I was Betrayed then Reincarnated as a Kitsune

Side Chapter 22: Meeting the Parents

Side Chapter 22: Meeting the Parents

[Luna POV]

The next morning, me and Mio went back to her parents house from the inn we decided to stay at.

Lunya, Im nervous nya. (Mio)

Just take some deep breaths and youll be fine.  There is nothing you need to worry about. (Luna)

When we arrived at the door, Mio knocked on it.  Cleo opened it shortly after that and invited us inside.

Sorry we couldnt offer any rooms nya.  Even to you Mio nya. (Cleo)

Its fine nya. (Mio)

Wheres Dio? (Luna)

Getting dressed nya.  Hell be here shortly nya. (Cleo)

The three of us sat down and Cleo offered us some freshly made herbal tea.  We chatted for about ten minutes when Dio entered the room.  He smiled cheerfully at the me and Mio before sitting down next to Cleo.  After the usual morning greetings, I stood up from my seat.

Ill set up a domain.  After that, you can just ignore me while you have your meeting. (Luna)

I snapped my fingers and a domain was created.  I then activated my stealth skill and used some illusion magic to hide myself.

[Fenrir POV]

{Fenrir, Luna made a domain.  You can go down at any time.}

Ok, deep breaths Fenrir, deep breaths. (Fenrir)

I took in several deep breaths to calm my nerves.  Tamamo walked over next to me and started patting my head for some reason.

{Youll be fine.}

While Im not complaining, why are you patting my head? (Fenrir)

{Because it has a calming effect.}

I cant deny that. (Fenrir)

With Tamamos help, I had calmed down a considerable degree.  After one more deep breath, I made a portal to Lunas domain and stepped through it.  The room I found myself in was quite different from what I was used to, but that shouldnt be a surprise.  It had a thick smell of herbs and other plants as well as a faint smell of the sea.  As I took in the sight of the room, my gaze fell on three cat people.  One was obviously my Mio.  The other woman looked like a slightly older version of Mio but with different eye color and longer hair.  The man was tall and extremely muscular.  He had the same eye color as Mio and unkempt blond hair.  He also had a sea spirit with the same body build floating behind him for some reason.

Mom, dad, this is Fenrir nya.  My girlfriend and the person I want to marry in the future nya. (Mio)

Its nice to meet you, mother-in-law, father-in-law, I am Fenrir, Goddess of Winter and the North. (Fenrir)


Good job Mio nya.  I always knew you would end up with a great person nya. (Cleo)

I took a step forward to sit next to Mio when her father stood up, giving off a menacing aura.

Oh, youre approaching my daughter?  Instead of standing at a respectable distance, you are approaching her? (Dio)

I cant sit next to my girlfriend without getting closer. (Fenrir)

I matched his aura which caused him to smile.

Ho ho, then get as close as you like. (Dio)

His menacing aura completely disappeared and he sat back down.  I glanced at Cleo and Mio and saw that Mio had her face buried in her hands and Cleo was pinching the bridge of her nose.

Dio nya.  Why nya?  Why must you always do things like that nya?  All it does is embarrass us nya. (Cleo)

Its a force of habit nya. (Dio)

I finally sat down next to Mio, and she peeked through her finger.

Fen, please forget my dad ever did that nya. (Mio)

I have no idea what you are talking about, Mio. (Fenrir)

Nya. (Mio)

She took her head out of her hands and looked at both of her parents.

Nyow, let me explain all the things nya. (Mio)

Mio told the story of her first meeting with Luna, her adventures after meeting her, the point of their journey, the fact that she became an Apostle.  She was about to get to the part where we first met, but I interjected.

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I feel I should tell this next part. (Fenrir)

Go ahead nya. (Mio)

I then went into an explanation about how I first saw Mio from the divine domain, though I feel my explanation was a bit different to how it actually happened.  Anyway, I told them how I pretty much fell for Mio at first sight, how, through some of my connections, met her, and how we became a couple.

I think that about sums it up. (Fenrir)

Hmmm.  So my daughter will marry a goddess and is an Apostle to another one nya. Dio looked directly into my eyes.  While I respect all gods, let me say this as a father nya.  If you ever hurt my Mios feelings, I will do my utmost to make you regret it nya.  Even if Im sentenced to eternal damnation for it nya.

I met his gaze head-on before replying.

I would never hurt Mios feelings.  To us, our word is one of the most important things.  I promise you on my name as a goddess that I will never hurt Mios feelings and give you full permission to enact judgement on me if I ever do. (Fenrir)

Dio crossed his arms and nodded his head.  I then looked over to Cleo.  Her eyes were shining while also having tears in the corners.

