I was Betrayed then Reincarnated as a Kitsune

Chapter 231: Shopping Trip Turned Sour

Chapter 231: Shopping Trip Turned Sour

[Luna POV]

We instantly appeared somewhere in Beria.

Welcome to Beria, mom. (Luna)

Ah, Ive always wanted to go here, but I never had the time. (Amagi)

Well, here you are.  If you want, I can show you to the place where I bought this first. (Luna)

Yes, lets do that, and after, we can explore a little. (Amagi)

Moms expression reminded me of a little kid excited to see the big city for the first time.  We left the spot where I teleported us and headed to the shop where I found my favorite clothes.  When we got there and went inside, the clerk there recognized me.

Welcome back, Miss.

Hello again. (Luna)

Is there anything you need help with?

Not at the moment, but well call you over if we need to. (Luna)

Very well.

We then started to look around at what was available.  Mom found a few things she liked and went to try them.  After showing them to me and deciding that they were worth it, she bought them and we left the shop.

Now, care to give me a small tour, Luna? (Amagi)

Why not, we did spend some time here after all.  Just dont expect to go to the fish market. (Luna)

Yeah, thats for the best, we dont want to leave smelling like fish after all. (Amagi)

Yeah. (Luna)

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We then spent a few hours walking around Beria.  We went to some small shops, got some local specialties, and looked at the sea for a bit.

This is nice.  Its different than at the port city in the Beast Kingdom. (Amagi)

How so? (Luna)

Well, the port city is more a trade hub than anything.  It has two separate main ports.  One for the sea, and one for a large river.  The river runs from there, across the Beast Kingdom, all the way to the Dwarf Country.  That way, the dwarves ship things up that river, to the port city in the Beast Kingdom, and from there, ship things by sea to places like here and the one port city in the Elf Nation.  Here though, there are fewer large ships and more small fishing boats.  The beach is also larger and more for tourists. (Amagi)

Well, now I know where to go if I want to travel to the Dwarf Country, though I wont have to if I can get my flying ships done first. (Luna)

Is that going to be your next destination? (Amagi)

Probably.  Skadi told us about this dwarf city made from crystals or something and I kind of want to see it.  But thats a discussion for later. (Luna)

Right.  So, where to next? (Amagi)

Want to go to the island Iliberated(?) from some pirates? (Luna)

Is it anything like your floating island? (Amagi)

Its morejungley and has a cool cave hidden behind a waterfall. (Luna)

Then lets go. (Amagi)

I grabbed mom and teleported us to the pirate island.  We arrived in the cave part of the island.  Since it was dark in here, I used my fox fire to light the torches that were placed in the cave.

Whyd you light it up? (Amagi)

Why not?  It adds to the ambiance. (Luna)

Fair enough. (Amagi)

{Luna, you really like stuff like that, dont you.}

Yep. (Luna)

We looked around the cave a little bit since mom seemed interested in it before moving on to the mansion that the pirates stayed at.

This is almost as big as your other mansion. (Amagi)

I know.  I think I was going to put this whole thing in my inventory and then add it on to my other one at one point, but then decided against it.  I mean, what would I do with a mansion double the size? (Luna)

Im not sure, but that does sound like something you would do and then question why you did it later. (Amagi)


Stop it Tamamo. (Luna)

Before we headed inside the mansion, I showed mom the back of it that overlooked the sea from a cliff.

This is very pretty, though that one mark over there kind of messes with it. (Amagi)

Oh, just ignore that spot, its where a stupid mongrel met its end. (Luna)

Oh. (Amagi)

We looked out over the sea for a few minutes before heading inside the mansion.  It was still sparsely decorated and still a bit messy since all we really did here was sleep.

Luna, I raised you to be a neat and clean lady.  Why is this place so dirty? (Amagi)

Hey, we commandeered it from pirates, I got a new tail, and we left pretty quickly here, so I didnt really have time to do a deep clean. (Luna)

Thats no excuse. (Amagi)

Well, Ill do it later. (Luna)

We walked past a few rooms before mom stopped and picked up a piece of paper with nearly illegible writing.  After looking it over for a few minutes, her face showed several different emotions ranging from anger to disgust.  I looked over her shoulder to try and read it as well.  From the parts I could make out, it had something to do with merchandise going to the other continent.

Mom, how can you read any of that? (Luna)

Years of paperwork Luna, I can read even the most illegible things now.  This is a message to the previous owners of this place and slave dealers from Himmels. (Amagi)

I felt disgust from her words.

I thought this world was better than that. (Luna)

{No, Luna, this continent is.  This is one of the reasons I said you would hate the other one.}

I see.  Should I go and destroy a continent then? (Luna)

{ABSOLUTELY NOT!  If you do that, you will be sealed!}

Then that option is off the table. (Luna)

Luna, this isnt good.  I dont know how old this letter is, but judging by how long it takes for a ship to travel from here to the other continent, the slavers might be here already. (Amagi)

Want to try and find them?  Then we can deal with them before they become a problem. (Luna)

How far can you see with your space magic? (Amagi)

Without pushing myself, really far.  With pushing myself, probably this entire side of the continent.  And if you want me to go all out, I could probably cover the entire world at the cost of I dont know, but probably nothing good. (Luna)

Hmmm.  We should go to any port city close to here and see if they have seen any suspicious ships first, then go from there. (Amagi)

Alright.  Now, let me ask before we do that.  I get why you want to do this, but why dont we alert the Emperor?  I mean, we are an uninvolved third party in this matter. (Luna)

My own satisfaction. (Amagi)

Good enough for me. (Luna)

I grabbed mom and teleported us to the port town that once had a pirate problem.

Chaos Realm:

Atmos: I wonder why that continent continues to be the way it is even after everything Tonya did over there?

Grey: Who knows?  It's majority human with several beastman tribes that are less advanced, right?

Atmos: Yes.

Grey: I guess not all humans can be considered "good" like on Luna's continent.

Atmos: True.  Though Tonya's meddling did do quite a number over there before she ascended.

Grey: Yeah, it's a good thing that she did all that she did over there before becoming a god or else she would have been sealed.

Atmos: Oh well.  We'll soon get to see what Amagi is capable of, so that should be interesting.

Grey: Indeed.

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