I was Betrayed then Reincarnated as a Kitsune

Chapter 257: Stormy Days and Some Some Small Genocide

Chapter 257: Stormy Days and Some Some Small Genocide

[Luna POV]

Over week we stayed in the port town, I had gone and made a domain for Fenrir to get to know Mios parents.  While I did stay there in the background for the first few times, I had to stop before I went mad with laughter at everything Mios father did.  In the times when I wasnt keeled over laughing, I managed to learn why he had a sea spirit following him around.  Apparently when they lived in Himmels, he somehow saved the spirit from some ritual.  After that he took his wife and Mio and fled the continent.

Anyway, now we were getting ready to leave the port city.  We were all standing at an open dock at the mouth of the largest river Ive ever seen.  It was wide enough that you could fit an entire armada of aircraft carriers from my previous life side by side and still have room for smaller ships between them.

Ive never seen a river this big in my lives. (Luna)

It is quite impressive.  And to think it starts as just a trickle in the mountains of the dwarven country. (Skadi)

I placed the Argo next to the dock as we all climbed aboard.  I started preparing my illusions and we set off.  We didnt immediately start flying as I wanted us to get a bit away from the city before we did that.

Big sis, do you smell that? (Soleil)

Yeah.  Rain.  Guess were not flying today. (Luna)

Luna, if there really is rain coming, then let me take over steering.  Its way different than calm weather. (Skadi)

Alright.  It doesnt smell like a storm, but Ill leave it to you nonetheless. (Luna)

I handed over the helm to Skadi and went to stand next to Mio and Ophidia.

Nyo flying today nya? (Mio)

Rains coming.  Dont want to risk it. (Luna)

Thanks for that nya. (Mio)

Yeah.  I dont think Id like flying in a storm. (Ophidia)

Will it be a storm?  All Soleil or I can smell is the rain on the wind. (Luna)

Yeah.  And its going to be a big one. (Ophidia)

How do you knyow nya? (Mio)

I can just tell. (Ophidia)

Tamamo, are the storm gods being uppity? (Luna)

{Probably.  They are a rowdy bunch.}

This makes me less eager to meet any of them. (Luna)

{Youd probably get along to a few of the ones Im friends with, but I have to agree that most of them arent really that easy to get along with.}

Anyway, guess well be in for some less than ideal travel conditions. (Luna)

{Why not just teleport somewhere and wait for the rain to pass?}

Cause wheres the fun in that? (Luna)

{Tempting Atmos are we?}

No, Ill only ever tempt you.  But I can get Atmos to unconsciously make things more fun for us. (Luna)

{Ufufufufu.  Then feel free to tempt me all you want tonight.}

That was the plan. (Luna)

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While I was talking with Tamamo, the clouds turned a dark grey and rain started to fall.  I walked back to Skadi.

Need any space barriers? (Luna)

One around me would be nice.  I may like water, but even I hate getting drenched like this.  The ship, however, no. (Skadi)

Alright. (Luna)

Master, Ill do it. (Ophidia)

Fufu.  Alright. (Luna)

I then went below deck where Soleil and Velvet were at.  We talked about several things with Mio who came down when the rain started to get worse.  Like that, several days of storms that got progressively worse.  We even had to put out a few fires from when lightning struck the masts.

Tamamo, will you figure out which storm gods are doing this?  I have words for them. (Luna)

{Ill add their names to the list.}

We were currently sailing through the wetlands of the Beast Kingdom.  For miles on each side of the river were marshes, swamps, and bogs filled with tall grass and very large bugs.  Every so often, I would feel a gaze looking at me from somewhere in the tall grass and when I used my space magic to see what it was, I would find lizardmen.  They all came in different varieties of appearances.  Some looked like crocodiles, others like alligators.  There were even a few with frills on the sides of their faces that reminded me of a dinosaur that spit poison in peoples faces.

Skadi, Ophidia, Velvet, were being watched by lizardmen of all kinds.  Theyve been following us ever since we entered the wetlands, and the numbers keep growing. (Luna)

How many? (Velvet)

Hundreds and counting. (Luna)

I wonder why theyre watching us?  I mean, sure, they are territorial monsters, but if what you said is true, then they are all working as a cohesive unit. (Skadi)

Think a king was born? (Luna)

Possibly. (Skadi)

Master, several are swimming behind the ship. (Ophidia)

Hmmm.  For now well wait.  If they attack us, then we will retaliate. (Luna)

Who are you and what have you done with Luna? (Velvet)

Rude, Im the same me Ive always been. (Luna)

No, youre being too passive. (Velvet)

Slander!  I just have something I want to try out, but Im waiting for them to amass a big enough group. (Luna)

Something tells me this is a bad idea. (Velvet)

Nah.  Just an application of lightning and ice magic.  Sure, it could possibly cause some slightly map-redrawing damage to the terrain, but thats what domains are for other than for me to spend time with Tamamo. (Luna)

While thats nice, Ill be inside the ship when you do that. (Velvet)

I second that notion. (Ophidia)

Ill watch. (Skadi)

You will? (Ophidia)

Yeah.  Im not bothered by a little bit of lightning magic and rain. (Skadi)

With that settled, we continued to sail up the river while the lizardmen numbers continued to grow.  After a few hours, there were so many that the banks of the river looked like a roiling mass of scaled bodies, it was really quite disgusting.

Definitely a king.  There would be no possible way for this many to come together and not kill each other. (Skadi)

Before I could reply, I heard the sound of something large falling into the water ahead of the ship.  I squinted my eyes and looked ahead to see several logs tied together with vines blocking the way.  Naturally, this wouldnt really stop us since we could just ram through the blockade, but I decided this was the time.