*Sniff*  Mio nya, you really found yourself a good woman nya.  Fenrir, as a her mother, I give you full permission to marry my daughter nya.  But remember this as well nya, I have the same sentiments as my husband nya. (Cleo)

I fully understand and give you the same permission as father-in-law. (Fenrir)

Very well nya.  Nyow, tell us when the wedding is nya. (Cleo)

Thats not decided yet nya.  We still need to talk about it nya, but it will probably be after Lunyas. (Mio)

As long as we get to witness it, then thats fine nya. (Cleo)

Indeed nya. (Dio)

Ill try my best to figure out what to do and relay that to Mio. (Fenrir)

Alright nya.  Nyow, lets get to something less serious nya.  Please tell us about yourself more nya. (Cleo)

I smiled at that and spent the rest of the day talking about myself as well as listening to several things about Mios childhood.  By the time it was time for me to leave, I got up and bade my farewells.  Luna showed up from out of nowhere as I created a portal to the divine domain.  I thanked her for setting up the domain for us but she just smiles at me and patted my head like Tamamo did earlier.

Tamamo was right, you are very headpattable. (Luna)

Again, I dont get why you are doing this, but I wont complain about it. (Fenrir)

As well you shouldnt. (Luna)

As I was turning back to the portal, Luna pulled me closer to her and whispered into my ear.

Just let me know when and Ill make a domain for you and Mio in a private place for the two of you to spend some time together.  I gave Mio the same offer before, so I extend it to you. (Luna)

I nodded my head as I felt my face start to blush.  Luna then released me and I walked through the portal.

Chaos Realm:

[Atmos POV]

I was sitting on a couch while Payto and Order were working away on a large magic formation with so many complicated symbols and patterns that it gave me a headache.  Grey was sitting next to me with a similarly confused face.

Atmos, what kind of magic is that? (Grey)

No idea.  Just watching them is making my head hurt. (Atmos)

Yeah, I dont recommend looking at this too much.  It contains secrets only Im supposed to know, and I really dont want to mess with your memories as much as I normally do.  At least in Greys case. (Payto)

And you especially dont want me to do that.  Im still learning how to manipulate memories. (Order)

When do you mess with my memories? (Grey)

Every time you leave here.  I cant have you reveal the Chaos Realm to the outside world or divine domain.  Its not that I dont trust you to keep your mouth shut, but its a precaution I still need to take. (Payto)

Thats understandable. (Grey)

Payto nodded his head before writing one more symbol.  The magic formation then shone in a mix of red, black, and white light.  It then split down the middle like a door and two people kind of fell out of it with bewildered looks on their faces.

Did we just get abducted? (Alexander)

Not sure, but I dont think so. (Cassandra)

Its less abduction and more like a really vivid dream.  Anyway, you two turn around and talk for a bit. (Payto)

Payto and Order then disappeared.  The two new arrivals were confused but did turn around and all of our eyes met.  When they saw Grey, their eyes went wide and tears could be seen forming in Greys mothers.

G-Grey?  Is that you? (Cassandra)

Long time no see, mom. (Grey)

Boy, you have some explaining to do.  You disappear ten years ago, never contact us, then we randomly show up here just to see you again.  Not to mention that you have a completely different feeling than what I remember. (Alexander)

Yeah, thats whats going to happen.  So why dont you calm down and sit.  There are a lot of things that need to be said, and probably not enough time to do so. (Grey)

Hmph. (Alexander)

Greys father grumpily sat down on the seat in front of Grey while his mother was still silently staring at him.

Cass, snap out of it. (Alexander)

Alex, its Grey.  Our Grey. (Cassandra)

I know.  Sit and listen to what he has to say.  And you, lady with the weird eyes, who are you? (Alexander)

Ok, one, my eyes arent weird, and two, Im Greys wife, Atmos. (Atmos)

Eh? (Alexander)

EH!? (Cassandra)

Really Atmos. (Grey)

Hey, even if they are my in-laws, I wont stand for my looks being called weird. (Atmos)

How is it not?  A green eye and a purple one, not to mention dark purple hair.  What normal person has features like that? (Alexander)

Alex, thats rude.  You know that stuff like this is all the rage these days. (Cassandra)

Bah.  Its still weird. (Alexander)

I could feel myself twitching and a feeling of wanting to see a cake meet the face of my father-in-law was very, VERY prominent in my mind.

Dad, please stop.  I wont be able to save you if you get on her bad side completely. (Grey)

Then what are you waiting for, boy?  Start talking.  And start with why you just up and disappeared ten years ago. (Alexander)

*Sigh*Before I start, I need you to keep an open mind to all the craziness. (Grey)

With that warning, Grey stated telling his story from the time he was summoned to our world as a hero, his adventure, his meeting me and learning he was my Fated One, his ascension to godhood, and everything up to the present moment.

Boy, you know you sound completely insane, right? (Alexander)

Yeah, but its still the truth.  Ive even shown you proof that Im not lying. (Grey)

Grey, while I do believe your story, was there really no way to somehow come back home temporarily? (Cassandra)

Unfortunately not.  Rules are rules.  In fact, I have no idea how this isnt violating them, but Im not going to look this gift-horse in the mouth. (Grey)

Greys father then turned to me.

Atmos, was it?  Thank you for taking care of my meathead of a son.  Also, sorry for calling you weird.  I didnt know I was insulting a goddess. (Alexander)

So, you WERE insulting me. (Atmos)

Dont mind him, hes like that with everyone.  But Ill thank you as well. (Cassandra)

No thanks are needed.  Honestly, Grey is the one that takes care of me than the other way around. (Atmos)

Yep. (Grey)

I smacked Greys arm.

