I Know the Secret to Surpass Level 100

Chapter 404: Beacon of Substitution

Chapter 404: Beacon of Substitution

Licht's eyes widened and his jaw fell when he heard the report. In his anger, he burst an aura with a destructive force, blowing the man away.

"And Angin?" Licht asked. "Do you have a news of him?"

"He was killed along with Sayu, sire. The man immediately returned kneeling and bowing to the floor. "They resisted the darkness before they died."

"Resist?" Licht fell back to his throne and laughed. "What nerve do they have to resist the Queen's powers. They are nothing but ants, yet they dared to do it? No wonder they ended up dead."


"Silence!" Licht yelled. "I have no choice, but to go to Shyako myself. This is getting out of hand. The longer we keep it that way, the harder it will be for us."

"Do you want me to prepare the ships sire?" the man asked.

Licht waved his hand at he man dismissively. The man left the room, bowing several times before returning to his post.


The doors of their throne room opened. The four men who escorted Elliot and his friends to the East walked inside, all standing with their heads lifted in the air.

"Good thing that you are here and not in Du Du's," Licht said. "The Four Stars of Dawn. I have a task for you."

All four men listened intently as Licht continued, "In Shyako are pathetic rebels who think they have a chance against me. I want you to dispose of them now. They already have Arcane Points, and Angin's magic had most likely fallen into their hands."

The man with the sword symbol stepped forward. "We will go to Shyako right this second, sire."

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Licht smiled, "Good. Now, go!"

"Amazing!" Connor was in his morphed form, riding his staff while flying in the air. He was flying around the city, grinning at himself. "This is amazing!"

"You're such a baby," Ed yelled. "Come back here."

"Arcane Points is being consumed much slower than Mana Points," Connor said. "At full bars, I could remain in this form for several hours. Isn't that amazing?"

"And your skills?" Ed narrowed his eyes.

Connor just shrugged and raises his hands above him, pointing his palms to the skies. "Light Harbinger!"

Two rings made of flames were shaped above his palms, one smaller than the other. He thrust his hands up and fired a giant beam of flames in the air, even creating a hole in the clouds after it reached them.

"Oh, my god," Ed gasped. "Connor, that's amazing."

Connor's morphed form disappeared and he leaped to the ground. "And thus, I ran our of AP."

"When did you get that skill?" Ed asked. "That was so amazing."

"Hey!" Junko was running towards them. She had an angry look on her face as she walked closer to them. "Why are you wasting your magic? Do you know how important that is?"

"Uhm." The boys chorused and looked at each other. This made Junko sigh and slam her hand on her face.

"We need to get out of here," she said. "I bet whoever is after us had already known you're cultivating Arcane Points. The massive magic you discharged yesterday reached several cities away."

"And how did you know that?" Connor asked.

Junko whistled loudly and a dove landed in her shoulder. "I have eyes all over the kingdom. Whatever that's"

The woman suddenly stopped and her eyes widened in shock. She looked at the two boys and then behind her where Elliot, Lance, and Kaminari were.

"Miss Junko, what's wrong?" Elliot asked. "Why do you look so scared?"

"An army is coming here," Junko said. "You may have great magic, but they have most liket greater."

"How many are they?" Elliot asked. 

Junko closed her eyes, fluttering it open to answer, "Four."

Lance's face contorted with confusion, "Four thousand?"

"Just four people," Junko shook her head. "They already killed all my wards in the area. And there's something wrong with them. They seem to be made of darkness, and they're inside a large bird that's made of metal."

"The airships," the boys chorused.

"It won't be long until they get here. You all need to escape, I'll buy you some time," Kaminari said. "Now, go!"

"What are you talking about?" Elliot chuckled. "Let's fight them right here. We can fight them now that we have Arcane Points."

"Can we really?" Elliot asked. "I mean, the four of them have their own massive auras with them. It's hidden, yet revealed."

"We faced the Armageddon," Lance chuckled. "After that, I don't think there's any fiercer enemy."

"I just wish the reinforcements gets here quick," Ed sighed. "I'm tired of fighting these battles alone."

"I wonder how they are," Elliot sighed. "They seem to be taking their time."

"It took us days to get here," Lance spoke. "It will take them at least one day to travel back, and then more to go here."

"Let's just wish them safety," Elliot said. "But we all know Hope. He'll keep them safe."

While they spoke about Hope and the others, they had just reached Avancia. He reverted back to his human form halfway to the travel after he ran out of mana. He went with Christina on the Deep Sea Wanderer and the ride from then on was through the large beast.

"I hope you keep this a secret to everyone," Christina said. "I'm not really connected to the Abyss mentally. I just happen to have some of their magic."

"Rest assured, your secret is safe with us," Florencia smiled. "Now let's go."

They bid farewell to the Deep Sea Wanderer and rode Hope to Solaguer. It will take them a few more hours to reach the capital city, where they'll ask for help.

Not long after, they reached Solaguer. And what greeted them was a city void with people. It was too silent, no one was outside. They could hear whispers coming from the buildings, but no one dared to go out.

"What in the heavens happened here?" Florencia asked out loud. "Where are they?"

Four guards appeared in front of them. The guards had spears whom they raised to point at their necks.

"What is the meaning of this?" Florencia gasped. "How dare you do this?"

"Oh," one of the guards said. "It's the envoys that went to the East."

"We're here to report to the king," Hope stepped forward. "Take us to him."

The king gripped his chair after hearing Hope report everything that had happened in the East that he knew of. He knows about the Crystal Maidens, Sayu, and how the Diamond Emperor and Jade Emperor overtook all the kingdoms under Malice's orders.

"And Lance?" King Leopold asked. "What happened to him?"

"He stayed and fought Sayu," Hope replied. "Your majesty, we need your help. The East is taken over by Malice. If she can expand her powers there, it won't take long before she will take over us too."

The king stood along with the Holy Crow and Raven Justice. They looked at each other, seemingly talking in their heads and nodded not a second after.

King Leopold cleared his throat while looking at everyone in the room who had expectant expressions, "The Trinity of Power declares a State of Emergency. Commence, the Beacon of Substitution!"

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