I was Betrayed then Reincarnated as a Kitsune

Chapter 193: Conversation with Lia

Chapter 193: Conversation with Lia

[Luna POV]

Walking down the hall we were in yesterday I made my way to Lias office.  When I got there, I knocked on one of the large doors and was let in.  Inside was Lia and the person that led us around yesterday.  That person bowed to me then left the room, leaving me and Lia alone.

Morning Luna.  Howd you sleep? (Lia)

Eh, sleep is kinda an afterthought for me now, but if I did, Im not really sure how well it would be.  I mean, with what I am now, Im hearing so many things that itd make it hard to sleep until I could ignore it. (Luna)

Lia just tilted her head at my answer.

Im a demigod now, and Ive been somewhat hearing the prayers of people in regards to space and fluff, mostly fluff.  They dont shut up. (Luna)

Ah.  Sorry about that. (Lia)

It should be Cres apologizing, not you.  Youve done nothing wrong.  And speaking of Cres, is he still being educated? (Luna)

Yes.  Honestly, I could learn a thing or two about disciplining spirits from Dia.  In this short amount of time, she has already done more than I could ever have done to teach Cres and a few others to be more respectable.  Dont get me wrong, I enjoy the things my contracted spirits get up to, but sometimes it gets to be too much.  With her around, itll be so much easier to get them in line when needed. (Lia)

Thats good.  Take care of my precious first stellar spirit. (Luna)

Yes, and speaking of that, what exactly is a stellar spirit?  Like, what do they hold sway over? (Lia)

Before I explain that, do you know any elves or other people that got a new affinity of magic recently? (Luna)

Yes.  Some people have, most of them being diviners.  For the most part they have given up on figuring it out though since whatever they try, nothing happens. (Lia)

Well of course nothing happens, the things they need to use it dont exist yet.  Of course there are three exceptions to this, but for the most part, until I ascend, they wont be able to use that magic. (Luna)

Ah, so it has something to do with you. (Lia)

Yeah.  But now I dont know if I want to explain it all or just let you experience it when the time comes. (Luna)

Let me wait.  Sounds like itll be quite the spectacle and I like a surprise like that. (Lia)

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Then that is what Ill do.  Now, can you tell me everything you know about Cress or I guess MY cult?  I need to know what and who Im looking for and if I can reform them or if I can only redirect their obsession to benefit society. (Luna)

I have a list of names here.  Good thing Cres isnt exactly ashamed of his deeds.  First thing he does every time is come and tell me the names.  Most of them Ive had people check up on and they arent that badly affected.  But some of them that have come into contact with him several times are different.  Of course, they dont hurt or forcefully try to get people to join them, but all they do is talk about fluff and how it is the truth of the world.  At most, theyre a public nuisance.  If they were human or another somewhat shorter lived races, you would just pass it off as them being senile.  Thing is, as elves, they dont have that excuse. (Lia)

I relaxed in the seat I was sitting in a bit.

Im actually relieved.  I was thinking this would be a whole lot worse.  Heck, I was worried that Id have near mindless drones to deal with.  If all they are is obsessed with the fluff to the level of a public nuisance, then I can think of several ways to deal with them.  I mean, all I have to do is get them to focus on an objective and make that objective something that they can dedicate the rest of their lives to, it may even benefit the world.  Give them a small glimpse of the end goal and there we go.  Sure, Ill probably have to reveal myself as a demigod to them, but Ill handle the aftermath of that. (Luna)

Then Ill leave it to you.  Of course, if you need the assistance of me or my people, Ill do what I can. (Lia)

Alright.  Oh, and once this is dealt with and I fulfill my promise with my wife, how about we have another competition?  Only this time, we allow magic. (Luna)

Ill take you up on that offer. (Lia)

She handed over the list of names and I put it in my inventory.

