I was Betrayed then Reincarnated as a Kitsune

Chapter 239: Otherworlder Collaboration Starts

Chapter 239: Otherworlder Collaboration Starts

[Luna POV]

The next morning, I woke up with Tamamos arms wrapped around me.  It seems at some point last night my tails unraveled and she clung to me to warm up.  Her illusory clothes also got dispelled telling me that she fell into a really deep sleep.

Fufufu.  Tamamo, if you dont wake up right now, I might eat you up right here and now.

She smiled a smile so small it might as well not have happened.  I smiled seeing that and leaned in.  I kissed Tamamo on the lips as I pinned her beneath me.  After I did this, her eyes shot open and she wrapped her arms around my neck and pulled me into a hug.  We stayed like this for several minutes before separating out lips.

{Oh no, the big bad Abyss is going to eat me.  I guess I should just accept it so that the world can be spared.}

Fufufu.  Silly little moon goddess, soon you will become one with the Abyss.  When that happens, we will spread the Abyss of Fluff across the entire world until nothing is left.

{Oh my, then maybe I should eat the Abyss instead.}

Tamamo rolled over and ended up pinning me down instead.  She leaned forward and started kissing me like I did earlier.  This lasted for a good bit before she broke away.

{Ill leave it at this for now.}

Tamamo got off of me completely and conjured some clothes.

Tamamo, this kind of teasing isnt very fun.

{I know and Im sorry, but if we kept going, then wed be in here for who know how long.}

I laid flat on my back again and let out a long sigh.

{Ill make it up to you after youre done with your ships, so dont be like that.}

Alright.  We wont go completely crazy that time since that will be saved for my eighth tail, but I look forward to it all the same.

I got up from my bed and stretched.

Tamamo, try to get Atmos over today and start planning up some things for those other kitsune goddesses.  Ill add my input as well when I can.


Tamamo came over and hugged me and gave me a small kiss before moving away.

{Till next time Luna.}

See you again.

Tamamo disappeared and I dissolved the domain and left my room.  As I was walking toward the dining room, I ran into Skadi and Ophidia.

Hey you two. (Luna)

Morning master.  You seem a little agitated. (Ophidia)

Dont worry about it.  I initiated something that I shouldnt have, so Im reaping what I sow. (Luna)

Ah. (Ophidia)

That is indeed agitating. (Skadi)

I blame Tamamo for being so naturally seductive. (Luna)

{Oi!  I can say the same about you.  It took a lot of willpower to stop where I did.}

I know, it took a lot of willpower to keep from denying your departure from the domain. (Luna)

You can do that? (Skadi)

Yeah.  If I can let people in, why cant I do the opposite and not let people out? (Luna)

I meant keeping a goddess trapped inside. (Skadi)

Oh.  I mean, probably.  She would most likely be able to force her way out if she really tried, but since its Tamamo, I doubt she would try that hard. (Luna)

{I know for a fact I wouldnt.}

And there you go.  By the way, are you guys going to come and help out with the ships, or do you want to stay here? (Luna)

I kind of want to take Ophidia on a sea date, so do you mind letting us come to that island and well go from there? (Skadi)

I dont mind at all. (Luna)

Im looking forward to this, Skadi. (Ophidia)

Please do.  There are so many things to see at the bottom of the sea.  I look forward to seeing your reactions. (Skadi)

That makes me curious as well. (Luna)

Ill lead us on an undersea adventure at some point before you ascend. (Skadi)

Alright.  I look forward to that.  Though wont that be a bit difficult?  I mean I know you have that power that allows us to breath underwater, but wont that cause you a lot of trouble if we do that for an extended period of time? (Luna)

Not really.  My mom gave me some items for that just in case we ever decided to do something like this.  By the way, she wants to meet you at some point, Luna. (Skadi)

Ill add her name to the list. (Luna)

We arrived at the dining room during this chat.  When we went inside, we found Vina and Damien already there.  Vina was wide awake while Damien looked like he was sleepwalking.

