Idle Mage: Humanity's Strongest Backer

Chapter 245 Apostle's Death, Lust's Arrival

Several hundred meters above the ground, the sky rumbled.

Thunder, lightning, and explosions of varying sizes occurred, sending aftershocks to the land beneath.

Streaking across the skies were several figures, three small ones, and one huge silhouette.

They moved at blinding speeds as if distance has no meaning to them.

The large silhouette was Blake in his Titan Form, despite his hulking size, he was moving at an alarming speed, something that even the Apostle didn't see coming.

Mary and Alice used Blake's size to their advantage in this fight. Hiding behind him sometimes to break the line of sight and make the Apostle guessing their next move.

Alice glared at the Apostle with thick killing intent coloring her gaze. Repeatedly brandishing her sword in an attempt to slice the Apostle cleanly in half.

The Apostle doesn't even dare to receive her attacks because he knew that it is going to hurt, badly. The Apostle knew this woman wasn't playing around. She is dead set on pushing him to a corner, wanting to end him as soon as possible. And he has no doubts that she will truly kill him if the chance presents itself.

What makes this worse was the wench with the bow, Mary. This woman was the one who was making it extremely difficult for him to do anything.

At this point, the Apostle doesn't need to be convinced. He knew that this bow wench has the gift of Foresight for she has been predicting his next moves without fail several times in a row now.

The woman's purpose was to narrow his movements, making it extremely difficult for him to have breathing room to evade the sword wench's attacks.

And with that hulking giant blocking his attempts at dealing with these movements, the Apostle found himself really pushed into a corner.

Glancing at the situation below didn't make the Apostle feel any better either. He could clearly tell that despite being outnumbered, the locals are pushing his army back and they couldn't even retaliate.

How did this come to be? How did this all happen?

Wasn't this supposed to be a backward planet? How come it's local were good at putting up a fight?

Did the reports lie? Were they really downplaying the strength of these lesser creatures?

Hell, referring to them as lesser creatures doesn't even sound right anymore. If these lesser creatures were strong enough to defeat them, then what does that say about them?

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

'Damn it. I should've asked those in Laguna about them.' The Apostle cursed inwardly.

Dodging yet another certain death from the sword wench, he once again tried to launch a counterattack. But before he could even do that, he noticed a projectile heading his way.

"Damn it!" The Apostle cursed as he was forced to cancel his attack. The bow wench predicted his next move again. Seriously, how was he supposed to deal with someone who can see the future?

Roar! (Provocation!)

"Fuck you!" The Apostle's eyes turned red from fury after hearing the giant's loud holler.

He began charging at them but found something amiss, he stopped halfway in his charge as he realized that he had fallen into another trap.

The Apostle has no idea what kind of sorcery these creatures used to force him to act recklessly, all he knows is that he did not like it.

Because now, even though he only fell for it in just a couple of seconds, he had given them enough time to arrange an inescapable network of intricate attacks that he had no way of escaping.


"Argh!!" The Apostle roared in pain.

An arrow punched a gaping hole in his body, two of his wings were sliced off, and he suffered from a bone-shattering blunt force from being hit by a massive shield.

This could've been way worse. These people were dead set on killing him. Had he not twisted his body in such a way that minimized the damage he will suffer, he would've been dead by now.

Yet, even though he was smart about the way he allowed himself to be injured, the injuries he suffered still puts him at an even greater disadvantage.

'Whatever sorcery they're using, it's making the Grace of the Miracle ineffective.' The Apostle winced after noticing that his natural healing wasn't taking effect.

Typically, he could've just brushed off these attacks. That's if his healing kicks in. Unfortunately at this time, it's not. And this...this truly causes him to feel despair.

"O Holy Creator of mine, hear my heartfelt prayer and devotion to you." The Apostle chanted while nursing his injuries.

"Your loyal subject is ready to embrace the Grace of the Divine Miracle. I beg of you, allow me to sink into its embrace and deliver salvation to the sinners around me."

Spreading his arms wide as if embracing the sky, The Apostle's words resonated with the world.

The clouds parted and a divine radiance basked the land. A wide smile appeared on the Apostle's Face. He even started shedding tears as he welcomed the arrival of the Miraculous Grace.

'It's over for you Humans.' He stated inwardly.

It was then that beams of pure divine light shot down from beyond the clouds.

At first, he thought that was coming from his enemies, but to his utter surprise, the light flew past them without harming them as they stared at him like he was some bumbling fool.

The pure divine light struck him instead, turning into pure white chains, shining with the power of runes.


A scream of pure agony and misery was ripped out of the Apostle's throat as the chains singed him down to his flesh and bones.

He could hear the sizzling sound of his flesh being seared due to the sheer heat of the chains wrapped around him.

And as he kicked and struggled in attempts to free himself, the Apostle found that, to his horror, the chains weren't loosening up, if anything his bindings were getting tighter.

'What's going on!?' He yelled to himself, sadly nobody bothered to answer him. 'Why is the Miraculous Grace punishing me instead of this sinners?'

And just to drive the idea home to him, Blake's gigantic foot came stomping down on him like he was some sort of a pest.

As he bled through his orifices, the Apostle could only ask why this was happening to him.

"Did you seriously think that your Creator or that Miraculous whatever had any power over this world?"

The giant who's now back to his miniature form scoffed at him. From his gaze, the Apostle could tell that he was feeling nothing but contempt for him.

If this was any other moment, the Apostle would've been upset and would start to lash out. But now, he couldn't do any of that. All he felt was weakness and confusion.

"Allow me to let you in a little secret about this world." The man leaned down and whispered to him.

"From the very moment that you and your kind were given a pass from this world's barrier, any means of communication you have to the outside will be rendered ineffective with or without your consent."

The Apostle's eyes widened in disbelief.

"Didn't you find it weird? This lady had been predicting your moves all this time, yet she didn't make any effort on stopping you to pray for your god. Wasn't that strange to you?" Blake sneered at him.

With the realization dawning upon his face, the Apostle finally experienced true despair, horror, and hopelessness.

"Yes, that's right. What responded to you wasn't your god." Blake laughed coldly, "It's ours. And he's not happy with you trying to create problems for us."

"This is his way of telling us to end you right away. And frankly, we've had our fun with you a lot and it's getting boring so it's time to end this."

Blake lifted his foot from the Apostle's body and took several steps back. Then, the sword wench came into his view with her sword pointing at the sky.

The woman looked at him like he was a dead man and said:

"Any last words?"

"Please no...I-I'm willing to do any—"

Alice swung her sword down and decapitated the Apostle. His final words fell on deaf ears and he died in a horrified manner.

Seeing the death of their leader broke the fragile unity and bravery of the Celestial Army he brought.

Alice swung her sword again and killed the remaining ones with a single attack. Formally ending this battle.

After she did that, the three of them started returning to the Last Bastion while checking up on the Guild Members.

Pa! Pa! Pa!

A resounding applause echoed in their ears, causing them to turn around.

There, they saw another horrific sight. A sea of black and crimson stretching as far as they could see appeared out of nowhere.

Leading them was a man who was wearing close to nothing except for a cloth hanging by his private parts. It's also this man who gave them a round of applause.

"My, what a show that was! I wouldn't have believed it if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes."

"I know right?"

Another voice replied to him. This one comes from a man who's wearing a pristine white cloak, walking past the exhausted army of humans.

"That voice..." the almost-naked man narrowed his eyes, glaring at the man who replied to him. "It's you!!!"

He found him! His pet's killer!

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