Now, on a less business like note, how have you been since last we met? (Lia)

Good.  Just going around doing what I want really.  Though there was that thing with the previous leader of the vampires in the Demon Empire. (Luna)

I did hear they were under new management.  So it was you that made that happen. (Lia)

Well, if you had some creep thinking they were your significant others one and only partner, youd want them dead as well. (Luna)

True. (Lia)

By the way, can I get an introduction letter to the Academy?  I want to see what its like and I also have a few acquaintances there that Id like to see again. (Luna)

Easy.  What about the others? (Lia)

If they want to come, they can.  I doubt Skadi or Mio would need a letter though since they are more well known than the rest of us for now. (Luna)

I dont know, the populace at large might not know much, but the important people know.  Your names just dont have much weight yet. (Lia)

I see.  Anyway, I should head out and get started taking care of all of this.  Ill come and get Cres if I need to. (Luna)

Youre not going to wait for your party? (Lia)

This is something I need to do myself.  Not to mention that I want to get it over with as fast as possible. (Luna)

I know Im the one that called you here to take care of this, but does it really warrant such swift action? (Lia)

It does if it stops me from a goal.  And I got a goal to aim for last night.  Ill be off then. (Luna)

I open the door and leave the room.

[Lia POV]

Just as the door shut behind Luna, Cres and Dia appeared on top of my desk.

[Contractor!  Please save me!] (Cres)

Cres tried to jump toward me but was stopped by Dia.

[Shameless fool.  You must greet our contractor with dignity.  Only then will you be allowed to be at ease.] (Dia)

[You foul beast!  I need to do no such thing!  In fact, you should be the one listening to me!  I hold seniority as a spirit and time with the contractor!] (Cres)

[You also have caused trouble for our goddess.  Your actions have made it so she is the one to clean up the mess when it should be the other way around.  Do you have no dignity?  Our goddesss time is precious, she shouldnt have to deal with this cult you have started.] (Dia)

[Tch.  Wait, I get it now.  You are angry at me since the goddess is taking a detour from her ascension.  You still hold little power since your concept is completely reliant on the goddess and her domains.] (Cres)

Dia then slammed Cress head onto the desk.

[Untrue.  If that were the case, then I wouldnt even be able to be here right now.  Now, apologize to our contractor for your actions and then we will continue with your education.  I will make sure to turn you into a proper great spirit by the time our goddess leaves this country.] (Dia)

You know Dia, I think the two of us will get along very well. (Lia)

[Thank you, contractor.  I look forward to my future with you.] (Dia)

I was about to say something when Dias words completely registered in my mind.  The way she said it seemed weird to me.

Dia, did your words just now have a deeper meaning, or am I just tired? (Lia)

[Fufufu.  Ill let you figure that out on your own, my contractor.] (Dia)

Dia then looked back to Cres and her voice returned to the strict tone from earlier.

[Cres.] (Dia)

Cres then looked at me with somewhat tearful eyes and bowed.

[Contractor Lia, I humbly apologize for the trouble my shameless, selfish actions have caused.  I will do my best to remedy this and promise not to do this again in the future.] (Cres)

[Good.  Go and rest, I will continue your education in 5 hours.] (Dia)

Cres then immediately disappeared.  Dia looked up to me again and even though it was a little difficult to make out, I think she was smiling at me.

[I shall now be off, my contractor.  I shall explore this place to understand it.  If you need any help or just a conversation partner, Im a call away.] (Dia)

Dia then disappeared in the same way she did yesterday, leaving me alone with my thoughts.

Wait, was shenoyes?  Gah!  I dont know whats going on!  Can that even happen in the first place? (Lia)

Chaos Realm:

I think that stellar spirit has been influenced by Luna and Tamamo.

Atmos: I think you're right.

I bet Lia is going to be surprised once Dia gets strong enough to get her humanoid form.

Atmos: I'll agree to that.  Especially since Dia is growing rather fast for a spirit.

Order: Here the two of you go.  Let me know what you think.

*Takes a sip from my cup*

It's good.  Really good.

Atmos: Indeed.

Order: Fufu.  Thank you.  Now, another question, why would that stellar spirit be growing faster than normal spirits?

My bet is that, since she was directly created by Luna, that had a bonus effect on her.

Atmos: That's as good a theory as any.  And at this rate, she'll outpace Cres.

Pfft.  She already has.

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