I Received System to Become Dragonborn

Chapter 348 Nuisance

The effects of the practice immediately happen on the bodies of the three of them. In fact, even Aurdis and Saeldir who looked from a distance, could see a significant change in the aura around their bodies.

"(I didn't expect it to be this fast,)" Saeldir said. He was now standing beside Aurdis and whispering to her what he was thinking while Billy, Adrien, Arty, and Erend concentrated on their meditation.

Aurdis nodded in agreement. "All of this must be because the three of them keep getting exposed to Magic."

"(You're right,)" said Saeldir. "(Does that mean there's a chance that the three of them will awaken the Dragon power as well?)"

Aurdis turned towards him while showing a confused look. "(I don't know. Shouldn't you know more than I do?)"

"(Yes. I should know better than you.)" Saeldir sighed. "(But there are very few records regarding the power of a Dragon.)"

Aurdis shrugged. "(Well, then now at least you'll have enough to record.)"

Saeldir and Aurdis turned to Erend. The aura he gave off while meditating was very different from the other three.

As a race that has a high sensitivity towards Magic, they both immediately knew that the Magic power inside Erend's body was enormous and very strong. He is like a mountain that rises to the sky and covers a vast land.

They were royalty in the Elven castle. Yet, they know that Erend's power has surpassed them.

Saeldir remembers his first meeting with Erend and how he saw the endless abyss inside of him.

Every time Saeldir remembered it, he always swallow his saliva and held back the clenching of his fists. It was as if the abyss could swallow him at any moment.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Saeldir thought, maybe that's the true power of a Dragon? They have limitless potential that could probably topple the order of the universe.

Saeldir couldn't imagine what if more than one Dragon was proven to be alive and decided to move together.

Just imagining it made Saeldir shudder. He also still didn't say about what he saw in Erend at that time to anyone else for no apparent reason. Saelidr only felt that he could keep it to himself because it didn't affect anything.





A loud knocking sound rang out from the tightly locked door of the dojo. Because the dojo door was made of metal, the sound was quite loud in the room.

Aurdis and Saeldir exchanged glances. The two of them then agreed to put on disguises and approach anyone who impolitely banged the door that loudly from outside.

But before they could do that Erend was already on his feet. It seemed he also heard the banging sound despite being in meditation. So Erend immediately stood up.

"I'll go there," Erend said.

Then with a face full of annoyance, he walked towards the door.

"Stop banging the door! I heard you!" Erend shouted.

However, whoever was pounding on the door didn't stop. So Erend immediately felt that something was odd.

He unlocked the door and then opened it slightly. Erend frowned when he saw three men standing with flat faces outside the door.

"What do you want?" Erend asked.

"Open the door," the man who was at the very front replied.

Erend stared at him for a few moments. He looked like someone who was under the influence of something.

In fact, Erend realized that it was the three of them - not just the man - who seemed to be under the influence.

'This is not a good thing.'

Erend already knew that these three men would cause trouble. So he of course can not let them in.

"Sorry," said Erend. "I can't open the door for you guys. We're doing something a bit private inside."

The three men just stared at Erend with flat faces. Their eyes also didn't reveal any emotion so Erend's suspicions increased.

Erend turned inward and gave a look that seemed to say that trouble might arise. Then he told them to stay inside and continue practicing.

"Let me handle it," Erend said.

No one is worried. They all know that Erend is more than capable of dealing with any problems that occur outside that door.

"Let's start again," Saeldir said.

So they proceed to start practicing again.

Erend came out and closed the door behind him. "So, you guys want to talk?"

Suddenly the man on the far right put his hand into his back pocket to take something.


It turned out, the man took a gun and shot Erend in the head.

Erend's head fell backward. But slowly he straightened his head again and the bullet that should have gone through his head fell to the ground.

"Huh…" Erend sighed. "I didn't think you guys would actually do this."

Erend's Defense which has reached 20 not only allows him to survive attacks when using [Dragon's Scale].

His human skin is also so hard that it can withstand attacks that should be fatal to him. Like a gunshot.

The three men were shocked to see what had just happened in front of them even when they were under the influence of something.

This dojo was in a quiet area so no one heard the gunshots. That was also the reason why this dojo was finally abandoned because it was in a non-strategic area.

Erend swung his fist at the man in the middle, instantly throwing him back ten meters.

Of course, Erend hadn't used his full strength for that punch or he would have destroyed the man's head right away.

Then, Erend finally felt it. The influence that made the three men move and decided to come here to attack him.

They weren't drugs as he had thought before. But that is Magic.

'So it's this bad, huh?'

Magic had spread so far that it could make ordinary people go this far for no apparent reason.

'Lucky I didn't actually destroy that guy's head.'

The two men had already recovered from the effects of their shock and had now entered attack mode. The man on the left took his own gun and started shooting.


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