Hello you two. (Luna)

Good morning, Luna, Miss Skadi. (Vina)

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Morning, Miss Vina.  This is Ophidia, my girlfriend and one of Lunas Apostles. (Skadi)

Its nice to meet you. (Ophidia)

Luna can already make Apostles? (Vina)

I can and two positions are already filled and the last one already has a candidate. (Luna)

You even have three Authorities!?  Youre just full of surprises. (Vina)

Vinaaaa.  Do you have to be so loud? (Damien)

Stop complaining and wake up already.  Were guests here so the least you can do is act presentable. (Vina)

Want me to help with that? (Luna)

Depends on what you want to do. (Vina)

Just a little ice magic. (Luna)

Then by all means. (Vina)

I snapped my fingers and a small piece of ice fell down the back of Damiens shirt.


Fufufufufufu. (Luna)

Oi!  That was uncalled for!  And when the heck did you get multiple tails!? (Damien)

Oh, I forgot to put my necklace on. (Luna)

I quickly did that before turning to Skadi and Ophidia.

Why didnt either of you mention anything? (Luna)

I wanted to see how long it would take before you noticed. (Skadi)

I am the same. (Ophidia)

I was about to say something when dad walked in.

Hey Luna, Skadi, Ophidia. (Deacon)

Morning dad.  We have guests. (Luna)

Dad looked at the two other people in the room before he became alert.

You. (Deacon)

Hello again, General Deacon, its good to see you again. (Damien)

Hello, Alchemist.  Stay away from my wife. (Deacon)

*Sigh*  That is the same reaction Ive gotten from every other general except General Lia and Princess Knight Nia who I havent seen since the Fiend season.  I wasnt that bad. (Damien)

Tell that to several of the female knights from every country that complained about you. (Deacon)

A guy tries to peep in a hot spring one time and this is the treatment I get. (Damien)

Oh. (Vina)

I shouldnt have said that. (Damien)

Every woman in the room started to stare at Damien with cold eyes.

Oi!  Why are you staring at me like that?  If anyone else here would understand me, it should be you.  In fact, you are in an ideal situation. (Damien)

I wouldnt get turned on by any women aside from my wife so why would I waste time on doing something like that?  And even then, Ive never been to a communal bath in this world.  The closest Ive come to something like that is when Ive been on a date with my wife. (Luna)

Oh, so youve gone the yuri route? (Damien)

I may have been gender bent from my previous life, but that doesnt mean my tastes have changed. (Luna)

I respect that. (Damien)

Still, dont get any ideas. (Deacon)

Dont worry, General Deacon, Ill make absolutely sure he wont do anything he will come to regret.  He has me after all. (Vina)

Ill trust you on that.  Now Dad started as he turned his attention to me.  Why is there another demigod here Luna?

Shes his wife and daughter of the god of death.  If you want the whole story then ask them since I dont know all of it either. (Luna)

I see. (Deacon)

Vina, how do people keep figuring that out?  I thought it was supposed to be a secret. (Damien)

Thats because most people around me have some form of connection to gods.  Demigods and Apostles can tell if other people are demigods or Apostles as far as I know, so thats whats going on. (Luna)

Exactly.  In fact, the only person that Ive seen since yesterday that wasnt an Apostle was that kitsune that left with the vampire. (Vina)

Did you say vampire!? (Damien)

Damien was about to stand up but I used my chain to tie him to his chair.

Dont get any ideas, Damien.  Shes my best friend and Apostle, so you are not allowed to do anything to her. (Luna)

Master, calm down, youre letting your intimidation run loose. (Ophidia)

Miss Luna, please let him go. (Vina)

Not until he promises not to do anything weird to Velvet.  If he does, hell have two angry kitsune after him, and he wont like that very much. (Luna)

I promise I wont do anything to her.  Ever since I made the philosophers stone, Ive given up on my vampire obsession.  All I want to know now is the difference between the vampires of this world and our last one. (Damien)

I squinted my eyes at him before deciding he was telling the truth.  I retracted my chains and he let out a relieved sigh.