Velvet, Ophidia, this is the time for you two to go below unless youve decided to stay and watch. (Luna)

Well, Ill see you when youre done. (Velvet)

I think Ill stay and watch.  Nothing a simple space barrier cant handle. (Ophidia)

Then I best make this a good show. (Luna)

Velvet quickly went below deck as I made my illusions close the sails and drop the anchor.  I climbed up the main mast and stood in the crows nest.  I then made a domain that encompassed the area around the ship where all the lizardmen were.


Dont worry Tamamo, Im not doing anything reclass in regards to space this time.

{If thats the case, then show me exactly what you want to do.  Im on the edge of my seat.}

This made me smile a feral smile.  I used some ice magic and created a spear like construct and then filled it with lightning magic.  I filled it with so as much lightning magic as it could handle before reinforcing it with even more ice magic.  After several minutes I held a glowing silver spear of ice and lightning.


I looked around at the roiling mass of lizardmen and saw one that looked bigger than all the rest.  I took aim and threw my magic construct at my target. As it flew, it left arcs of lightning that killed several lizardmen before it made contact.  I teleported to the deck and set up a heavily fortified space barrier around the ship.  The second the ice hit the target; a deafening sound of thunder echoed across the land.  I pillar of silver light arced through the entire area and after electrocuting everything, ice started to form and freeze everything.  The drop in temperature was so much that even I who had a high resistance to cold started to shiver a little.  Once the magic finally calmed down and the thunder stopped, me, Skadi, and Ophidia looked out over the carnage.

Luna, you are one scary person. (Skadi)

The entire area was frozen.  All the lizardmen were turned into statues while simultaneously cooked by the lightning.  It was actually quite a morbidly beautiful spectacle.

I dont know if its just my natural instinct or not, but seeing all of these monsters like this is making me hungry. (Ophidia)

You know, its easy to forget youre not human until you say things like that. (Luna)

Thats just a part of what makes Ophidia, Ophidia. (Skadi)

Also, master, this cold is something else.  Normally it doesnt bother me, but Im actually starting to feel sluggish for once. (Ophidia)

Ok, Ill finish up then.  But before I do, anything useful come from lizardmen? (Luna)

Not particularly.  You can get some weak blinding poison from the ones with the frills, but thats about it.  Lizardmen are like the goblins of the marshes after all. (Skadi)

Ah, so completely worthless.  Anyway, if thats the case, then time for the finale. (Luna)

I snapped my fingers and the already dark clouds above us grew even darker.  Silver streaks of lightning arced between them before shooting towards the ground.  The places that were hit caused a chain reaction that shattered everything that was frozen in a brilliant spectacle of shimmering ice crystals and silver light.


{Damnit Atmos!}

Sorry, sorry its just two of the storm gods that were stupid and got in a drunken brawl just got one upped by Luna.  And shes not even a demigod of storms.  Pfft.  AHHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! (Atmos)

{And why are you here telling us this while making us both deaf?}

Pfft.  *Sigh*  Now, they want to know who one upped them and become their follower.  How funny is that?  The cult of Luna is spreading even further into the divine domain.  And this time it isnt related to fluff. (Atmos)

The what now? (Luna)

{What Luna said.}

Oh crap.  I shouldnt have said that. Um. UmAh, I know.  You didnt hear anything. (Atmos)

{Why are you waving your hand around like that?}

Atmos, the mind trick doesnt work on strong-willed people. (Luna)

Oh.  Anywaygottagobye! (Atmos)


{Youre not going to use your chains to drag her back?}

No, I have a headache now. (Luna)

{Ill see what I can do to find out about what Atmos just said.}

Please do.  And if possible, try to either disband it or put them to work like what I did for the elves.  Just tell them that they have to listen to you since youre my wife.  Also, I highly suspect this is Atmoss doing, so please scold her next time you see her. (Luna)


I dissolved the domain and all the damage that was caused by my magic disappeared.  The sky was also clearing at a rapid rate.

Master? (Ophidia)

Not now, Ophidia.  Skadi, can I ask you to steer for a little longer.  I need a nap to get rid of this headache. (Luna)

While I get it, why not use healing magic? (Skadi)

Because I just want to take a nap and not think about stuff for a little while. (Luna)

Understandable. (Skadi)

I went to the captains cabin and laid on the bed.  I pulled out my Tamamo plush and shut my eyes.

Chaos Realm:

Tamamo: Oh Atmos.

Atmos: On no.

You brought this on yourself.  I told you it was a bad idea to start a Luna fluff cult in the divine domain.

Order: I also tried to dissuade you as well.

Atmos: But it was such a fun idea.  I've even gotten most of the goddesses of beauty on board.

Tamamo: I see.

Atmos: Very big oh no.

For the record, Tamamo, we tried to stop her.

Order: Indeed.

Tamamo: I heard you the first time.  Though by the looks of it, you two didn't try too hard.  And Order, I expected you to be the one with the most reason here.

Order: I'd like to use my right to remain silent.

Crisis: Ah, so the dissuading was post fun times with Payto, eh?

Order: In-chan, let's have a nice long discussion about things that should and should not be said.

Crisis: AHAHAHAHAHA!  You'll never catch me!

Mordred, control your wife.

Mordred: No can do.  I'm just an Apostle, I don't have the strength to hold her back.  Plus isn't she just adorable when she laughs like that?

Not as cute as Order's embarrassed face.

Atmos: Um, are we just not going to question anything about what just happened or why those two showed up after months of being wherever they were?

Tamamo: Stop being a voice of reason and receive your scolding.

Atmos: You'll never catch me!

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