I will not die a Villainess's death

Chapter 162 162: The Prisoner Escaped? [Pt2]

While the interrogation was happening inside the Dirac prison, something else was happening outside. A man with wild hair walked up to the jail slowly. He was visible from every angle of the building.

"Hey wait. Who are you and what are you-?"

Before the guard could finish asking questions, the wild-haired man threw his hand up and the prison wall exploded. All the guards could do was look at the wild man in wonder as that happened.

The wild man did not stop to see what was happening behind him. He knew his destination and hurriedly crossed the threshold.

"You! Come back here now."

The guard yelled but the wild man did not listen to him. He just ducked his head so that no one could see his face and went to rescue his partner who had been imprisoned by the Diracs.

"I will apologize to the boss later. Right now, reducing Rahan is the priority."

And since that was the case, the wild man knew he was in the right and even the boss would see things his way.


That had been the past and the wild-haired man felt foolish to think that his hard work would be appreciated. Instead of falling onto his knees and professing his admiration, Rahan was just bitching back at him.

"What the hell man? Rahan, I just saved you. Can you at least pretend like you will let me do what I want to?"

"Boras, I will let you do what you want when I am sure that you will not cause us any damage. But knowing your temper, it will not be possible for you."

The wild man, now known as Boras, looked disappointed at Rahan's words. Even if he knew what Rahan had said was the truth, he did not want to accept that.

"When did I ever-"

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"Always. Boras, you always cause trouble. And can you not do anything about this wild hair of yours? They are too showy."

Rahan sounded annoyed and Boras was offended. Rahan did not know how much trouble and money Boras put into his hair every month. His hair was worth thousands of dollars, alright.

Boras was not going to take this insult lying down. He would dish back as good as he got…

..or that had been the plan before a sword came flying at him. It nicked his perfect hair and caused a small amount of them to fall.

"What the hell man? Do you know how much I spent to get them perfect like this? Now, how will you compensate me for it?"

Boras bitched as he clutched his precious hair. Behind him Rahan had snapped into alert mode, ready to run away at any time. He had finally used his magic tool to unlock his cuffs and lightly rested his hand on Boras's shoulder.

Lucas Dirac stood on the other side of the smoke, his words held at ready and pointed toward Boras's neck. A single wrong move would kill Boras.

"Oh, I don't know how I will be able to compensate you, my dear sir. But I am sure I will find a way if you left me with a name and address to reach you."

Rahan could hear how pissed off Lucas Dirac was. And it was for obvious reasons as well since his prisoners were trying to escape.

Boras was either too dense to realize the mood Lucas Dirac was in, or he did not care about his life. Rahan was getting scared just looking at Lucas Dirac's face.

"You will compensate me? Then, write my address and-"

"Boras, stop talking right now. You will land us into trouble."

Rahan yelled as he squeezed Boras's shoulder. Lucas Dirac realized what was going to happen the second Rahan decided to use his magic.

The sword phased through Boras's stomach as he disappeared. The pair had been saved in the nick of the time.

As soon as Rahan's feet touched the ground, Rahan's body sagged in relief. He had managed to stay alive and get out of the Dirac prison.

"What the hell man? Why did you want to do that to me? I was about to strike it rich as well."

It was official now. Boras was an idiot who did not know what kind of trouble he was landing himself into. He should be grateful that Rahan was able to save his ass.

Boras's words were making Rahan irritated so he ended up smacking him upside the head.

"Stop trying to fool around. Do you know how much trouble we both are in now? Lucas Dirac knows our faces and he will not let us go easily now. We will need to get someone else to run our errands."

Their side was suddenly low on the manpower department when it came to operating outside.

"You better pray that the boss doesn't cut us a new us a new one for this."


Lucas Dirac looked on in annoyance as he lost his targets. He had not expected the prisoners to get away from them like this.

'How annoying. I will not let these annoyances escape my grasp.'

Lucas Dirac was like a dog with

his opponents pulled tricks like this on him but he was not complaining.

It would only serve to make the hunt even more pleasurable for him in the long run. And it was not like these criminals could escape his grasp. Lucas would not allow that to happen on his watch.

"Lucas, did you get them? Do we have a new suspect with us for questioning?"

Lucas debated going after the prisoners but he decided to wait in the end. There was no need to go forward with this, even if some of his people were excited to get revenge.

Sorias sounded excited so Lucas was a little sorry for dashing his hopes like that. But he had to prioritize looking after his people for now.

"They managed to escape us. How is Elysia looking right now? She was coughing the last I saw of her."

Lucas looked toward his sister who was bowed due to her sudden cough. All the dust that was flying around had not agreed with her construction.

"Elysia is still coughing. The smoke got into her lungs but Eve is helping her out for now. The soldiers are waiting for your order before going after the escapes."

Lucas landed softly, his feet not making any noise. Behind Sorias, his soldier stood in line with nervous expressions. They looked quite anxious to see Lucas standing in front of them with a closed-off expression.

Somehow, all of them knew that they had made a mistake and Lucas Dirac was pissed off. They could potentially lose their lives right now.

"Can you all tell me how an armed person engaged to walk into the Dirac Estate and none of you stopped him? Did you forget all that I taught you?"

Everyone shuddered as soon as they heard Lucas Dirac's cold voice. He sounded not only pissed but disappointed as well. All the people gathered here were going to die by his hand.

Of course, they could make excuses for their actions but Lucas Dirac was not going to accept that so easily. He was a ruthless king of his estate for a reason and one should not think that his sister had softened him.

"You all have one week to find those escaped prisoners for me. Both of them. One week. Did you understand me?"

The soldiers nodded as they quickly ran away with their tails tucked away beneath their bodies. They knew that their boss had not made an ideal threat against them.

"Oh, God. We are all going to die soon."

All the guards watched that brave soldier dig his grave by speaking. He looked too young to know what not to say in front of Lucas Dirac.

Lucas Dirac only grinned as soon as heard those words and the guards knew that he had not only heard those soft-spoken words but had also taken them to heart.

"You all should hurry up. Time is something you are lacking after all. I am not sure how long I will be able to hold my temper in."

The soldiers scattered as soon as Lucas Dirac finished speaking. They were terrified of his presence and he knew that.

Truthfully, Lucas had little faith in his soldiers being able to find the prisoners. They were not only an expert in their art but also capable of holding great magic.

Lucas will have to go after himself.

"Eve, how is Elysia doing?"

Lucas finally came back to his group to check up on Elysia. Her cough had not gotten better at all and it seemed like she was having trouble breathing as well.

"I'm alright-"

"Don't speak. Whatever was in that smoke is affecting you worse than any of us. Conserve your breath for now and don't speak."

Elysia has a sour look on her face after Eve's verdict. She looked stressed and it was not good for her.

As for Lucas? His coughing fit could not have come at a worse time. His chest burned with his coughing and his hand was strained red when he pulled back.

He looked up to see Elysia's horrified expression and he knew that he could not hide his condition any longer

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