I Received System to Become Dragonborn

Chapter 298 Entering The Farm

After several hours passed, they finally got to see the farm. A farm located far away on the edge of a dense forest.

It was hard to imagine any humans living in a place like this. But the location of the farm is not entirely unreasonable.

In this place, many animals can be hunted. Wide land is also available.

It's just the lonely and quiet atmosphere that sometimes makes people avoid this place.

However, the farm does not exist for agricultural purposes. It's there to hide a secret facility.

The black SUV stopped quite far from the farm location. They precisely stopped at a small, uneven path.

The journey here is quite difficult because they have to pass through a dirt road filled with big holes.

It makes the car rock back and forth like a small boat in the middle of an ocean smashed by the waves.

Adrien, who was now driving the car, turned it towards the bushes.

He was careful not to let the car go into a ravine or crash into a tree.

After feeling that the car was hidden well enough, they all got out.

Saeldir painted a small Magic circle on the rear window of the car. Then a thin silver light appeared to envelop the car.

A moment later the car disappeared from their sight as if it had never been there.

Even the bushes and grass that were stepped on were back to their original state.

Erend, Billy, and Adrien were quite impressed.

However, they did not have enough time to be impressed. And they had seen enough of the amazing things Saeldir and Aurdis could do.

This allows them to control themselves more quickly.

The five of them stood staring at the small farm from quite a distance.

The houses and barns there just looked like tiny miniatures in the middle of the wilderness.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

There was a reason why they didn't move any closer yet. That was because there was an alarm set within a one kilometer radius of the farm and the building behind it.

"Let's just start," Saeldir said.

Saeldir then takes out a white cloak and gives it to Erend, Billy, and Adrien.

The three of them immediately put on the cloak without saying much.

Aurdis and Saeldir didn't need to wear anything because the Magic on their bodies was enough to make them invisible.

Aurdis and Saeldir then spread their arms toward the three of them.

A moment later the three of them had disappeared.

Followed by Saeldir and Aurdis who also disappeared.

"This will protect us from any kind of detection?" Erend asked.

There's nothing wrong with being careful and making sure of everything before entering the enemy's lair.

"Yes. You don't need to worry," Aurdis replied with a faint smile.

The smile meant to try to give peace to them.

"And we just need to communicate via telepathy," Saeldir added.

"I trust you one hundred percent," Billy said.

"There's no reason for you to not trust us," Saeldir answered his words in a serious tone.

Billy snorted. "See? We don't need to worry."

"Let's check our equipment one more time," Adrien said.

He, Erend, and Billy checked their belts where their pistol, dagger, and some grenades hanging.

Saeldir also checked his sword hanging from his waist. Aurdis checked the rings and bracelets on her hands.

As soon as he received confirmation that everything was ready, Adrien gave the signal to start walking towards the farm.

Erend, Billy, and Adrien walked with their chests pounding because they felt worried about all the traps, cameras, and sensors around this location.

But in contrast to them, Saeldir and Aurdis looked calm.

Because they already know there's nothing to worry about with their invisibility Magic.

Even though their Magic power would be significantly weakened in this other world, they could deal with human detection equipment at this scale.

Saeldir figures out something that affects all functions of this human equipment. It was something called 'electricity'.

If the source of power called electricity can be overcome, then human types of equipment will immediately lose their power and can no longer be as useful as it's supposed to be.

Besides that, the equipment called a 'camera' wouldn't be strong enough to penetrate their Magic.

At first, Saeldir was quite worried about the equipment called the 'camera' because they said the camera could observe them from a great distance. Like an eye loose wandering from its master.

But once Saeldir knew how it worked, he was immediately convinced that there was nothing to worry about.

They walked through a very wide field.

It stretches with green grass glistening with dew to the border of the surrounding forest.

They should have been caught by all sorts of invisible security detection equipment.

However, they just walked on as if nothing had happened.

They walked for a few minutes until they finally arrived at the farm. They saw two people drinking coffee on the terrace.

Most likely they are undercover security officers.

From their movements and postures, there was no way they were just ordinary farmers.

But soon an old man who was probably the only farmer came out of the house and headed for the barn.

Adrien motioned for them to follow him. So they entered with the old man into the barn.

Saeldir glanced around and found a few more cameras. He stretched his hand towards the cameras and turned them off.

Through his eyes, Saeldir told Aurdis to start.

'Brook,' Adrien called out. 'Watch the door.'

Billy nodded and walked toward the barn door. Then he said to Adrien.

'They are still staying in place, Captain.'

Aurdis touched the old man's forehead. He immediately stood up stiffly.

Then Aurdis whispered something in his ear.

Like a robot that had been given an order, the man immediately walked toward the back corner of the barn.

He opened a pile of hay on the barn floor revealing a metal door below.

Aurdis crouched by the metal door and held out her hand.

Silver light shot out of Aurdis's hand towards the door and enveloped it.

A moment later the door opened to the right and left without a sound.

Erend smiled. Then he looked at Adrien who was beside him.

'It's really convenient,' Erend said.

Adrien nodded with a satisfied smile. 'Everything is much more convenient with Magic.'

'We can go in now,' Aurdis said, looking at them.

Adrien nodded and called Billy. After that, they all started down the stairs.

It was Saeldir who entered last to free the old man from Magic and closed the door.

They continued down the stairs until they finally arrived at a fairly wide corridor. Adrien walked in front leading them.

Adrien, Erend, and Billy had their daggers ready in hand. Be prepared in case something suddenly pops up.

Coincidentally, there was a man who opened the door with an ID scanner in front of them.

'C'mon!' Adrien ran forward. The others followed running behind him.

Saeldir stretched his arms forward and stopped the man's movements at the doorway. So the door can't close.

"W-what happened..." the man was confused staring at his body that couldn't be moved.

That's when Erend, Billy, Adrien, Aurdis, and Saeldir slipped in.


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