I will not die a Villainess's death

Chapter 161 161: The Prisoner Escaped? [Pt1]

Eve looked quite torn after she had spoken those harsh words and Elysia tried not to take them to heart.

Sometimes, a person spoke too much in their passion and ended up hurting those close to them. Eve was just going through that time so Elysia could not hold this against her. Even if it hurt Elysia, she could not stay angry at Eve.

For what it was worth, Eve was trying hard to apologize but the time was not right for a conversation.

"The prisoner is being held in there. You can still back out if you do not feel like going in and-"

"No, I want to talk with Rahan. I have a lot I have to ask him right now."

Elysia not only needed to ask Rahan about what that incense was, but she also needed to ask about the other person he had hidden in his home.

Rahan might have denied the existence of another person in his plan but Elysia was more than sure that there was another person in there.

The door of the prison made a loud noise as it opened into the inner dark corridor. Most people would have felt freaked out by walking into such a dark and gloomy place but Elysia almost felt at home while she walked into the prison.

"Wow, quite a nice place you've got in the Dirac estate. When was this place built?"

Eve tried to lighten the mood since she was the only one feeling awkward. She had never needed to come to such a place before and the temple had also made sure that the Saintess kept away from places.

It was Eve's first time in such a place.

"Prisons like these exist everywhere in the empire. Even the temple has two or more such prisons hidden on its property. This is nothing new to see."

"I see. I never knew that this was the case."

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Eve sounded like she was having a hard time believing Sorias. But Elysia knew all about the temple's prisons.

After all, Elysia had spent a lot of time navigating through those prisons when she had been training. She would walk in and out of that maze-like formation with her eyes closed.

'Not that it matters much with eye-sight like mine. The world looks hazy all the time to me.'

The darkness was no barrier for Elysia as she expertly avoided all the traps that were laid out in this prison. Eve, on the other hand, had to be helped so that she did not trigger any trap.

The room where Rahan was being kept was considerably nicer than the ones in its vicinity. But it was not much to look at either.

However, it was sanitary and would not cause Rahan's wounds to fester with infection too quickly.

"You? They allowed you to come here even after all that happened? What is wrong with these people?"

Rahan looked startled to see Elysia. He looked toward Lucas and then back at her.

Elysia had not even noticed her brother since he had been hiding in the shadows. Her eyes could not pick up her brother's body inside the room.

"Elysia, so you did decide to come here after all. Did you have anything to ask our prisoner before we execute him?"

"Oi, you are not serious, right? You cannot kill me because I have a lot of important information, right?"

Rahan looked to be panicking as soon as he realized that Lucas was not joking around but he was 100% serious about his claim.

"You cannot let him kill me. Don't you want to know more about what I know? A-And, don't you want to know what happened when you arrived at the house?"

Rahan changed his target as soon as he realized that he would not be able to sway Lucas Dirac's opinion.

Seeing how Lucas behaved, the only one who would be able to change his mind was Elysia Dirac. So the best way to stay alive was to appeal to Elysia Dirac.

'Darn my boss and his orders to not touch Elysia and Lucas Dirac. If not for that order, then I would have been able to escape long before now.'

Rahan knew he had enough magic to escape this place. He might be in anti-magic cuffs but he still had his secret weapon - the artifact that had an external magic source.

That artifact would be able to blow up the room and all the guards in the vicinity. But it might end up hurting Elysia Dirac and Lucas Dirac as well.

"You sure know how to attract my curiosity but not sate it. You are playing a dangerous game right now and I don't like it."

That day, Rahan got to know another fact about the Dirac family. Elysia Dirac might look innocent and cute but she could be terrifying when she needed to be.

Her eyes looked dead when she stared Rahan down and he gulped down his saliva in nervousness.

"Rahan, are you not going to give me the answers I want? I am warning you that I won't be gentle if you do not cooperate with me."

Rahan suddenly realized that he might have made a mistake by thinking of Elysia as an easy target. She was soft most of the time and nothing about her looked intimidating at first.


'Who said that Elysia Dirac looked harmless? If looks could kill then I would be 100 feet under right now.'


"Give me the name of the man who entered your house before me. And don't you dare say that there was no one in your house except you. I know what I say so you better spill."

Rahan was forced into submission. Not only was Elysia Dirac expecting an answer, but so was Lucas Dirac. It was either do or die for him now.

'Boss, what kind of situation did you get me stuck in? You better think of a way to get me out of here before I will need to spill everything out.'

Rahan opened and closed his mouth, his mind fighting itself in a debate. He was not sure how to proceed with this situation.

"You see, it's a funny thing that happened, and…get down right now."

Elysia looked behind to see the wall exploding. The debris was about to catch her but Rahan managed to shield her body.

Meanwhile, everyone else had snapped into motion as well. As soon as the explosion had sounded, they started to move around and ambush the one who had done that.

Rahan spotted the small red right in the smoke that signaled that his rescue was here. He had been saved and at the right time.

"Sorry sweetheart, but I need to get going now. Hope you have a pleasant day. And also, take my warning to heart. Do not interfere in what is going to happen and don't become a part of this world's plan."

With his warning issued, Rahan ran toward the exit. The smoke bomb that Rahan's rescuer had thrown in managed to hide his moments until Rahan was out of the fire zone.

"Ya, I heard that you managed to get yourself caught. Did you have fun while behind held captive in the prison?"

Rahan's rescuer asked as soon as he spotted Rahan. His rescuer's wild brown hair was blowing everywhere right now and combined with his green eyes, it was a rather striking look for him.

This guy was someone who ended up attracting attention no matter where he went. And Rahan knew for sure that his side had made a mistake sending this attention whore as his rescuer.

"Just my luck. Why did it have to be you out of everyone who came after me? Never mind, let's leave right now or we would be seen."

Rahan tried to get the wild man out of the public eye before he could be spotted by Lucas or any other troublesome entity. He even tried to convey his urgency by pushing his rescuer's back to hurry him up.

But this stupid attention whore seemed to not get Rahan's message. Instead of leaving the prison grounds, he started walking back toward the backroom.

"Hey, what are you doing? Hurry up and walk toward the exit."

Rahan yelled, but the wild man only laughed his advice off with an impish smile.

"No way. Do you know how rare it is for our side to come in contact with any of these people? I so want to see what kind of beauty Elysia Dirac is for our boss to protect her like this. He was not even this considerate for the Saintess and-"

This buffoon had the wrong idea about their leader and his relationship with Elysia Dirac. But Rahan was not going to spend his time correcting that misunderstanding.

What he could do was drag his rescuer after him and ensure that no one saw this wild man. There will be too much damage control to do once they were back in the base.

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