I was Betrayed then Reincarnated as a Kitsune

Chapter 238: More Fluff with Tamamo

Chapter 238: More Fluff with Tamamo

[Luna POV]

When we got to the gate of the shrine, Skadi was walking in our direction.  When she saw the two people following me, she spoke.

I was wondering why I felt the presence of another demigod. (Skadi)

Yeah, I was surprised as well. (Luna)

Its nice to meet you.  I am Vina, the daughter of the god of death. (Vina)

I am Damien Crowe, wandering alchemist extraordinaire. (Damien)

Skadi, daughter of the goddess of the sea or more famously, Skadi the Abyssal Hunter. (Skadi)

Skadi shook both of their hands before we all started to enter the shrine.

So, the god of death got married, thats surprising. (Skadi)

Everyone that learns that says that.  Is mom infamous or something? (Vina)

Not infamous, call it an occupational hazard or something.  She gives off an unapproachable feeling to most people, so everyone assumes she wouldnt get married and stuff. (Skadi)

Ah, that makes sense. (Vina)

Im curious, have you seen her recently? (Luna)

Yes, why? (Vina)

Has she said anything about a certain pair of mongrels? (Luna)

Yes.  She is taking her time with them since she said they were really cursed.  Though she was surprised the first time she saw them get wounds from arrows randomly. (Vina)

Fufufufufu.  Ahahahahaahahahahahaha!  Good. (Luna)

You know, as much as they deserve it, isnt that reaction a bit much? (Damien)

No. (Luna)

You know, I didnt know you all that well in the past, but I could have sworn you werent this vindictive. (Damien)

Its a kitsune thing. (Skadi)

Ah, makes sense.  Wait, does that mean you also like messing with people? (Damien)

While not as much as Atmos, yes.  Its quite fun.  Especially with illusion magic. (Luna)

I am suddenly very scared of you now. (Damien)

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Dont be, Luna isnt letting her nature run wild recently, so youre safe. (Skadi)

Indeed.  And well be busy for the foreseeable future, so you most likely wont see that happen either. (Luna)

We entered the shrine and I led the way to where the guest rooms are.

Do you two want a single room, or two separate rooms? (Luna)

A single is fine. (Vina)

Alright. (Luna)

H-hey. (Damien)

I glanced at Damiens face to see he was a bit embarrassed.  This caused me to smirk a little.

Oh, so the married life is still fresh, eh. (Luna)

This time they both blushed and looked away from me.

{Luna, leave it at that for now.}

Fine. (Luna)

We stopped in front of an empty guest room.

Here we are, if you need anything, just find someone and say that youre my guests.  See you both tomorrow. (Luna)

Me and Skadi left the two to their own devices and walked away.  As we passed by Skadi and Ophidias room, she bid me a good night.  When I made it to my room, I set up a domain and Tamamo appeared.

So many revelations today huh.


So, where did we leave off earlier?

{I just finished brushing your tails.}

I see.  Hmmm.  Do I start on yours, or do we do something else?

{How about this?}

Tamamo wrapped her arms around my neck and started to kiss me.  We stayed like that for some time until I needed to breathe.

Stupid bodily limitations.

{Now now, dont be like that.  At least were both satisfied.}


I moved to sit next to Tamamo and leaned my head on her shoulder.

Hey Tamamo.

{Yes Luna?}

I love you.

{I love you too.}

I hugged Tamamo closely and held her for several minutes before letting go.  I then pulled out my special brush and turned to her.

Now, lets see just how fluffy your tails can get when we go all out with this brush.

{Lets.  I cant wait to put those annoying ones in their place.  Maybe then theyll finally understand not to call me old.}

I channeled mana into the brush and started using my unique skill.  The brush started to glow and I started going over Tamamos first tail.  I was amazed at just how smoothly it glided over it.

Tamamo, Ive done this brush a disservice.  Doing this could cut the time we spend on our tails in half.

{Only half?}


I continued to brush Tamamos tails until they were perfect.  Once I was done with the tenth one, she moved it in front of her and felt it.

{Luna.  This is absolutely amazing.  Though it makes me worry for the divine domain when we do this to your tails.}

Heheheheh.  Well show them all the true meaning of fluff.

As I looked at Tamamo, I felt a desire, well, many desires, but a particular one that I never felt before was more prominent this time.  I patted her on the head and used my Abyssal Blessing skill.  Tamamo shone in a silver light for a second as the blessing took hold.

{What did you just do?}

I used my Abyssal Blessing on you since I felt like it would work and it did.

{Interesting.  I wonder what I can do with this?}

Tamamo looked at me and her eyes shone brighter for a second.



{I see.  So thats what I can do.  You blessing me with this allows me to judge the fluff of others.}

Neat, but what exactly does that mean?

{It means that if I see someone that I deem not suitable for fluff, then you as the Abyssal Fluff can give or take it away.  You can probably do the same, you just never tried it before.}

I see.

I thought over this for a few seconds before I got what I could call a crazy grin.

Ku.  Kuku.  Kuahahahahahahahahaha!  Tamamo, I know what we can do to get back at those jealous goddesses that want you to get rid of your fluff.

{Ufufufufufufufufufu.  I know exactly what youre thinking Luna and I am on board with it.  Should we get Atmos in on it too?}

Maybe.  She can help with making up the full plan on how exactly we go about it.



Meanwhile in the divine domain; the kitsune goddesses that are jealous of Tamamo:

Why did I like, get chills just now? (KG1)

No idea, but I felt them too. (KG2)

For some reason, I feel like we are in for some trouble in the future. (KG3)

And now back in the mortal world:

*Sigh*  Well anyway, what to do now?

{May I make a request?}

Go ahead.

{I would like to sleep in your tails tonight.  May I?}

Any time.  But I request to do the same tomorrow.

{Of course.}

I moved my tails and wrapped them around Tamamo as we laid down.

{Pure bliss.}

Like that, we spent the rest of the night before the first day of  ship construction.

Chaos Realm:

Atmos: Payto, are you sure you should have made that brush?


Atmos: Alright.

Order: May I have one as well?  Sure, my tails isn't really one to be brushed, but my hair is and I'd like to have it softer.

*Snap*  Here you go, I upped the effect even more than Luna's.

Order: Thank you.

Atmos: You know, your existence is just a cheat.

Do you want one to?

Atmos: No.  But I do want to experience what Tamamo is right now and what Luna will tomorrow.  I especially look forward to experiencing this when they both have ten tails of ultra extreme fluff.

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