I was Betrayed then Reincarnated as a Kitsune

Chapter 192: A Quiet Night

Chapter 192: A Quiet Night

[Luna POV]

I was sitting in a chair that was in the room I was provided.  It was late at night and the moon was high up.  Looking out the window that took up a majority of the wall over the city, it was a beautiful sight.  While sitting there, I created a domain and Tamamo appeared in the chair across from me.  She sat there silently and looked out of the window as well.  Several minutes later, I started to speak.

Tamamo.  I feel weird.  I feel watched, and not in the normal way.  I also dont mean in the way I felt earlier when we were walking through the city to get here.  Sometimes I even think I hear people talking to me.  What is going on?

{Ive said it before, havent I?  This city has a temple or shrine, large and small dedicated to almost every concept that a god or spirit presides over.  That includes space and, thanks to Cres, fluff.  What you are feeling is the prayers to those shrines that are connected to your Authorities.  Its a feeling all of us get and one that we learn to, if Im to be harsh, ignore.  They need to learn to fend for themselves some.  Of course, we also help every so often when things get a bit much for them to handle, but its hands off most of the time.}

Heh.  Even a somewhat cold Tamamo is nice, but I get where youre coming from.  Ill work on it.  Just wish that they would shut up some.  I mean, I can only hear the word fluff so much before it gets irritating.  Of course, if you or the others say it, its fine. But people I dont know and cant see is different.  All I can say is, being here for a while might make me a bit irritable until I can ignore this.

I got up and stood in front of the window with my hands clasped behind my back.

Such a beautiful city.  Ones in my previous world would cry tears of jealousy if they could.

{I like this sight a lot more, but I can see where youre coming from.}


Tamamo joined me by the window.  We stood in silence for a bit before Tamamo started to speak again.

{Luna, may I vent and be a bit selfish for a moment?}

Why ask when you already know my answer?

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{Then Ill start.}

Tamamo took in a deep breath.

{I want more time with you.  I dont want to wait for a full moon.  I dont want to wait for you to get the rest of your tails.  I want to spend all of my time with you right now and always.  Its so frustrating only being able to watch you and speak with you.  Dont get me wrong, its better than the alternative of not being able to do this, but still.  Never in my long life have I ever felt time was so slow.  Ive been patient for so long, so I want to be selfish for a least a little while.  I want you to forget this cult that selfish little spirit made.  I want you to forget making flying ships.  I want you to forget everything else but me, at least for a little while.  Let me be the selfish one for a bit.}

I couldnt help but smile at Tamamos rant.  I couldnt help but feel a little happy and I desperately wanted to do everything she just said.  I moved closer to her and embraced her with my arms and tails.

Tamamo, you have no idea how much I want to do all of what you just said.  In fact, I agree with all of it.  My domains can last up to a week and have no cooldown whatsoever.  Heck, I could put one up just before one goes away and you wouldnt even have to leave.  Honestly, were both frustrated in many ways.  Even on the way here, Ive been holding back my kitsune nature more than I ever have.  Sure, I understand what Skadi said about enjoying the journey to the destination, but she is different than I am.  Sure, I enjoy it, but I also get tired of it.  In my opinion, I hide it well, but there is only so much I can do before it all comes bursting out like a broken dam.  So, after this whole cult ordeal is finished, I go to the floating island and set up a domain and we spend an entire week, maybe two, together?  Just the two of us, no interruptions, not real time limit.  Just me.  And you.

{I absolutely love that idea Luna.  So much in fact, that I want to reward you for coming up with it.}

She turns to me and kisses me.  I lean into the kiss as well and we stay like that for some time.  When we break apart, a string still connects us.  We smile at each other before turning back to the window.

If I get that kind of reward every time, then I should come up with more good ideas.  Of course, the same can go for you.


Another silence descends between us broken up by the voices in my head.  A slow, quiet chant of fluff.  It makes me shiver which Tamamo notices.  She pulls me in with her tails.

{Just ignore them Luna.  They dont matter right now, the only thing that matters is me and you.}

I lean my head on Tamamos shoulder and close my eyes as I revel in her warmth.  I feel her hand start running through my hair and some of her tails that arent wrapped around me entangle themselves with mine.  We stay like that until the first rays of the sun start to peek through the low branches of the ginormous trees.

{It seem like I should leave or we might end up spending those two weeks in someone elses home.}

Fufu.  Unfortunate, but we dont want to be rude guests, so I have to agree.

Tamamo separates from me and moves over a bit.  She starts to shine and just as she disappears, I hear her say something.

{Deal with them quickly Luna, Im holding back just as much as you are.}

Once she was gone, I dissolved the domain and sat back in the chair.  In the reflection in the window, I could see a fire in my eyes.

Tamamo, you are the greatest motivator to ever exist.

I made a cup of coffee and enjoyed the morning view before leaving the chair again and exiting the room.

Chaos Realm:

Atmos: *Shivering*

What's up with you, Atmos?

Atmos: Did you not hear them?  They're holding back their kitsune nature too much.  I-I don't know if I can deal with that on my own.

Order: Didn't they also say they were going to lock themselves up for two weeks to take care of all of that?  Doesn't that mean they won't bother you?

Atmos: Order, you're relatively new here, so you don't quite get it.  Sure, that will take care of a large majority of it, but not all of it.  And with the two of them together and two weeks of none of us looking in on them can only spell trouble.

You're just paranoid, Atmos.

Atmos: Why don't the two of you get it!?

Order: Atmos, what is my name?

Atmos: Order.

Order: Exactly.  That is also my main Authority.  Any kind of trouble those two may cause can be easily taken care of by me.

Atmos: Payto-

No, you can't have my wife.  Not to mention that you're also married.

Atmos: That wasn't what I was going to ask.


Atmos: Hehehe.  Anyway, if and when they let loose in the future, can you let Order help me out to quell the chaos?

Only if Order is ok with it.

Order: It'll depend on the situation, but I'll do it for the most part.

Atmos: Thank you.  As an advance payment and thank you for the trouble, you are now on the official no-prank list.

Order: I wasn't before?

Amtos: Oh, would you look at the time.  I gotta go do my taxes or something. *poof*



No, there are no such taxes in the divine domain.

Order: I thought not, but I needed to make sure.

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