Honestly, what is up with beastkin being so overprotective? (Damien)

Its just how we are. (Luna, Deacon, Vina)

Hahahaha. (Skadi)

Heheheh. (Ophidia)

Soon enough some of the shrine staff brought in some food and all of us present started to eat.  Once we were done, dad got up and left.

Ill be in the training grounds.  Call me if anything happens Luna. (Deacon)

Dont worry dad, well be going somewhere to start on the ships once Blake and Ana get here. (Luna)

Alright. (Deacon)

As dad left the room, Mio entered.

Morning nya. (Mio)

She said nya.  I didnt think cat beastkin said that. (Damien)

Hey Mio.  Are you going to come with us to the pirate island or stay here while we work on the ships? (Luna)

Ill stay here nya.  Im going to spend some more time with Fen nya and this place is the easiest way for me to do so without bothering Goddess Tamamo nya. (Mio)

{Its no trouble for me to summon you here though.  And even if it was, Id still be the one sending you to Fenrirs place.}

Ah nya.  Thats true nya.  Then I guess Ill come along since it wont change anything in the end nya. (Mio)

Alright.  Then that leaved Soleil and Velvet. (Luna)

Leaves us for what, big sis? (Soleil)

If the two of you are coming to help out with the ships. (Luna)

I wanted to help with what I can. (Soleil)

And I dont see why I would want to be left behind. (Velvet)

Guess all of us are going to the island then. (Luna)

Um, isnt this too many people for one person to teleport? (Damien)

When Damien asked this question, Velvet noticed he was here and froze up.

One, Velvet, calm down, hes promised not to do anything, and two, its no problem.  Ophidia can also use space magic to teleport to the island were going to.  Also, Vina will be able to as well once shes been there once. (Luna)

You know I have space magic? (Vina)

Yeah.  Thats were you got the tea from yesterday and I know for a fact that Damien wasnt the one carrying it in his inventory.  Not to mention that I can tell when you use it. (Luna)

Ah.  Guess I still have a ways to go before making it unnoticeable. (Vina)

Um, miss vampire, may I have a bit of your time at some point?  I would like to ask a few things. (Damien)

Um.  Sure?  As long as Soleil is allowed to be there as well. (Velvet)

Thats fine.  More than fine. (Damien)

So, Im guessing were waiting for mom and dad? (Soleil)

Yeah.  You two stayed over there last night, right? (Luna)

Yeah.  They shouldnt be long.  Dad just had to pack up some stuff. (Soleil)

Alright. (Luna)

Everyone then sat down and started to chat some more while we waited for the last two arrivals.  Around 30 minutes later they arrived.  After the usual greetings and some light banter, we all got up and got ready to teleport.  Since there were so many people this time, me and Ophidia had to make multiple trips.  The place we decided to bring everyone was the mansion on the island.  After everyone went and chose a room to stay in during our stay here, I led the way to the docks.

Feels like Im in a game. (Blake)

Indeed. (Damien)

It was even more like one when it was full of pirates.  Honestly, it was kind of fun sneaking around and picking them off one by one. (Luna)

I agree nya.  Theres something about sneaking up on unsuspecting prey and silently taking them out that gets you going nya. (Mio)

Indeed. (Ophidia)

I can understand Miss Mios point, but why is Miss Ophidia agreeing? (Damien)

Despite my looks, Im not human.  If we want to go into technicalities, Im a monster. (Ophidia)

Ophidia then transformed into her lamia form before transforming back into her human form.

A lamia? (Damien)

No, Im a serpent, its just that my original form is too big, and I didnt feel like shrinking myself while in that form. (Ophidia)

Oh.  Thats still interesting. (Damien)

We finally made it to the entrance to the docks.  As we proceeded through the pathway in the cave, I lit the torches with some fox fire.  When we got to the main part of the cave where the docs were located, the people that havent been here before were impressed.

These pirates had a good sense of aesthetic.  Cave hidden behind a waterfall on a secluded island. (Blake)

I agree.  The only thing thats missing is some ancient puzzles or some sort of overgrown temple and wed have the perfect setting for a game. (Damien)

They then turned to me with expecting looks.

