I Received System to Become Dragonborn

Chapter 347 Practice

Arty blinked her eyes quickly a few times. She even rubbed her eyes to make sure that what she saw was something real.

"Aurdis?" Arty said, dumbfounded.

"You've met her before?" Billy who was next to her asked.

"She came to our house yesterday," Arty replied.

Billy and Adrien immediately glanced at Erend. He just shrugged as if to say 'Yeah, that happened' to both of them.

Billy and Adrien didn't bother about it and just took control of the shoulders. Besides, Arty as Erend's little sister will definitely be involved in this practice.

If the two of them had gotten the extraordinary Magic generating effect from Erend, of course, Arty would get more results than them.

It was even possible that Arty's strength would be more impressive than the two of them. If that was the case then having her present at the training this time was indeed very important.

Arty still hadn't finished looking at Aurdis in surprise. She recognized Aurdis' face well. However, now Aurdis' appearance was different from what she had seen before.

Her long glossy black hair was now silvery, soft, and shiny like silk. Her eyes were blue like sapphires in the bright sunlight. And her ears look pointy.

"So she is an Elf..." Arty let out a low, almost dreamy mumble.

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Aurdis just smiled at her. Her smile was so beautiful, her original appearance made Aurdis look several times prettier than when she disguised herself as a human yesterday.

"Let's start the practice."

Before Arty had more time to admire Aurdis' figure who had shown her true Elf form, the Elf who was next to Aurdis speaking.

His words caught Arty's attention from Aurdis. Arty almost forgot the existence of the male Elf figure because he was fascinated by Aurdis.

And when she finally realized it, Arty felt the same awestruck feeling. Saeldir's appearance made Arty's mouth gape even more than when he saw Aurdis.

Arty seemed to have been frozen by time and taken away to another dimension where only Saeldir and her were there. When Saeldir finally noticed her gaze, he said:

"We just met the first time, right?" Saeldir walked over to Arty. "My name is Saeldir. I already know your name is Arty."

Saeldir bowed with a sopa while introducing himself. That snapped Arty out of her sweet reverie.

"O-Oh!" Arty immediately tried to compose himself as quickly as possible. Even though it was quite difficult for her to do with Saeldir being this close to her. "Y-Yes, my name is Arty. Artemis, more precisely."

Saeldir smiled. "That's a beautiful name."

Arty immediately looked away from Saeldir because she felt she might really faint if she kept looking at his face.

However, Saeldir didn't seem to realize that or didn't think of it as something worth mentioning. So he turned to the others to speak.

"Aerchon has agreed to let us teach you how to use Magic," Saeldir began. "So we will start doing it as soon as possible before madness and various other illnesses start appearing due to the awakening of Magic in your bodies."

"Yeah... about that," Billy said. "It seems we both have experienced that already."

Saeldir and Aurdis glanced at him.

"What do you mean?" Saeldir asked with a frown.


Billy proceeds to explain what he experienced that night. Adrien followed his explanation after he finished. They try to convey all that as briefly as possible.

Arty looked at the two of them with worried eyes. Occasionally she would also gasp in shock because from what they explained, the dream they had sounded really bad.

"And that's what we experienced. The dream felt very real so we believed that it happened because of the awakening of Magic within us," Billy said.

"And that female figure is afraid of the Dragon power within you?" Saeldir asked Billy. To which he answered with a nod of his head.

"I never knew that a Dragon could share his power with other creatures," Saeldir muttered with a frown. Looks deep in thought.

"Maybe it's because we spend so much time with Erend," Adrien suggested.

Saeldir and Aurdis nodded their heads at the same time.

"Yeah, that's possible," said Saeldir. "Then the possibility of both of us being exposed to the Dragon's power also exists."

At first, it sounded like something good for Erend, Billy, and Adrien. But the three of them instead got worried looks at Saeldir and Aurdis.

"What's wrong with that?" Erend asked because he realized something was wrong.

"Dragon's power is a mysterious power," said Saeldir. "We don't know what will happen to us Elves yet, because Magic has been flowing in our bodies naturally."

"Oh shit. You're right," said Billy, suddenly a new weight had been added to this problem.

"But that's not important now," Aurdis said with a smile as if trying to lighten the mood. "What we have to do now is train the Magic power within your bodies."

With Aurdis' words, the practice session began. She and Saeldir immediately got rid of the problem because for now it really didn't matter. After all, they didn't feel any effect from Dragon's Erend's power. Be it a good or bad effect.

The practice started with Saeldir and Aurdis teaching them to control their Magic powers by meditating.

That way may seem very boring. Yet, the humans knew that was the best way because it was taught by the Elves directly.

Erend didn't add on about how he also knew that meditation was a good way to start using Magic because Tut also said that it was the best way to increase his MP.

For Erend with his current understanding, MP was his Magic power.

So, it all makes sense and Erend also meditated even though he didn't take part in this practice session.

Billy, Adrien, and Arty felt a new energy swirling inside their bodies. The longer they meditated, the stronger the energy felt.

"Concentrate. If you feel a strange energy in your body, focus on it," Saeldir said. "You have to learn to control it."


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