I was Betrayed then Reincarnated as a Kitsune

Chapter 240: Plans

Chapter 240: Plans

[Luna POV]

After several hours of assisting Ana with her enchanting Damien came up to us.

Luna, have all of these been enchanted with gravity magic already, or are some still pure? (Damien)

The pile on the left has been enchanted, the pile on the right hasnt yet. (Luna)

Then save a good number of them pure.  Also, get some that are enchanted with wind magic.  You wont be able to always rely on natural wind after all, so its best to make something that can propel you when needed. (Damien)

Alright. (Luna)

I divided the pile of still pure mana crystals and diamonds in half.

Ok, now Ill take some of the pure ones and the gravity ones to inspect them and see if I can figure out what to do further.  Once Blake is done with his inspection, send him over to me. (Damien)

He then walked back over to Vina and got to work on his part of the project.

Luna. (Ana)

I moved over to Ana and placed my hand on her back and started sharing mana with her.

Thank you. (Ana)

No problem. (Luna)

Ana continued working on her pile of enchanting while Velvet and Soleil handed her the materials.  Blake then came back from below deck.

Luna, you never cleaned the ship after taking it, did you. (Blake)

No, why? (Luna)

You need to work on your assassination skills, some places down there still have blood. (Blake)

Ah, yeah, I need to clean that.  Ill do that at some point.  Anyway, figure anything out? (Luna)

I have some ideas, but I wont really know how well they will work without outside opinions. (Blake)

Alright.  Damien wants to discuss with you about things. (Luna)

Cool. (Blake)

He went over to where Damien was and they started discussing things.  This continued for a while when Tamamo started talking to me.

{Luna, Atmos will be here in a few minutes.  Feel free to join the discussion whenever you want.}


Several minutes later, I heard Atmoss voice.

So, what made you finally decide to stop ignoring those jealous idiots? (Atmos)

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{Them calling me old one too many times as well as them saying something about me shaving my tails.}

I cant allow that for obvious reasons. (Luna)

I agree, Luna.  That comment alone deserves punishment of the highest order.  Do you have any idea on what to do, or is that my job to come up with something? (Atmos)

{We have a rough idea of what we can do, but we want your input since this is one of the things youre best at.}

Alright, give me the details. (Atmos)

{Well, yesterday we discovered a method to increase the fluffiness of both of us to an even higher degree and we tried it on my tails.}

Two things already, one: thats amazing and I want to experience this myself.  Two: How is it even possible for Luna to get even fluffier?  Like seriously, anymore and we might not be safe from the Abyss. (Atmos)

Dont worry Atmos, you will be second after Tamamo to feel it. (Luna)

Safety?  Who needs it? (Atmos)

{Ufufufu, anyway, once Luna finished making my tails even fluffier, she tried using her Abyssal Blessing on me and it worked.  Now I have to ability to judge the fluff of others.  I assume Luna has the same ability, but thats not important right now.  Our plan is for me to judge them unworthy of fluff and then Luna takes theirs away.}

Hmmm.  Aside from a newfound fear of the two of you, I think its solid so far.  Now, let me ask, do you want this to be a private affair, or do you want to go public with it and have an audience? (Atmos)

Depends on them.  Im all for either, but if they actually attempt to do anything once their jealousy pushes them far enough, then it will have to be with the biggest audience we can get. (Luna)

I like the way you think, but II was going to say I doubt they would do something since they havent in several thousand years, but if they somehow learn that Tamamo has gotten even fluffier, then they might actually do something. (Atmos)

{Just let them try something.  If they come anywhere near the tails that my wife loves, then Ill discard any plan we make and seal them myself.}

Wait, you can do that? (Luna)

All gods have the ability to seal things, Luna.  Its just that people like me and Tamamo arent proficient in doing so unlike, say, gods of justice whose main job is to uphold the law and seal anyone that breaks it too badly. (Atmos)

That makes sense. (Luna)

{I would advise against trying it down there, Luna.  You never know how long they will last when you just start out and I dont want you to accidentally seal something for several millennia accidentally.}

Alright.  Ill hold off until you can spend some time to teach me properly. (Luna)

With that settled, Ill think up several ideas and then let the two of you choose which ones you want to go with depending on the situation. (Atmos)

{Thanks Atmos.}

Anytime, my favorite kitsunes, anytime. (Atmos)

With that discussion over, I turned my attention back to whats going on around me.  I looked over to Blake and Damien to see they were playing around with different metals and mana crystals for some reason.  Ana was almost done with her enchanting and Mio was off somewhere doing whatever Mio does.  Velvet and Soleil were happily flirting with each other while mindlessly handing Ana mana crystals.