None of those things are here.  It was one of the first things I checked after all everything calmed down here. (Luna)

When did you do that, big sis?  We were pretty busy that whole time. (Soleil)

I hardly ever sleep anymore, remember. (Luna)

Oh yeah. (Soleil)

Luna, what have me and your mother told you about that?  Sleep is important, even if you dont think it is. (Ana)

Ive said it before that I hardly need to sleep. (Luna)

No backtalk.  Even if your body doesnt need it, that doesnt mean your mind doesnt as well. (Ana)

Thats what healing magic is for. (Luna)

Luna! (Ana)

Fine.  I get it. (Luna)

Now, how long has it been since youve actually slept? (Ana)

I slept last night. (Luna)

Hmmm. (Ana)

{She did, I was there as well.}

Fine.  But you are not allowed to avoid sleep from now on. (Ana)

Geez.  Im not a kid anymore. (Luna)

Hey Blake, are we really sure shes reincarnated?  Shes acting like she isnt mentally older than her biological age. (Damien)

Ive learned to just not question it. (Blake)

Oi!  Dont think I didnt hear that. (Luna)

I decided to just move on from this whole conversation and get things moving again.  I lit the rest of the torches in the cave before moving to one of the piers.  I then put one of the ships from my inventory into the water.

When you said ship, I was thinking it was going to be something like a brig, not a galleon. (Damien)

Damien, if theres one thing you learn about me while were working together, its that I dont skimp on things like this.  If Im going to have a flying ship, then it might as well be an impressive one.  And in my opinion, you cant get more impressive than a flying galleon. (Luna)

Fair enough. (Damien)

I can see where youre coming from with that Luna, but did you really need to name it the Argo? (Blake)

Its thematic.  Ive run into a lot of stuff that was prominent in Greek mythology in this world.  Heck, Im already doing the twelve labors.  And, just for some final spice on things, my previous name was Jason.  This world is basically begging me to have my own Argonauts.  Too bad my partys name is Stellaris. (Luna)

Anyway, lets climb aboard.  Then we can figure out exactly how were going to do this. (Blake)

I turned to Skadi and Ophidia.

You two are free to go at any time.  If were not here when you get back, well probably be either in the mansion here, back at the shrine, or somewhere else Ophidia can teleport to. (Luna)

Alright.  Lets go, Ophidia. (Skadi)

The two of them walked up to the edge of the pier and dove in.  The rest of us then climbed onboard my Argo.

So, Im assuming you had some sort of idea on how to make this work, right? (Ana)

Kind of.  I was thinking that we can build something inside the ship that then casts constant gravity magic to keep it in the air until it either runs out of mana or the captain turns it off.  How we do that though, is up to all of us to figure out. (Luna)

*Sigh*  Youve never been one for making overly complicated plans. (Blake)

I know, thats one of the reasons youre here, Blake. (Luna)

Fine, Ill try and think of something that does what you want it to do.  Just give me some time. (Blake)

Blake went below deck to check the inside of the ship and I turned to Ana.

Ana, since I know you probably want to get back to the shrine, Ill help you out with the part you need to do.  I dropped all the mana crystals and mana diamonds that I had in my inventory on the deck. Please enchant these with gravity magic.  Ill provide you mana when you start to run low.

Alright.  Soleil, Velvet, please help me out as well.  I want you to hand me one when I finish imbuing it with magic. (Ana)

Alright. (Soleil)

Yes. (Velvet)

Damien, think you can figure out any ideas with all of this? (Luna)

Yeah, same as Blake, give me time and Ill come up with something.  Vina, please help me inspect the enchanted crystals. (Damien)

Right. (Vina)

With the roles assigned, we all began our work.

Chaos Realm:

Grey: I'm excited for the finished product.

I figured you would be.  Though I have to say, I'm surprised you never tried to make a flying ship in all this time.

Grey: Well, I've been busy since my hero days.  Setting up the guild system, paperwork, spending time with Atmos, paperwork, and making sure Atmos doesn't prank the world into oblivion.  It's a lot of work, so I've barely had time to actually do stuff like that.

Fair enough.

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