I Know the Secret to Surpass Level 100

Chapter 403: Cultivation

Chapter 403: Cultivation

Junko had her face contorted after all the boys shook their heads. "That's unfortunate. Arcane Points are dense mana that's cultivated in a person's body. You can use it to bend nature's will and create things like"

She waved her hand in the air and started a dance. Her garments were made of silk and moved gracefully like clouds. In her hands as a purple aura that spun from her elbow and into her palm.

"Flames of Evernight."

All five boys gasped after hearing her cast. They reached out her hand to stop her but it was too late. She had already casted her skill.

"Miss Junko, please no!" Kaminari yelled. "This room is made of wood!"

Junko lowered her hands, pointing it to the ground. While her palms were facing each other, she slowly lifted it up in her chest level where she conjured a ball of flames. "This flame is made of Arcane Points. Great isn't it?"

It felt as though a tumbleweed had passed through the room, as a deafening silence filled it. The room was void of sound while Junko proudly lifted her flames in the air.

"All that dance" Elliot's eye twitched. "And just for a ball of sword?"

"I know!" Junko chuckled. "Before, it took longer to cast this skill, but I shortened it. I am considered one of the strongest Cultivators in our time. You don't have to be impressed."

Connor seethed and sighed. "Follow me."

The blonde boy led the woman outside of the secret room and brought her to a window. Junko was grinning while following him, keeping her ball of flames in the center of her palms.

"Where are you taking me?" Junko asked. "I bet you're gonna attempt to do cultivation. It takes years of practice, young man."

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Connor opened a window and brandished his sword. He pointed his sword outside and ignited his blade with a raging flames, shooting a beam that passed through the entire city.

The ball of flames in Junko's hands looked like it was a bubble, popping in the air. "I-I"

"Magic had evolved throughout the years," Connor said. "Your cultivation technique is no longer practiced due to this reason."

"W-What" Junko was stunned. She was in shock after seeing the parade of power right in front of her. "That was what one of the Emperors could do. Their greatest attack"

"Was one of my weakest ones," Connor flattened his lips. "But Miss Junko, what does Arcane Points actually do?"

"Magic," Junko said. "It can perform magic just like I displayed. We burn the Arcane Points and bend the laws of nature. Creating fire, growing plants, fill a gallon of drinking water. It's all part of cultivation."

"Miss," Elliot walked up to her. "This world does not work like it used to do. Cultivation is no longer practiced, and Arcane Points are rare."

"So, you no longer need Arcane Points?" Junko asked. 

"We still need it," Kaminari said. "Us, Masters have our own exclusive set of skills and we use Arcane Points to enhance it. We are currently facing a battle against oppressors who wants to rule over us. Miss, we need your help."

"Oh," Junko felt relieved. "I will teach you how to harness Arcane Points then."

"Thank you," the boys bowed in front of Junko. "But first, you have to help me. I have my sister who was also a fiance of one of the Suns. I bet she turned to stone too."

"What stone did she become?" Elliot asked, to which Junko shook his head for. 

The woman sighed and placed her hand on her chest, "I'm sorry, but I don't know. I don't even know what stone I was."

"What kingdom is she was going to be married to, then?" Kaminari asked. "I know all the kingdoms' Maidens, maybe I can help you find her."

"Maharlika," Junko said. "The archipelago of the North. She was betrothed to Emperor Bathala."

"That's" Kaminari trailed off. "Maharlika is further from here, miss. It will take us weeks to travel there."

"I" Junko paused. "I will train you first then. After that, do you swear to help me?"

The boys raised their right hands to their side, and chorused. "We promise."

"Why did I promise?" Ed groaned. He was feeling that his body was about to collapse. "I don't even have skills that requires Arcane Points."

"You might need it in the future. All Eternals needs it," Connor said. "So, don't sound like a petty basic b*tch, and get to work."

To cultivate Arcane Points, one must clear all Mana Points. Mana Points represent energy and magic, draining it would leave someone in the verge of collapse.

But they have to retain this state in a conscious state for a whole day, like they were cleansing their body with bad substances. After a day, when they recover their Mana Points, the Arcane Points bar would start to fill.

When asked if they would do it again, Junko shook her head. She said that Cultivators would clear their energy when earning Arcane Points for the first time and their bodies will collect magic in the when they regain it.

Using this logic, Adventurers and Explorers needs to clear their Mana Points, and the Arcane Points will recover with it. Though this was still highly experimental, they needed to at least try.

"How many more hours?" Ed asked. "I'm almost dying here. My mind is full of evil thoughts, just wanting to sip magic in the air and refill my mana."

"No," Elliot said. "Once you do that, you'll start all over again."

"What if it doesn't work?" Ed groaned. "Whatever. I'll try it again once you have yours."

"Ed, your blithering idiot!" Connor yelled, and both of them had stopped their draining of Mana Points.

Connor saw the 1/8,200 in his Console, making him yell in anger. "Oh, no!"

The blonde boy yelled in anger, but immediately stopped when below his Mana Points bar, a 1/4,100 was displayed.

"It worked!" Connor cheered. "My AP is being refilled."

The others immediately got out of concentration. They watched their Console and waited for the bars to refill. 

MP: 1/87,000

AP: 1/43,500

Elliot grinned, "This is amazing. Miss Junko!"

The woman ran up to them. "Is it done?"

"Yes, it is," Kaminari said. "I can finally maximize the exclusive skill."

Elliot chuckled and nodded. "We now have a bigger chance to defeat the Diamond Emperor."

While they celebrated for their new achievements, a crow was flying over to a giant palace. It landed in the arms of a man who immediately had his eyes widen. "Oh, no." 

The man ran inside the palace, rushing to all the doors until he reached a hall with a large throne in the middle. He walked in front of the throne and kneeled, bowing to the person in the throne.

"Sire, there are multiple massive discharge of mana in Shyako," the man reported. "There was a purple beam earlier, meanin that"

"I know what that beam means!" the Diamond Emperor yelled. "Our little Crystal Maiden awakened Junko. It won't take long before she awakens all the others. If that happens, all of our plans will go to waste. But wait, discharge of mana?"

"Sire, we believe that the Avancians have cultivated Arcane Points."

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