I Received System to Become Dragonborn

Chapter 297 Getting Close

Thomas had just read an email sent by General Lennard.

Turns out the email had come an hour earlier.

However, Thomas didn't have time to open it because he was busy holding a meeting about what the next experiments they should do with Steve and Annie were.

But still, the message from General Lennard who is his superior is also important.

Thomas opened the email with a lazy expression on his face.

Because the email came when he was doing something that he thought was very important for this project. And something that he likes more than anything else.


Thomas's forehead creased as he read the email.

There was written something that caught his attention a little more than the meeting he had just now.

"An anomaly under the sea?"

General Lennard told Thomas the information he received from Erend.

And he told Thomas to check it at any cost.

Typical General Lennard. He always wanted to get results without thinking too much about the process.

That sometimes annoyed Thomas. But that kind of attitude was way better than the General coming here and meddling in his business.

Or give directions that end up just ruining everything.

Thomas had an experience with a boss like that. And those were the moments while running a project he hated the most.

Thomas sighed and immediately called Conrad to come to his room.

Conrad arrived shortly after.

It was already ten o'clock in the evening. But as usual, Conrad indicated that he had just finished meditating.

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A few minutes after he finished meditating, Conrad's body would emit a thin silver light.

Although it is thin, everyone can see it quite clearly.

Having seen Conrad for months, everyone in the facility was used to it.

They didn't think of it as a shocking phenomenon anymore.

"What's going on?" Conrad asked in a curious tone.

Thomas nodded his chin at the computer screen.

Conrad immediately sat down next to Thomas and looked at the computer.

Conrad read the email from General Lennard for a few moments.

His brow furrowed. "Then what? He wants us to find out about this?"

Thomas only answered with a nod.

"But how? We've never even been allowed out of this place," Conrad said.

Thomas sighed. "You know how the General is. He wants us to find out everything related to Magic."

"Even when it doesn't make any sense?" Ballad Conrad. "We can't get out of here so how does he expect us to find out?"

"According to him, you as a human who has lived in another world for a long time will know many things."

Conrad sighed in frustration.

"So do you know anything about this?"

Conrad drew closer to the computer and then leaned his head towards the monitor.

He spent a few seconds reading the email again.

"There's a monster appearing under the sea," muttered Conrad.

"About this, I've heard that Magic can indeed make a creature evolve."

Thomas looked at Conrad. "I've heard that from you before. Then, what else do you know?"

"Not much," Conrad said. "Omylia mentioned the creature that rules the ocean. But I thought it was impossible for those creatures to get here."

"Why not?" Thomas asked.

"That ocean creature is very reluctant to leave the ocean. Let alone go to another world," Conrad replied.

"Then you are sure that this incident was not caused by that ocean creature?"

Conrad shook his head. "I'm certain."

"Well," Thomas shrugged. "Then let's just say we don't know anything."

Thomas moved closer to his computer and started typing a reply.

Of course, he made his reply look reasonable. By including all sorts of excuses - not entirely lies - that he had heard from Conrad.

"How are Steve and Annie doing? I haven't seen much of them lately," Conrad said.

"At an hour like this, they are usually still practicing. Don't worry about them. They showed good results."

Even though he heard Thomas say that, Conrad wasn't sure if everything was really all right.

That lumpy feeling was still in his chest. Disturbing his sleep at night.

Conrad felt... Something was approaching. He didn't know what it was.

Unfortunately, Conrad also didn't know if that was a good thing or a bad thing.

That's why he didn't say anything to Thomas before. But now Conrad felt a sense of urgency that he should start telling Thomas that.

"Hey," Conrad called.


"What if I told you I had some kind of strange feeling?" Conrad said.

Thomas' forehead creased. "What do you mean?"

"What if... Something went wrong with Steve and Annie?"


Their journey is filled with silence for a few minutes because all they have in their heads are problems that lie in the future.

Even worse is the fact that the 'future' is not that far away.

But as the trip continued, their minds became less fixated on it.

They can talk again when they are in the car or resting for a while.

They are starting to accept that it is inevitable.

So there's no point in getting caught up in those worries.

They continued driving through major cities until they reached the countryside.

The dense environment with bright lights and buildings began to be replaced by the quiet and dark atmosphere of the countryside.

Time passed and the two days journey finally come to an end. They were getting close to their goal.

A secret facility in a remote place that holds something big.

"How much longer?" Saeldir asked.

"About two or three hours."

They were close to the place when it was already dawn. The sky in the east has started to show a reddish color.

"You can make us all invisible, can't you?" Billy asked Aurdis and Saeldir.

Saeldir just nodded.

"Of course," Aurdis replied.

"How long can you keep it up?"

"Since there are two of us, we can maintain the Magic as long as needed," Aurdis answered.

"But that doesn't mean we can freely use it. There is a possibility that we have to use other Magic," Saeldir added.


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