Idle Mage: Humanity's Strongest Backer

Chapter 244 Humans Vs. Angels

Killing intent loomed over the horizon.

Everyone could feel the tense atmosphere. It's like the air was prickly for some reason. It was uncomfortable and repulsive, just like the corruption that's still plaguing this world.

The Mystic Guild was already informed about the situation. Every single one of them is currently waiting for the arrival of the invaders.

Today, just like always, the Mystic Guild is here to fulfill their purpose. They're here to defend their home from the creatures that sought to destroy it.

For a certain group of guild members, this was nerve-wracking. Unlike the others, this is their first time being drafted into the frontline so it's understandable that they'd be nervous.

Yet even though that's the case, none of them backed down. They answered the call and mustered up their courage to go out because they have to do so.

Some only hoped that their training was sufficient for the battle coming up.


Dylan released a deep breath that he was holding. His grip on his trident tightened as he anticipated the arrival of their enemies.

He won't lie, he's nervous too. Anyone would be in face of a deadly threat. But he didn't entertain any thoughts of backing down.

All of the training he subjected himself to within the past year was all for this moment.

Fred and the rest of their batch of Beneficiaries were standing by his side too. They were probably feeling the same way as him.

Nothing happened for a good while. Everyone just stood there, watching and waiting for something to happen yet nothing occurred so far. Some already started thinking that maybe it was a false alarm but before they could even raise a ruckus, a blinding golden brilliance appeared out of nowhere.

Instantly, their surroundings were submerged with a golden radiance, which is beautiful but deadly.

This was pure Golden Corruption and it was poison to humans. So even though it was pretty and gives off a graceful and divine presence, it is harmful to any humans exposed to it.

"Peace be with you."

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These words were uttered in Celestial Language. And from beyond the clouds, they came.

An army of Celestials with their golden theme, wings, halos, and eyes for days.

They were led by a humanoid who wore a silky white robe with tanned skin, a thick beard, and golden tribal tattoos all over their body.

The humanoid's appearance was holy and divine, yet it did not bring any comfort to humans. If anything, all they felt from this man was a great fear and trepidation as well as a strong repulsion to his existence.

"Do not be afraid." The humanoid says, "Lay down your arms and allow the Gracious Miracle to show you the way to salvation."

"Yeah, no thanks, Dude. We're good. Why don't shove whatever that miracle is, up your ass and leave? We don't welcome your kind here." Blake's voice echoed across the field.

"Insolence! Thou shall not speak to the Beloved Apostle like that you—!"

The angel felt a hand on its shoulder. Then like an obedient pet, in retreated and allowed the Apostle to speak his words.

"Child, we mean you no harm."

"Yeah, we neither." Blake scoffed.

"We just want to save you from the madness that's encroaching upon this land. That darkness is deadly for you. It will swallow you all into nothingness."

"Yeah, like this golden shit around us isn't doing the same thing already." Blake rolled his eyes as he replied.

"Listen, child—"

"No! You fucking listen to me!" Blake roared.

In an instant, he turned into a 50-meter-tall giant, glaring at all of the invaders and releasing a faint yet suffocating pressure.

"We both know why you all are here." He grunted, "And it's certainly not because you wanted to lead us to some salvation bullshit of yours."

"You're here for revenge. Plain and simple. And while we understand why you feel that way, let us remind you that we never asked for any of you to come here and disturb our lives."

"St. Francis received the same warning before. Had he left us be, he would still be alive, but since he died, then you all know what choice he made."

"I don't care if you believe me or not, we are giving you the same options not because we're afraid, it's because we're willing to do it all over again."

"Now, choose! Leave our world and remain alive? Or stay and face certain death. Don't make us wait too long."

Blake's imposing stature and words steeled the hearts of the army behind him.

The Apostle looked incensed. His face warped and turned ugly due to the arrogant words of the lesser creature before him.

What made the Apostle even angrier was the remembrance of what happened to his dear subordinate, St. Francis. This human didn't deny anything, they were indeed the ones who had slain St. Francis.

And that...that won't do.

Unable to hold his temper anymore, the Apostle let out a derisive snort and said:

"You don't know the weight behind your words, child."

"And you all don't know how to mind your damn business, yet here we are." Blake scoffed in reply.

"I've had enough of this." The Apostle said, "Men, it's time to fulfill our duty! Commence the Holy Crusade!"

"Yes, Dear Apostle!"

"Tch. Holy Crusade my ass. You lot are no different from the Hypogeans." Blake mumbled as he held out his hand, signaling the army to meet the enemy.

And just like this, the battle for survival had started again.

Arrows made out of golden light rained down on Humans but none hurt them. Thanks to their training, the majority of the guild members here know how to fight angels and demons. This kind of attack won't be enough to put them out of commission.

Explosions, projectiles, and screams of agony, hatred, pain, and empowerment all occurred on the battlefield.

Blake, Mary, and Alice joined their efforts to hold down the apostle. Their battle was happening in the sky.

As for the ones on the ground, their clash was just as intense as one would expect.

Amidst this chaotic battlefield, Dylan surfed on the water he produced. Rising his trident, he summoned massive tidal waves to drown his enemies. With another wave, he turns it into a deadly whirlpool that twisted them to oblivion.

Armed with knowledge on how to deal with Angels thanks to the Simulation Zone, Dylan expertly weaved through his enemies, harvesting their lives like wheat.

He could see Fred running laps all over the battlefield. A pair of platinum wings emerged from his back, his hands also transformed into sharp talons. Each flap of his wings gives him a boost in his speed, allowing him to blitz through the entire field within seconds.

Dylan could also see his friends, doing relatively well.

Despite being severely outnumbered, their side was steadily pushing the Celestials back.

Dylan has yet to feel any kind of fatigue too. Even with how many skills he used so far, his mana reserves are still relatively full.

This is all because of the Guild Master's blessings.

He may not be here with them but his presence could still be felt. He's watching over all of them, making sure to provide timely aid when they needed it the most.

The Celestials did not expect this. Seeing how they were still losing even with their sheer numbers, horrified them.

They've never been in such a horrible spot before. They've never suffered anything like this before.

They were completely outmatched. The humans were reaping them like they were some sort of cabbages on the field, free for anybody to take.

It was clear that they'd severely underestimated what Humans could do. Now, Blake's words suddenly echoed in their mind. At this point, nobody dares to say that he's bluffing.

The Apostle also didn't expect this. He also didn't expect that he might actually face some real threats in his life in this world. Alas, it's a little too late for regrets now.

Three against one is hardly a fair battle but there are no rules to follow anyway so it wasn't exactly forbidden.

The giant was certainly misleading, despite his hulking size, he's surprisingly nimble. Then, there's this bow wench who could somehow predict his next moves.

The deadliest one, however, was the one who expertly wields her sword. She was the one who inflicted pain on him so far in their exchange. She was extremely dangerous.

The Apostle never expected something like this to possibly ever occur. To think that he's actually being pushed back by these lesser creatures? How hateful! Yet somehow, this also made him understand how St. Francis died.

Amidst the explosive showdown between these forces, The Apostle somehow felt as if something was amiss.

'Why is Lust not here yet? Does he not plan on avenging his disciple?' The Apostle thought to himself.

Knowing the temper of that demon, the Apostle could never imagine him having this much patience. Which is why he's puzzled as to why that demon isn't here yet.

Alas, this is not the time to be distracted. Right now, he has to focus, or else he will die here.

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