I was Betrayed then Reincarnated as a Kitsune

Side Chapter 19: Skadi and Ophidia

Side Chapter 19: Skadi and Ophidia

This chapter takes place at one point in the months between the festival and the present.

[Skadi POV]

On the night of a full moon a few weeks after the Vanquishing festival, I was kidnapped to Lunas floating island by Ophidia.

While its good to see you Ophidia, I would like some warning next time you decide to kidnap me.

But that would ruin the surprise.

Haha.  Anyway, is there something you wanted to do?

I heard from Velvet that if we spend the night of a full moon under the tree master planted, we will be blessed or something, so I decided to try it.

Ah, I see.  Then let us go to this tree.

Were already there.  Just look up.

I looked up and saw the sky covered by the leaves of a massive tree.

Now how did I miss that?

No idea, but were here now.

True.  So, what exactly do we do?

Again, no idea.  All Velvet said was spend the night here.

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Hmmm.  Then shall we sit or something?


We moved over to the trunk of the tree and sat down next to each other.  We sat in silence for a few minutes before we both started to speak at the same time.

Haha.  You can go first, Ophidia.

I was just going to ask how youve been.  You havent responded to many of my letters recently.

Ah.  Ive been busy in a quest.  In the port city of the Beast Kingdom, there have been signs of a leviathan, so I was asked to deal with it.

Oh.  And, how did it go?

Good.  I managed to get it to go away without killing it.

Howd you do that?

I beat it up.

Hahahahahaha.  I would have loved to see that.

Maybe you will one day.

I hope to.  I mean, we have eternity together, so itll happen at some point.

Ophidia then scooted closer to me and started hugging my arm.

You know, I realized something after being around master, Velvet, and Soleil.  We havent really been together.

What do you mean?

I mean, we havent been like they are.  Sure, we like each other, but I feel like that is different than loving each other.


I sat there and thought about Ophidias words for a few minutes.

Now that I think about it, youre right.  If I had to put it to words, weve been more friends than we were girlfriends.

Right.  But I dont know how we are supposed to fix that.

Hmmm.  Then tell me Ophidia, how do you feel about me?

I like you a lot.  I find myself thinking about you all the time and I feel complete when Im close to you.

I think thats what love is, Ophidia.

Oh.  Then I love you, Skadi.

Ophidias words made my heart feel fluffy.


Why are you laughing?

Sorry, its just that made me happy and I didnt know how to express it, so I laughed.

Ophidia then smiled mischievously.  She leaned closer to my ear and whispered.

I love you Skadi.

That made my heart start racing even more than it was already.


Hehehehehehe.  Now, its your turn.


I was trying to say it when the words caught in my throat.  I knew I felt the same as Ophidia did.  I wanted to say it, but I couldnt.  I felt that it wouldnt be enough to express just how much I felt for her.

Is something wrong?  Your face is all red.

Ophidia leaned even closer to me than she already was.


Ophidia was so close that I could no longer think, so I just moved.  I stood up and held Ophidia by the waste then brought my face closer to hers and sealed her lips with mine.  Her eyes went wide with surprise before she made her own move.  She moved her arms around my neck and then her tongue invaded my mouth.



We stood like that for several minutes before breaking apart to breath.

I see why master and the Great One like doing that so much.  Its quite nice.

Did that get what I wanted to across?

That and more.


We sat back down under the tree and both looked up.

You know, master said that she is going to make the entire sky like this once she ascends.  I never really understood the point of that, but now I think I get it a little.  Sharing a view of something beautiful like this with someone you love feels amazing.

I agree.  Im so happy Ive lived long enough to meet you.

We both leaned against the other while still looking up.  We spent a long time just sitting in the comfortable silence and before we knew it, we both fell asleep.  When I woke up again, I was sitting with my back to the tree and Ophidias head in my lap.  I smiled at her as she lay there and I ran my hand through her hair.  Doing this caused her to stir a bit, and then she opened her eyes slowly.  When she looked up and saw me smiling at her, she smiled as well.  She then sat up and our lips met again.

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