I was Betrayed then Reincarnated as a Kitsune

Chapter 137: Talking with Skadi

Chapter 137: Talking with Skadi

[Luna POV]

Back at the shrine, the kings carriage was parked and he was greeting all of the other nobles that had arrived over the last few days.  There were also three other people with him.  Two women and one man.

Im guessing those other people with the king are the royal family? (Luna)

Yes.  The two women are the queen and second princess, while the last one is the second prince. (Amagi)

What about the first prince and princess? (Luna)

They arent in the country currently.  The first princess is in the Elf nation at the academy while the first prince is off somewhere as an adventurer. (Deacon)

I got a little annoyed at that.

Oh really.  So, he can be away from this, but I have to come? (Luna)

Mom then slapped the back of dads head.

You werent supposed to say that. (Amagi)

Dad started to rub the back of his head while apologizing.

So, what is the real reason you wanted me to come here? (Luna)

Because we wanted to see you. (Deacon)

Exactly what he said, you havent been sending as many letters as you used to and even though we know practically nothing can hurt you, we still worry. (Amagi)

I couldnt help but smile.

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{Ufufu.  Youre all so cute.  Though you should know Luna better than this.  She would have come over here and stayed for a bit if you just asked her to.}

Shes right, you know. (Luna)

Now that I think about it, the Goddess is right.  All we should have done was ask. (Amagi)

We continued to have some nice family time until the day ended.  After that, everyone in my party was sitting in my room waiting for Skadi.  We didnt wait that long because there was a knock on my door.  When I gave permission to enter, Skadi walked in.  Ophidias eyes immediately lit up and she got a big smile on her face.

Hello Skadi. (Ophidia)

Hello Ophidia, everyone. (Skadi)

She then sat down next to Ophidia.

Hows it going? (Luna)

Good.  A little boring, but thats normal. (Skadi)

Are you here on a quest, or just visiting because Ophidia is here? (Velvet)

Im on a quest to guard the royal family while they arent in the capital.  Though right now Im on break, otherwise I wouldnt be sitting here right now. (Skadi)

Did you get to ride in that shiny carriage? (Soleil)

I could if I wanted to, but I decided not to this time.  It makes it easier to guard them if I was outside it.  By the way Luna, like earlier, as you are an S-rank adventurer, you dont have to bow to anyone.  This goes doubly so for you as you will be a goddess in the future, but still. (Skadi)

Good to know. (Luna)

Did you bow to the king earlier? (Velvet)

No.  I just didnt know if it was required of me to do that or not since technically Im a noble of his country but also and S-rank adventurer as well a future goddess.  Though only a small amount of people know that last part. (Luna)

Was he offended? (Ophidia)

Not at all.  If I had to say from my small interaction with him, he has a similar personality to my dad. (Luna)

Laid back and a training fanatic? (Soleil)

I dont know about the last part, but he does seem laid back. (Luna)

Interesting. (Soleil)

That sounds different than what my mother has told me about him.  She always said he was a serious person that gives off a somewhat intimidating feeling. (Velvet)

He did have a different kind of atmosphere around him when I saw him greeting the nobles that are here, so I think he only shows his real personality around certain people.  But you know Im not reliable when it comes to stuff like that, what with me knowing a lot more important people than him. (Luna)

You should get used to that feeling like Luna has Velvet, as Lunas Apostle, you are a person that has a higher position than a king.  Even if that wasnt the case, as an S-rank adventurer, you have enough authority to speak to any ruler as an equal. (Skadi)

Yeah yeah, Ill try my best. (Velvet)

We chatted for a while longer when I suddenly got a feeling like I was forgetting something to do with Skadi and Ophidia.  I stared at them silently for a bit when I remembered.

Oh yeah, Skadi, Ophidia, had me your bracelets for a minute so I can see something. (Luna)

They did as I asked and handed me their bracelets.  I inspected them for a few seconds before handing them back.

*Sigh*  Guess I cant do what I was planning on doing after all. (Luna)

What were you going to do? (Skadi)

I was going to enchant those bracelets for you so that the two of you will know where the other is at.  If it worked, then if you were in a place that Ophidia could teleport to, she could do so if she wanted.  Its unfortunate because I just remembered that nothing but orichalcum can stand space magic enchantments without breaking. (Luna)

I see.  That is unfortunate but thank you for even thinking of doing that for us. (Skadi)

We can figure something out at another time, master.  Its not like we dont have time to do that. (Ophidia)

Thats true.  Oh, that reminds me, Ophidia has cleared half the requirements to become my Apostle.  All we have left to do is get her Int up and then I can do that. (Luna)

Skadi didnt show much of a reaction to that.

Huh?  Why does it feel like I already knew that? (Skadi)

You did? (Luna)

Maybe?  Its like Ive heard that before, but forgot it, and you saying that made me remember it. (Skadi)

{Ooohhh.  Its that Luna.}

Hmm? Oh, I know what youre talking about now.  Yeah, just dont worry about that Skadi, thats something that happens pretty often. (Luna)

She just shrugged her shoulders and we moved on to another topic.  By the time we finished talking for the night, it was already past midnight.

Chaos Realm:

Grey: Are you lightening up with you memory manipulation or something?

No.  It's not like I block everything from all of you and some stuff I do block I don't consider that consequential so you have a chance to remember it with a small push like with what happened when Luna told Skadi Ophidia was close to becoming her Apostle.

Tamamo: On this subject, why do you block the memories of us as well?  I can understand doing that to Luna and Skadi, but why us?

In your case Tamamo, it's just a small precaution.  You and Luna are very open with each other and I can't have you mentioning this place to her while she is still in the mortal world, especially since we sometimes talk about her own possible futures.  As for Grey, it's the same reason really.  You don't interact with Luna as much, but you have a good relationship with her and you might slip up and accidentally say something you shouldn't when talking to her.

Grey: Do you do the same to Atmos?

No.  As the Goddess of Fate, she works together with me and Gear.  You forget that my jobs of God of Chaos and Destruction are only secondary and tertiary.  My main job is being a Fate-Weaver.  I make it and Gear and Atmos manage and archive it.

Grey: Now hold on a minute here.  You are also the God of Destruction?

Yep, but it's different to how you think it is.  You know how people can be summoned to this world?

Grey: Yeah.

If mortals can manage to do that with a little help, then it should be even easier to do for gods.  And, just like mortals, not all gods are good.  I'm the one that stops these evil gods or other malicious entities from coming and wreaking havoc here.  As the God of Destruction, I'm the only one allowed to kill a god.  That's why the most the gods of justice can do is seal those that break the rules.

Tamamo: How many people know about all of this?

For the Chaos part, aside from the people that show up here regularly, Gear and Crate.  For the Destruction part, my friends that show up here from time to time, Gear and Crate, and the gods of justice.  Luna will also learn about this when she ascends.

Grey: Never a dull moment here, is there?

Well, this is the Chaos Realm after all.

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