Ileus: The Dark Prince

Chapter 447 - [Bonus ] Pregnant

Chapter 447 - [Bonus ] Pregnant

Adrianna hugged her daughter tightly. Tears of joy were threatening to roll out of her eyes. Back at the dining table, with so many council members already sitting with them, she didn't want to reveal it.

In the morning just after Iona and Rolfe had come out of their room, Adrianna had sniffed the air around them and she knew that Iona was pregnant. Her smell was mingled with another smell. Dmitri, who was standing right next to her, had placed his hand on her back and they had communicated mentally about her situation. She recalled how it all went.

'She is pregnant,' said Adrianna, as she started walking towards her daughter.

But Dmitri immediately placed his hand on her back and stopped her. 'Don't even think of revealing it now,' he warned. 'Rolfe's mother is still out there, her magic still feeling all over the place.'

Adrianna had stopped herself using every ounce of willpower she could summon. 'I think— I think she is unaware of it.'

'It is better that she is unaware,' he replied. 'No one should know about her pregnancy until things settle in Galahar. We can't trust anyone.'

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Adrianna gave a tight nod. She looked at Ileus, who understood his parents. He kept his face stoic and later along with his mother he had gone to meet Siora. They didn't even talk about Iona's pregnancy to Rolfe for the fear that Siora might read his mind.

As Adrianna pulled out and looked at her daughter who was wide-eyed at the moment, a smile tugged her lips up. Adrianna wiped her tears away and said, "You are pregnant, baby. I know it is too early, but then you have to deal with it."

Anastasia, who was standing right behind them, squealed. Her hands flew to her mouth to suppress the sound.

Iona, who was utterly, butterly flabbergasted, stared at her mother for a long time, as if trying to absorb the information. "H— hos iz posbus!" she blurted something incoherent, which meant, 'how is this possible'.

Adrianna smoothed her hair and then kissed her on her head. "I knew it from the morning, baby, but I had kept the news under wraps. Now that you are pregnant, you will become a target of many enemies. Rolfe is new as the head of Galahar, and you know that he will be changing his council members. It basically means that there would be a lot of people left with bad taste and they might target you, despite you being surrounded with his magic or with soldiers." She held Iona's hands. "You have to be very careful and not reveal anything that can be taken to their advantage. Your pregnancy means a lot to this kingdom because right now you are carrying the heir of Galahar."

The weight of her mother's words suddenly crashed upon her like a huge rock. A shudder passed through her body and she felt her knees buckling. "Heir of Galahar?" How did things catapult at this speed? She was just another girl found at the frozen banks of a lake a month and a half back and now this? She touched her stomach. Today was a new day, a new start in her life, when she was crowned as the queen. She felt she was not capable of being a queen, when this reality shifted her upon its axis. She staggered a few steps back and sagged against the counter's granite.

Adrianna tilted her head and smiled. Iona's apprehensions were understandable, relatable. She didn't go to her to give her the much-needed space. But she said, "Iona, pregnancy is one of the most beautiful things that can happen to a woman. You see, you will be making a new baby in your belly. After whatever you experienced over the past eight years—" her throat choked. She took in a deep breath to push the lump down. "After what you have endured over the past eight years, God has given you another chance to look at life in a different way. All the emotions that you have been undergoing are a part of this process. Pregnancy can cause discomfort, and can be very challenging on an emotional level. And it's mostly because of all the transformations taking place in your body." She walked to Iona and cupped her cheeks with her palms. "You have to be committed to your pregnancy, okay?"

Iona didn't know what to say. She was dumbfounded. Whatever her mother said was absolutely true. She turned her gaze to Anastasia who was looking at her softly. And suddenly she realized that Anastasia had magic. Anastasia was powerful to take care of herself, but what about herself? She had lost her magic. How would she keep her baby safe?

As if understanding what she was thinking Adrianna said, "That is why you cannot divulge it to anyone that you are pregnant. If you want to come with me, I would love it. But with your condition, I don't want you to travel. At the same time, I want you to stay very alert."

Goosebumps lined her skin and dread skittered down her spine. Her parents, her brother, Anastasia—they would all leave soon. She rubbed her throat, now that her mind was tossed in an entirely different direction. She looked down at her belly, and all of a sudden a warm feeling wrapped around her heart. Color rose in her cheeks and her lips kicked up in a smile. "Baby…" This was Rolfe's baby in her womb. How would Rolfe take the news? She giggled. When she looked at her mother again, her eyes were gleaming. "Thank you, ma," she said in a low, breathy, soft voice. Heir of Galahar…

"Now let's go back to the dining room, Iona," said Adrianna. "Stay close to Anastasia and Ileus. We will tell it to Rolfe after lunch is over."

Iona giggled again and nodded her head vehemently. She couldn't wait to see the look on her husband's face and she couldn't wait to see what he would do with that kink of his. She stifled a laugh that was bubbling up inside her throat. She walked to Anastasia and hugged her and asked, "How many months pregnant are you?"


"Gods, we have a lot to talk about!"

Adrianna grinned at her girls and then they walked out of the room, with her in the lead and the girls in deep conversation walking hand-in-hand about their 'new' normal.

As they walked inside the dining hall, everyone's eyes fell on them. But seeing the confident demeanor of the three women, they all went back to the normal conversation.

"Are you okay?" asked Rolfe, leaning towards her slightly.

"Yes," she replied. "I am."

It took every effort for Rolfe to not press her with more questions.

Iona looked at her father who was only smiling back at her. She flushed and then started eating… for her and for her baby.

The councilmen as usual went ahead to ask more questions, which Rolfe answered with careful selection of words. When the lunch was over, he was more than happy to see them off. And as soon as that was done, he went to Iona, who was talking to Anastasia, scooped her in his arms, ignoring her squeals, and hurried to their bedchamber. He didn't even bother to excuse himself.

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