Luna, will you need anything else from me after this? (Ana)

I dont think so, though if you want to stay you can. (Luna)

Id actually like to head back.  While it was nice to come here and help, I also have other things to do. (Ana)

Alright.  Thanks for everything youve done for this. (Luna)

Dont mention it.  But I do request that you take me on the maiden voyage once this is fully completed. (Ana)

Naturally. (Luna)

Ana stood up from where she was sitting and came over to me.  I then teleported her back to the shrine.  I then went over to the two that were discussing what to do with this and that and the other thing.

Hows the planning coming? (Luna)

Good.  We have a rough idea on what to do, but its going to need a stupid amount of mithril. (Blake)

Ill use as much of my stock as I can, but I cant use all of it. (Damien)

Im the same. (Blake)

Alright, let me check how much I have and Ill use it all.  If its still not enough, then Ill figure something out. (Luna)

All three of us then turned our attention to our inventories as we checked how much mithril we had to work with.  I heard a thunking sound as Blake and Damien placed large crates on the ground.

Lets see, I think well need about ten more crates of about this size if we want to have the bare minimum. (Blake)

Tch.  I have only have five crates. (Luna)

Hey Luna, go and ask Grey for some, he has more than enough sitting around collecting dust.  Just tell him I said you could have it. (Atmos)

And that solves that. (Luna)

What do you mean? (Damien)

Dont worry about it.  Ill go get the rest of what we need, so Ill be back shortly. (Luna)

They both nodded and I teleported to Greys office.

Grey, I need mithril and Atmos said you had tons of it. (Luna)

Hello to you to, Luna.  Why do you need mithril? (Grey)

For the ships.  Well, one ship for now. (Luna)

Ah, so its finally time for that.  Take as much as you need, but let me accompany you on the first official flight. (Grey)

Ill add your name to the list. (Luna)

Grey snapped his fingers and three massive crates appeared behind me.

This enough for now? (Grey)

Probably.  Thanks. (Luna)

No problem and good luck with the project. (Grey)

I nodded my head before storing the crates and teleporting back to the others.  I then placed the crates Grey gave us next to the others.

Hows this? (Luna)

Blake checked inside.

More than enough.  Whered you get all this so fast? (Blake)

An investor. (Luna)

Blake nodded before pulling out a fist sized chunk of mithril from the crate.  He looked it over for a few seconds before moving off of the ship.

Luna, mind if I set up a portable forge here? (Blake)

Go for it, just mind any smoke. (Luna)

I know. (Blake)

I then turned to Damien.

So, what now? (Luna)

We wait.  Blake needs to finish what hes doing and then its my turn.  Youll need to put the finishing touches though.  It will be your ship after all, so youll need to make sure that no one but you and those you want to can use it. (Damien)

Alright. (Luna)

Big sis, its time for everyone to take a break. (Soleil)

Yeah, its time for lunch. (Velvet)

Alright. (Luna)

Everyone left the ship and started to make our way to the mansion.  We told Blake what was up and he started to follow.  When we got back to the mansion, I went to the kitchen followed shortly by Vina.

Youre cooking too? (Luna)

Its a force of habit after all.  Though hes a master alchemist, hes a horrendous cook. (Vina)

That makes no sense whatsoever. (Luna)

I agree, but its the truth. (Vina)

Well anyway, shall we begin?  Itll go faster with two people after all. (Luna)

Lets. (Vina)

Chaos Realm:

Mio: Nya?  Where am I nya?

Fenrir: Mio?  I didn't think you'd be able to come here.

Mio: Fen nya?  I have no idea what's going on but I won't complain if I get to see you nya.

Tamamo: I forgot our Apostles can come here.

Atmos: I did too.

Tamamo: Fenrir, do you know where those two are?

Fenrir: No, no one was here when I got here.

Mio: Who are you talking about nya?

Fenrir: The owners of this place.

Mio: Ah nya.  Well, they'll show up when they do nya.  Nyow, my lap is lonely, Fen nya.

Fenrir: We can't have that, allow me to make it not lonely.

Tamamo: I wish Luna was here now.

Atmos: Same, I am tempted to go and grab Grey.

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