I was Betrayed then Reincarnated as a Kitsune

Side Chapter 15: Chat Between Friends

Side Chapter 15: Chat Between Friends

[Amagi POV]

While Luna and the others were having their fun chat with Skadi, Amagi and Deacon were having a friendly chat with King Lobo.

Hahahahahaha!  Youre the same as ever Deacon, always with the training and pushing all your paperwork on your second-in-command. (Lobo)

If all I do is paperwork, I will grow rusty.  I honestly dont get how Damon manages to do both. (Deacon)

He probably figured out the perfect mix of both.  He is older than all of us, so it makes sense. (Amagi)

Thats true. (Deacon)

Hmmm. (Lobo)

Is something wrong, Lobo? (Deacon)

Something is weird about the two of you. (Lobo)

What do you mean? (Amagi)

Ive known the both of you for a long time, I mean, we practically grew up together and something has changed with the two of you. (Lobo)

He squinted his eyes and looked like he was analyzing us.

And its not just the two of you, your daughter is even stranger.  I only met her briefly, but its strange, normally anyone would have at least a small reaction to meeting the king of a country, but she just looked at me like I was any other person.  And dont even get me started on how strong she seems to be, I mean come on, how does someone that young become an S-rank adventurer so fast?  Shes what, 16 or close enough to that age, right? (Lobo)

I was panicking inside a little.  I didnt know how much we could say.  About us or Luna.

{I think its fine to tell him, just make sure you get him to keep it to himself.}

Will Luna be angry if we do?

{Its doubtful.  Just know that Im going to tell her, but rest assured that I will make sure she knows I said it was ok.}

Thank you, Goddess.

{Its no problem.}

Amagi, are you alright?  You seem to be a bit dazed. (Lobo)

*Sigh* Im fine.  As for what you were saying earlier, what exactly would you like to know? (Amagi)

Is it fine to talk about it Amagi? (Deacon)

I just got permission to, so yes. (Amagi)

I looked back at Lobo.  His previous relaxed expression turned into a serious one.

Let me first ask, is this something dangerous for the country? (Lobo)

No, but I will have to ask you to keep everything to yourself.  We dont want this information to interfere with our or Lunas life. (Amagi)

Fine then, as your friend and king, I swear to keep whatever Im about to hear to myself until told otherwise. (Lobo)

Then where do you want us to start, with us or Luna? (Deacon)

Start with your daughter.  I know nothing about her besides the things that have happened since she helped the capital that one time and that she recently became an S-rank adventurer.  Oh, and that Deacon will do basically anything she asks of him. (Lobo)

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Hey! (Deacon)

Stop it Deacon, you and I both know hes right. (Amagi)

Tch.  Youre no better, Lobo. (Deacon)

I never said I wasnt.  Id do anything for my wife and children and Im not ashamed to admit that. (Lobo)

Well anyway, the first thing about Luna and probably the least shocking is that this isnt her first life. (Amagi)

Oh, shes one of those rare reincarnated people? (Lobo)

Yeah.  In her last life, she was one of the most recent summoned people. (Deacon)

What, but didnt all of them survive? (Lobo)

No.  You remember how I said the hero and saint were? (Deacon)

Narcissistic trash that were even hated by the gods. (Lobo)

Yep.  Im glad theyre dead now. (Deacon)

I thought they were brought to the main guild branch and imprisoned there? (Lobo)

Well get to that eventually.  Anyway, those two killed one of the other summoned people in a dungeon then wasted time for several years before doing their job.  The one they killed became our daughter. (Amagi)

I see.  So, she got lucky and got reincarnated, but that doesnt explain everything, does it? (Lobo)

Nope.  And I would say that she is even luckier than you think.  I mean, she is the Fated One of this countrys patron deity. (Deacon)

What? (Lobo)

She is going to marry this countrys patron deity. (Deacon)

Lobo leaned back into the seat he was sitting in with a dazed expression.

*Sigh* So, does this mean she has the divine protection? Lobo said after a few minutes.

Yes.  And shes well on her way to becoming a goddess.  In fact, you could say shes halfway there since shes now a demigod. (Amagi)

*Ssssiiiigggghhhh*  Why didnt I ever get word of this until now? (Lobo)

It was the wish of  both Luna and the Goddess. (Amagi)

Fair enough.  Wait, does this mean youve met the goddess? (Lobo)

Yeah.  We met her in person once and whenever Luna is here and were alone, she can speak with us through a set of mirrors that they own. (Deacon)

At this, well move on to us.  I became the Apostle of the Moon. (Amagi)

And Im the Apostle of Adventure. (Deacon)

.*sssssiiiiiggggghhhhh* (Lobo)

You ok Lobo? (Deacon)

Hahahahahaha!  To think two of my good friends became some of the most important people in the world and their daughter even more so. (Lobo)