Thats the part where you deny that and say we take care of each other. (Atmos)

Says the one that pranks others almost indiscriminately. (Grey)

Oi!  How can I not?  Its literally my job to do that. (Atmos)

Yeah, but thats only been the case recently.  How many hundreds or even thousands of years were you doing that?" (Grey)

"Grey.  What have we talked about in that regard? (Atmos)

Not to bring up age in front of my parents. (Grey)

Then why did you mention what humans would consider an absurd number of years? (Atmos)

Because they have already figured out that more time has passed than they actually think. (Grey)

They get along so well, eh Cass? (Alexander)

Yeah. (Cassandra)

Of course we do.  We were literally fated to be together.  There is literally no one better than Grey.  Though my sister and her wife do come close. (Atmos)

Oh, so this world that youre from is progressive in love? (Cassandra)

What do you mean? (Atmos)

In our world, liking people of the same gender isdifficult in a lot of places.  Of course, we think that you love who you love, no matter what, but a lot of other people dont think that way. (Alexander)

No offence, but that sounds like a horrible place. (Atmos)

Eh, we make do with what we can. (Alexander)

Anyway, I have a serious question for the two of you.  My friend, the one who made this meeting possible, might be able to let you stay here permanently.  However, it has to be your choice.  I cant make you do this. (Grey)

The two of them looked at each other before looking back at us.

Grey, while Im thankful for the offer, I think well decline. (Alexander)

I had a feeling that was the case, but can I ask why? (Grey)

Our whole lives are back there.  Family, friends, our entire livelihood, everything.  This is selfish, but we cant give all of that up.  We dont blame you for choosing to stay here after everything you went through.  Meeting your lovely wife as well. (Cassandra)

Grey didnt say anything but nodded his head.  I reached over and started patting him on the back to comfort him.

Grey, look at me. (Alexander)

He did as he was told.

Like your mother said, this is selfish on our part, but you have your life here to worry about.  Dont take this as a slight on you. Greys father stood up and then knelt in front of Grey.  We love you with all our heart, nothing will ever change that.  Getting brought to a new world?  So, what.  Becoming a god?  Good on you.  We love you with everything we have and more.  Just because we cant abandon everything weve ever known doesnt change that fact. (Alexander)

Grey nodded his head and I could tell he was holding back tears.  Greys mother then stood up and knelt next to her husband.  She then grabbed Greys hands with hers.

Grey.  This is just another part of life.  I get that youve lived way longer than we have by this point, but you will always be my son.  There is no possible way we regret bringing you into the world and the choices we made when raising you.  And this point is a learning experience.  Be better than us, who are selfish.  I wont say be a saint, far from it, but be better.  Hehe.  Heck, you are better. (Cassandra)

Haha. (Grey)

Greys parents stood up and they both turned to me.

Atmos, when we leave this place, take care of him.  If you dont, Ill traverse however many worlds to get back here and give you an earful. (Alexander)

Naturally.  Ive done that for this long, and Ill continue to do so forever. (Atmos)

Good. (Alexander)

Atmos.  Thank you for loving my son.  I can tell that you both make each other happy, so please continue to do so. (Cassandra)

Of course. (Atmos)

Also, while I dont know if its possible to do this again one day, if it is, let me see some grandchildren. (Cassandra)

AhI-its not like we dont try.  Its just really hard for gods to get pregnant.  Like, super, super, SUPER hard. (Atmos)

I see.  Then you best be getting busy. (Cassandra)

I could tell my face was red to my ears hearing my mother-in-laws words.

Mom, did you really have to bring that up?  There are people here who are also struggling with that. (Grey)

Ah.  Sorry, I just got caught up in the moment. (Cassandra)

Its fine.  We know it wasnt anything meant for us.  Also, times almost up.  What was your decision to the choice? (Payto)

Were going back. (Alexander)

I see.  Then I wish the two of you the best of luck in your endeavors.  If you both manage to live for another 30 years in your world, you might get to have another meeting like this. (Payto)

Hear that, Cass?  Thirty more years and we might get to see some grandkids. (Alexander)

I did.  If thats our motivation, then I bet I can live for 100 more years. (Cassandra)

Now youre talking.  Hear that Grey, well live for as long as it takes, so this wont be the last time we see each other. (Alexander)

Yeah, I heard.  Im gonna hold you to that too. (Grey)

And Ill try my best. (Atmos)

The two of them smiled and waved as they walked through the magic formation again.  It shut slowly and then completely disappeared.  Grey slumped back down into the couch.  I glanced at Payto and Order and they nodded at me.  The second they disappeared, Grey broke down a little.

That washarder than I expected it to be. (Grey)

I know.  But you did fine.  And remember, they have the chance to see us again.  What was that thing you said before?  Wait and Hope  Do that and well see them again. (Atmos)

YeahHey Atmos. (Grey)

Hmm. (Atmos)

Mind if I borrow your shoulder for a bit? (Grey)

For as long as you like. (Atmos)

Thanks. (Grey)

We spent a while after that together.  Grey let out all of the feelings he was holding in during the meeting while I did what I could to comfort him.

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