I was Betrayed then Reincarnated as a Kitsune

Chapter 251: Getting in Trouble

Chapter 251: Getting in Trouble

[Luna POV]

After the hole in space was fully closed, I turned around to see everyone staring at me.

What? (Luna)

Um, what was that just now? (Damien)

I tried a more advanced version of folding space and made a teleportation gate from where we were to here.  In essence, we just crossed the continent in an instant. (Luna)

Aside from the folding space part, I got that you just teleported us here.  What I meant was the cracking and shattering sounds.  And why did that hole look like a broken window? (Damien)

Oh.  Um, I think I accidentally broke space for a few seconds, but its fine now.  See, the hole is gone. (Luna)

Damien let out a long sigh.

Why is it that I get in trouble for making a philosophers stone, but you can casually break space with no repercussions? (Damien)

[Thats because she will be the Goddess of Space once she ascends.  But the no repercussions part is wrong.] (???)

We all heard a voice from somewhere, but we couldnt see who spoke.  I activated my spirit vision and saw a humanoid silhouette standing next to us.  A few seconds later, the silhouette gained more shape and took on more defined features.  The face was feminine.  She had a single horn spouting from her forehead and had piercing eyes.  She was tall, like, really tall, easily towering over me who is the tallest in our group.  She had dark green hair that reached to below her shoulders.  She looked around at the others before snapping her fingers.  The others disappeared instantly.

Hey! (Luna)

[Worry not, oh Goddess mine, I only sent them down to the ground.  Now, its time I introduced myself and reprimanded you.  I am the Space spirit king.  My name is Hoshi, given to me by %&*^$.  Ah, seems like I cant speak his name in the mortal world.  Anyway, sit.] (Hoshi)

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The mix of what I assumed was exhaustion and a small amount of annoyance in her voice made me listen to her.  I sat down in a seiza position while Hoshi looked down at me.

[First, please stop breaking space.  PLEASE!  Youve been doing so well with stopping at almost breaking it until recently.  First with the straight up deletion of space and then the several small incidents of you kicking small cracks and just now that giant hole.  WHY!?  Why do you insist on going so far out of your way to make as much trouble for us recently!?  What did we do to anger you in such a way?  I know that none of us have come to offer our respects to you yet but taking care of space while you cant is a lot of work.  Every time you break space, it adds even more to that.  Doing that folding trick is fine, but why do you have to push the boundaries of what you can do as a demigod?  And back when you just deleted space that one time, if I hadnt stepped in personally to take care of the aftermath, you would have died and this world might have followed shortly after.] (Hoshi)

I (Luna)

I wanted to say something in my defense, but thinking back at her words, I couldnt.  I just bowed my head in shame.

I am truly sorry.  I knew that I was causing all of you trouble, but I honestly dont know how far I can take things until something actually happens.  As for me being angry at any of you, that isnt the case at all.  So what if none of you have visited me, that doesnt matter.  You all have an important job to do, so meeting me is secondary or maybe even tertiary to your main job of taking care of space while I cant.  If anything, I should be the one who went and tried to meet you, so Im sorry for not doing so. (Luna)

The more I spoke, the worse I felt.

[GoddessThank you for not being angry at any of us.  That eases my mind a great deal, though I do wish you would tone down with the breaking of space.  As for knowing how much you can push it before it gets to be too much, when you hear cracking sounds, you should stop what you are doing.  At that point its still safe, but going any farther than that is a no go.  So please limit yourself to at most folding space or making your domains.  Your Gate attack method is also safe as well as the usual spells anyone with space magic can use.  As for you not coming to meet us, think nothing of it, we never expected you to do so until you ascended.] (Hoshi)

Then what can I do for you to make up for my mistakes aside from sticking to the limits you just said? (Luna)

[Me personally, as long as you stick to those limits, then Ill consider everything forgiven.  Half of the others, you should gift them some coffee from Lord Java and theyll forget all past grievances.  The other half you dont have to do anything, they love all the extra work youve been unintentionally forcing onto them.] (Hoshi)

No offense, but it seems like some of them are broken. (Luna)

[None taken, those of us that arent workaholics think the same.  Anyway, Ive taken as much time off as I could to give you this sermon.  Please keep this conversation in a corner of you mind from now on.] (Hoshi)

As she was turning around to leave, I called out to her.

Um, before you go, take this.  I know this will seem like Im just trying to suck up to you, but its the best I can do at the moment. (Luna)

I placed hundreds of cups of steaming coffee on the ground in front of me from my inventory.

All of these are brewed from stuff that Tamamo got from Java.  Expect more in the future. (Luna)

[Thank you, oh Goddess mine.  I will take these and give them out to the others.] (Hoshi)

She snapped her fingers again and all the coffee disappeared along with her.  I sat there in silence for several minutes.

Tamamo.  I feel really bad right now.

{While I do sympathize with you, I think you deserved that.  Just be glad that they are forgiving.}

Yes.  By the way, could you tell every time I got close to going to far?  And if so, why didnt you stop me?

{I didnt, so I couldnt even if I wanted to.  The only time I would have stopped you was when you deleted space, but even I was cut off at that point in time.}

*Sigh*  Well, lets go down.  I want to sleep some while I mull this over.

{Ill see you soon then.}

I stood up and put the ship into my inventory.  The second it was gone I started falling.  I set up a domain on the ground and teleported myself into it.  I landed feet first and rolled a few times to get rid of the excess momentum.  When I stood up again, I was a bit dizzy.

Ugh.  Spinning.

It took a few seconds before everything was better and I dissolved the domain and went to my room.  I did see some of the others and explained what happened before bidding them all a good night.  When I got to my room and shut the door, I set us a domain and immediately jumped into Tamamos embrace.

Chaos Realm:

Atmos: Now hold on, when and why did you name a spirit king?

A long time ago when this world was still new.  I do that to all major spirit kings of every world in my Sea of Chaos.  It helps them manage things when they don't have a god or goddess to do it.

Atmos: Then what about the spirit king of Fate?  He never told me his name.  Come to think of it, I've only ever met him once.  I wonder why?

Order: Why is that surprising?  You're you after all.

Atmos: Ah, that makes sense.

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