Honestly, I thought youd be more surprised. (Deacon)

Oh I am.  Im actually having a hard time processing all of this.  I mean, what am I supposed to do? (Lobo)

What do you mean? (Amagi)

As Apostles, the two of you have higher status than I do, so I cant really go around and ordering you to do stuff as the king of this country, not that I would do that anyway, but even if I had to, now I cant. (Lobo)

Well, aside from the people closest to us, no one else knows about this, so we can continue to act like we always have.  Its not like we would refuse a request from you anyway since youre our friend. (Deacon)

What about the other things that this will affect later?  I cant call your brother here from the Celestia Kingdom to take over for you later and your only successor is going to become a goddess. (Lobo)


We never thought of that. (Amagi)

*Sigh* (Lobo)

Not to mention that even if you could call Rex over here, hes going to be an Apostle too, so you would still have this problem. (Deacon)

Seriously!? (Lobo)

Yeah, the Goddess has a plan to make everyone closely related to Luna an Apostle and shes largely succeeded.  The only ones left are Rex whos working on it, Nia who is waiting for a while but will become one in the future, and the last two members of Lunas party. (Amagi)

Isnt one of her party members the daughter of a former hero and your friend and assistant? (Lobo)

Yes.  There is also the sole daughter of the Belmont vampire clans head andwhere did Ophidia come from again? (Deacon)

She is an ancient serpent that protected a floating island in the Demon empire. (Amagi)

So thats why Sonia is active again.  I was really confused when she started reporting to me again instead of whatever proxy was sent.  That woman never tells me anything else but the bare minimum unless its work related. (Lobo)

Why would she do anything else? (Amagi)

Because she was a good friend to my father, and I thought she was to me as well. (Lobo)

Not to mention that you used to have feelings for her before you met Blanca. (Deacon)

Oohh. (Amagi)

Deacon!  I thought you swore never to reveal that to anyone! (Lobo)

Ah!  Sorry. (Deacon)

Fufufufufu.  This is quite interesting information. (Amagi)

Now look what youve done, Deacon!  Shes going to use this to tease me for the rest if my life now!  And doubly so if she tells Blanca! (Lobo)

Hahahahahaha!  This reminds me of when we were little. (Deacon)

Hey Amagi, Deacons first love is now Titus Ashes wife. (Lobo)

Hearing that, I felt a bit annoyed.

Oh really? (Amagi)

Lobo, what have you done?  You know that they dont get along. (Deacon)

Youre right.  Sorry about that. (Lobo)

Fufufufu.  Dont worry Deacon, its all in the past.  Not to mention that you have me now. I said with a smile.

I will pray for you Deacon. (Lobo)

It wont help.  Shes the Apostle of the Goddess you would be praying to. (Deacon)

Oh yeah. (Lobo)

Back on topic, well figure something out to fix this problem.  Wont we Deacon? (Amagi)

Yes. (Deacon)

It was then that the clock in the room chimed and we looked at the time.

I didnt know it was this late.  I should head to sleep since tomorrow is an important day. (Lobo)

Good night, my good friend. (Deacon)

I will make sure that nothing goes wrong tomorrow, so rest at ease. (Amagi)

Thank you, this means a lot to me and the rest of my family. (Lobo)

With those parting words, he left the room.  I looked over to Deacon and he seemed nervous.

You know Im not going to do anything, right?  Like I said, its in the past and you have me. (Amagi)

Youre right. (Deacon)

He said that with a warm smile on his face that made my heart feel fluffy like Lunas tails.  He then stood up and walked closer to me, then gave me a kiss.

I have you, now and for eternity. (Deacon)

Chaos Realm:

Luna: I really didn't need to see that last part.

Tamamo: Now now, Luna, it's normal for your parents to do something like that.

Luna: I know, it just makes me feel weird seeing my parent do that.

Tamamo: Would you like me to help you forget it?

Luna: Oh?  And what exactly would you do to help me forget?

*Tamamo moves closer to Luna in the couch they were sitting on*

Tamamo: This.

*Tamamo then leans toward Luna and starts kissing her*

*Sigh* It's like they forgot they're in someone else's home.

Atmos: They probably did.

*I snap my fingers and Luna and Tamamo disappear*

Atmos: Where did you send them?

One of the empty rooms.

Atmos: Won't that just encourage them to do more than just kiss?

If they do, they do.  Not like I can do anything about it.

Atmos: But you can though.

I mean sure I can, but I'll just let them have their fun together since they deserve together time.

Atmos: Fair.  Now if you excuse me, I have a date with Grey.

Have fun and don't do anything Luna and Tamamo wouldn't do.

Atmos: That sounds more encouraging than discouraging.

It does, doesn't it?  Eh, whatever, you're both adults, so it's fine.

*Atmos then disappears in a flash of light*

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