I was Betrayed then Reincarnated as a Kitsune

Chapter 252: Sisterly Bonding Time

Chapter 252: Sisterly Bonding Time

[Luna POV]

After a night of reflection and cuddling with my fluffy wife, I was determined to do my best to not cause my precious space spirits anymore trouble than I already have.

So, Tamamo, with that decided, mind telling me exactly what you are doing right now?

Tamamo was currently sitting behind me and wrapping herself in my tails.  While this isnt anything different from normal, it just seemed like an awkward time to so this.

{Im simply immersing myself in your tails.  Its been too long since Ive done this.}

We woke up five minutes ago and last night I was your body pillow.

{Exactly, five minutes too long since Ive last done this.}

Tamamo then proceeded to bury her face in one of my tails.  Her breath sent shivers up my tail and spine.  I could hear some muffled chuckling coming from Tamamo which clued me in on the exact situation.

Ah, Im dealing with half-asleep Tamamo right now.

I was about to do something when what felt like electricity shot up my spine.


I fell forward on the bed and Tamamo moved her face away from my tail.

{Ufufufufufufufu.  Luna~  You let your guard down.  Now let this nice, fluffy moon goddess Eat.  You.  Up.}

Tamamo slowly crawled up my body before her face was right next to mine.  She smiled in a seductive manner before bringing her face and mine together.  My mind went blank as I immersed myself in the kiss.  It lasted for a long time before Tamamo broke away.  As I lay there trying to catch my breath, it seemed Tamamo fully woke up.  Tamamo looked down at me and let out a long sigh.

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{Im sorry Luna.  I dont know why my first reaction to seeing you while half-asleep is to rile you up as much as possible while never going all the way.  Especially since you have other plans.}

After calming myself down enough to actually think, I brought Tamamos head to my chest and I started patting her.

Its alright, Tamamo.  I understand that you enjoy doing that with me and that you always raring to go.  I also understand that your half-asleep self has no inhibitions of going after what you want.  Heheh.  The only thing that Im disappointed about is that we have to stop.  Though I do promise you one thing, the next time we spend an extended time together, Im going to make sure you make up for every instance you tease me before stopping at the point of no return.  So feel free to do this again.  That way, well both enjoy ourselves a whole lot more when we can finally enjoy doing that again.

{Ufufufu.  I look forward to it.  Now, I have to go.}

Have some plans of your own today?

{Yeah.  Atmos and I are going to a new place the goddesses of beauty opened.  I think they called it a spa or something.}

Oh, have fun then.  And make sure you judge THEM if you see them.  What are their Authorities anyway?

{The jealous ones are goddesses of fire.  Its one of the reason they are so hot-headed.}

Then is it really fine for us to judge them?

{Absolutely.  Just because they are hot-headed doesnt absolve them from their crimes against me.  Im friends with several other fire gods that are just as hot -headed and even they dont think those four are that great.}

Alright.  Then judge them as with all the authority my blessing lets you.  And if I decide its still not enough when I actually meet them, then Ill add my judgement on top of yours.

{Ufufufu.  Sounds good.  Now, I really need to go or Ill be late.}

See you tonight.

{See you tonight.}

Tamamo vanished in a flash of light and I stood up from my bed.

Hehehe.  Tamamo, look forward to my eighth tail.  Ill make you feel so good that even healing magic wont help you walk again.

While making that declaration in my heart, I went and took a quick bath before getting ready for the rest of the day.  Once I left my room, I saw Soleil walking down the hall.

Hey big sis.  I was just coming to see if you were up yet. (Soleil)

Sorry I took so long.  I had a half-asleep Tamamo to deal with. (Luna)

Is she like Velvet when shes half-asleep? (Soleil)

No.  Velvet acts drunk, Tamamo loses all inhibitions and limits.  Thing is, she fully wakes up just before going all the way, so it always ends in really intense teasing. (Luna)

It must be hard.  I dont know if Id be able to stop myself if Velvet was like that. (Soleil)

Its normally Tamamo that talks me out of it.  Anyway, lets not talk about this anymore.  Are you ready to go? (Luna)

Yeah.  Im ready to go at any time. (Soleil)

Then let our bonding day begin.  First on the list of things to do, go to one of the capitals and shop around.  Where do you feel like going? (Luna)

Hmmm.  How about we go to Celestia?  I explored there a lot with Velvet, but not you. (Soleil)

Then that is where we shall go. (Luna)

I grabbed Soleils hand and we teleported to Celestias capital.  After we arrived, we started walking in a direction.

So, big sis, what did that spirit want to say to you?  All you really told us yesterday was that you got in trouble. (Soleil)

Well for the most part it was her venting her frustrations with my recent actions.  Ever since that incident with the fungus, Ive broken space several times and that has added more to the workload of the space spirits.  The last straw was me teleporting the whole ship yesterday in the way I did it. (Luna)

Did she place any restrictions on you? (Soleil)

Not really.  All she said was to make sure not to break space again.  That means that any time I use space magic and start hearing cracking sounds, I should stop.  Otherwise, the farthest I can take my space magic is folding space since that is just barely on the safe side apparently. (Luna)

So, everything you do with space magic is fine as long as the cracking or shattering sounds dont happen? (Soleil)

Yep. (Luna)

Alright.  I was worried that you would be banned from doing anything aside from normal teleporting from now on. (Soleil)

I doubt they would go that far.  And even if they did, I dont think they could really enforce that. (Luna)

That makes sense.  I mean you are technically higher ranked than them, right?  Or is it will be? (Soleil)

I dont know.  And I cant ask Tamamo since she is out with Atmos at the moment. (Luna)

So, youre both having a bonding day with your sisters. (Soleil)

Yeah.  Ah, before this day goes any further, I hope something happens today. (Luna)

Soleil tilted her head at my actions.  She opened her mouth to say something before I shook my head.

Dont ask, lets just continue. (Luna)

Soleil gave me a strange look before shrugging her shoulders and continued forward.  I chuckled a little bit as I followed after her.

Chaos Realm:

Order: Hey, since no one is here, do you want to go on another date?

Sounds fun.  Where do you want to go?

Order: Hmmm.  How about we go to that one place.  You know, the one with trees with autumn leaves year round.

You really like that place, don't you.

Order: I do.  It's the atmosphere there that makes it just the right place to walk around really close together.

Alright.  Then lets get ready and we'll go.

Order: Yay.

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