands. He looked down and saw that his sword was now a wooden stick. He immediately let go of it and took a couple of steps back, only to stumble on a small wooden crate.

"It seems like your trump card failed you," Sayu chuckled.

A pair of hands appeared in front of Ed. It slammed its palms together and opened it, creating a sphere in the middle made from the burning green light. The hands weaved the sphere into multiple smaller orbs before it thrust towards Ed, shooting the orbs like a rain of bullets. 

"Die!" Sayu yelled. "Illusory Burn!"

Ed watched the orbs multiply as it got closer and closer to him. If there's something that he leared from Sayu, it's that not all of these were real. Her illusions were so realistic that something like this would look real.

He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He opened his eyes, revealing a bright purple tint in his orbs. They were like glowing crystals, shining brightly and beautifully.

"My sword!" Ed yelled. He ran to the side to where he saw his sword. He could see everything clearly. The fog of illusion Sayu put up was nothing in Ed's eyes. His body had absorbed the Eternal Chaos's powers that his blood contained nullification magic.

With a grip of his sword and a stance to strike swift slashes, Ed sought to find the fake orbs. Seeing the ones he needed to hit, Ed sighed and hit them one by one.

"Chaseaway Strike," he whispered. In a blink of an eye, all the green orbs vanished. He stood upright and raised his sword, coating it with his signature purple aura.

He slashed his sword forward, firing the purple aura in a straight direction. As if a sharp sword through a soft silk cloth, the space ripped and Sayu's fog of illusion cleared.

Ed found himself in the middle of the crates, separated from his friends. He looked around and tried to felt their presence but it seemed like he was prioritized by Sayu. "So, you knew I was a threat to you."

"You cannot possibly" Sayu trailed off after seeing Ed hit the real attacks and let the fake ones pass through. "But how?!"

"How I saw through everything? You see, having this Curse in your arm makes your body almost rip with the amount of power it has," Ed said. "The Eternal Chaos Curse has limitless powers and where does that flow? Into my body."

"Y-You absorbed all of them?" Sayu stuttered. "Nobody could possibly do that! Something so powerful can't be contained by a single being."

"That is why" Ed trailed off, raised his sword again and widen his eyes to make the purple orbs lit with a bright light. "I made the magic from the curse seep into my body and weave its way into my mana. Then I burn the nullification mana with the nullification magic and absorb the rest. My body has been doing this the day after I got the curse."

"But that was so long ago!" Sayu yelled. "The East has always been watching the West and we saw your battle with the Etheorian Usurper, Biankka the Snake Marquess. Is it because you're an Eternal?"

"You were all watching?" Ed smirked. "So, all of you Easterners knew everything that had been happening in the Weat and did nothing to help. My friend's uncle, his only family died because you didn't help! A lot of people perished because you didn't help. We were fighting for our realm and all you did was watch."

"That was because we also have our people to protect!" Sayu yelled. "All the wars were so focused on the West that we didn't try to help. The Emperors told us do. Us generals ruled the kingdoms in peace."

"Pathetic," Ed chuckled. His sword lit up with an even brighter purple light. It was burning wildly, like a hungry beast locked in a cage trying to get out. "The East is pathetic."

"Bright it on then," Sayu yelled, raising her hands to absorb more power from the Amethyst Maiden. "I'm not scared of any human. I have the Maiden with me, as long as she's with me, I will never"

The light from the Amethyst Maiden suddenly vanished. Sayu waved her hand in the air to feel the aura but nothing was happening. "What?"

She turned around and saw a large glass casing around the stone woman. The glass had golden engravings on it that was glowing, preventing the power from the Maiden to get out.

"Who did this?!" Sayu growled. "Give me back my power!"

"You've done enough, Sayu."

Emperor Yamato walked out from the darkness and stopped beside Ed. He raised his hand to show the same golden symbols that were glowing on the glass case. "I am here to take what's rightfully mine."

"You old fart!" Sayu screeched. "You dare defy a general of the Diamond Emperor?!"

"Enough!" Emperor Yamato yelled. "You've threatened me enough. You attacked my kingdom and pretend to become the assistant to control me and my people. You kill the innocent and feast on their flesh and blood, and you dare kill me."

"You're nothing!" Sayu yelled. "This will reach the Diamond Emperor and I swear to my grave that you shall pay."

"Mr. Ed, finish her," Emperor Yamato said. "She doesn't have the Amethyst Maiden's powers anymore."

Sayu shook her head and turned around. She tried to run away but chains made from black and white light pierced her legs and pulled her to the ground. "No!"

"Ed, do it now!" Lance yelled.

Ed nodded and spun, making the light of his sword follow his movements like a graceful piece of cloth in a windy hill. "Chaotic Fluster."

Like a gust of strong winds, the purple aura coming from Ed's sword gush to where Sayu was pinned down on. The woman yelled as the wind blew past her, swallowing her inside the purple aura until her screams couldn't be heard anymore.

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