I was Betrayed then Reincarnated as a Kitsune

Chapter 230: Mother/Daughter Shopping Trip

Chapter 230: Mother/Daughter Shopping Trip

[Luna POV]

After eating some breakfast, I went to my room to take a quick bath and change my clothes while mom got ready for the day.  After that and some nice comments from Tamamo, I left my room to go and fine mom.  It didnt take long since she was coming towards my room.

Ready mom? (Luna)

I am.  I was just coming to see if you were. (Amagi)

I would have been done faster if Tamamo hadnt distracted me with her constant compliments. (Luna)

{Hey, I need to make sure you know that I like every inch of your body.}

Fufufu. (Amagi)

Anyway, shall we be off? (Luna)

Lets go.  Im in your care, Luna. (Amagi)

I wrapped my arm around moms and teleported us to the capital, Savanna.  We appeared near the adventurers guild.

Youve been to the shopping district before, so why did you bring us here? (Amagi)

If were going to enjoy our day, why lessen our time by showing up at our destination? (Luna)

Fair enough. (Amagi)

We started to make our way to the shopping district while browsing around the stalls along the way.

{Such hungry foxes.}

I cant help it; it smells too appetizing.

{Ufufufufufufu.  Like mother, like daughter.}

Fufu.  You know Luna, its sometimes hard to tell that you have reincarnated.  You take after me and Deacon so much. (Amagi)

Yeah, I dont get it either.  I mean, Im pretty much a different person than I was, but I think its because Ive lived longer in this body than I did in my last, if that makes any sense. (Luna)

It doesnt, but Im going to choose not to think about it. (Amagi)

{And dont even ask me, I dont get it that much either, but Im not complaining since I get you in the end.}

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Well, that aside, what do you want to look at today? (Luna)

Not too sure, I just wanted to spend a day with you, and this is the best thing I could come up with on the spur of the moment. (Amagi)

Then how about we go around to some merchant stalls, some clothes stores, and any other place we think is interesting.  I mean, that was kind of the plan already, but put to words. (Luna)

Sounds good. (Amagi)

With that decided, we spent another hour in the part of the district with food stalls before moving on.  When we got to the bazaar part of the shopping district, we went around to the stall that caught our eye.  It was fun to see a few peoples reactions since it turns out mom is somewhat famous.

How did I not know you were so famous, mom? (Luna)

Well, from what I know, you rarely use the family name, you would hardly ever bring us up in everyday conversation with merchants, and you never really asked about my life before I moved to the shrine. (Amagi)

Come to think of it, youre right.  Want to explain some as we walk? (Luna)

Sure.  But where to start? (Amagi)

How about why so many people recognize you? (Luna)

Alright.  Its actually not that complicated.  Im just really recognizable as the head of the shrine.  Im honestly surprised you are less recognized miss S-rank adventurer. (Amagi)

Eh, its not like Im bothered by that.  Ive said it before, and Ill say it again now, adventuring is just a means to an end for me.  The higher the rank, the easier it is for me to do things wherever I go.  Its not like Ill need that status in the future unless the world goes under some unprecedented changes. (Luna)

Fair.  But anyway, thats the reason Im famous.  That and because Im the wife of this countrys general. (Amagi)

We stopped at an interesting stall that sold small trinkets and looked at the wares.  Mom saw a small fox figure and bought it while I bought a pretty hairpin.  We left the stall after paying and entered the part of the shopping district with higher-end shops.

Cute hairpin. (Amagi)

I like your little fox. (Luna)

Thanks, it reminds me of your fathers fox form. (Amagi)

Fufufufu. (Luna)

Now, anything else you want to know? (Amagi)

Hmmm.  How about your relationship with the queen? (Luna)

That?  Well, weve been friends since childhood.  Our mothers were good friends and we turned out to be the same.  Honestly, I kind of regret not bringing you here a lot more when you were little.  I think I kind of focused too much on your training and other circumstances. (Amagi)

I think its fine, I mean, I still befriended three members of the royal family as well as the dukes daughter.  It just took longer than it would have if I met them when I was little. (Luna)

True.  But again, thats about it, we are childhood friends.  Actually, now that I think about it, my life is kind of bland up to the point where you were born. (Amagi)

Dont say that, there are probably a lot of fun and interesting things that happened before I wasborn?  Or should it be reborn?  Whatever. (Luna)

Sure, to me they might be fun, but to you it would probably seem uninteresting.  I mean, almost everything you do is ridiculous that my past pales in comparison. (Amagi)

Mom, this is where youre wrong.  Having ridiculous adventures is one thing, but hearing about a normal life is refreshing. (Luna)

{I agree with Luna on this one.}

You agree with Luna on most things. (Amagi)

{Guilty as charged.}


{Again with the being in sync.}

Mom and I looked at each other and started to laugh.

*Sigh*  This is fun. (Luna)

I agree.  You need to come home more often so we can do this more. (Amagi)

Ill think about it. (Luna)

We passed by the shop where I bought that kimono that one time and decided to see what they have at this time of year.  When we got inside, a clerk immediately recognized mom and hurried over.

Welcome, Lady Amagi.

Nice to meet you. (Amagi)

What can I help the two of you with today?

Me and my daughter are just looking around, we will call you over if needed. (Amagi)

I understand, please, take your time.

We left the clerk behind as we went into the shop.

See anything you like, Luna? (Amagi)

Some things here and there.  I kind of wanted to see if they had any more kimonos.  I liked the last one I got and thought I could make them a regular part of my wardrobe at some point in the future. (Luna)

{You do look good in them, so I approve.}

I agree.  I might not have seen you wearing a kimono, but since youre a lot like me, they must suit you. (Amagi)

Then Ill try some out.  Mind helping me? (Luna)

I picked out a few kimonos to try and mom followed me into a fitting room.  An unspecified amount of time later, I bought all of the ones I tried.

Luna. (Amagi)

Yes? (Luna)

Im happy that you wear the kind of clothes you do. (Amagi)

What brought this on? (Luna)

Well, you hardly ever get called out, right? (Amagi)

Yeah.  I mean, it happened like, twice, and each time the person doing the calling out either ended up armless or dead. (Luna)

Oh.  Well, what Im trying to say is that the clothes you always wear hide your figure well.  I mean, people would never know youre as big as you are unless you tell them. (Amagi)

I know, thats the point of why I wear what I do.  It also helps that it is super comfortable. (Luna)

Where did you get those clothes anyway? (Amagi)

The Demon Empire. (Luna)

I see. (Amagi)

Moms ears and tail drooped a little.

Why are you so sad?  If you want to go there, all you need to do is say it and well be there in an instant. (Luna)

Thats true.  Lets do that then. (Amagi)

We left the shop and went over to an alleyway nearby.  I grabbed moms arm and we teleported away to the Demon Empire.

Chaos Realm:

Order: Hey Payto.


Order: Are you absolutely sure you can't go to the divine domain?

I mean, I can, it's just that I don't do it very often since I never really see the need to.

Order: Then if I asked to go on a date there?

Then I'd make myself presentable and we'd go.

Order: Then shall we have a date in the divine domain?

Let me get ready and we'll be off.

Order: I'll get ready as well then.

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