Ileus: The Dark Prince

Chapter 448 - Tribute

Chapter 448 - Tribute

Rolfe was at Iona's side the moment the last of the nobles left. He scooped her in his arms and hurried past all of them, when Ileus said, "You have the meeting with the lords coming up next and the soldiers in the palace gardens are waiting to meet you for one last time."

"Handle it, Ileus," Rolfe barked at him. "I need to talk to my wife!"

"But the meeting is supposed to take place in less than—"

"I said handle it," he called him back as he dodged the servants and other well wishers down the corridor. Once he was past the main corridors, he didn't waste time to get to their bedchamber and slammed the door behind him.

The bedchamber was huge. There was a four poster bed in the center with a canopy of gauzy emerald green curtains that was pulled on the sides. The floor was covered with exquisite rugs. Pale green curtain fluttered with the breeze on the windows that opened to the mountains beyond. The walls were covered with wardrobes and paintings and weapons. A soft hearth burned on the side, the mantle of which had impaled and stuffed heads of animals..

He lay her on the bed and asked, "What happened, love?" His eyes darted to her eyes, nose, lips and neck. He touched her everywhere to check that she wasn't bruised. He lifted her tunic to check if she had internal injury. Iona allowed him to check her thoroughly.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

When he settled, she said, "I am fine, my king." Her lips tugged up.

"Why did you appear so pale when you left for the bathroom," he asked. If anyone dared to poison her, he was going to rip apart the whole palace. Or raze the kingdom. He didn't care. He motioned her to lift her hands up and then removed her tunic. He was straddling her as he did that.

Iona cupped his cheeks with her hands and pulled him towards her. She brushed a soft kiss on his lips. Then she took his hand to her belly and said, "We are going to have a baby."

Rolfe stilled. His mouth fell open as he gave an incredulous stare to Iona. His eyes became round as saucers. His face became ruddy as he raised a shaky hand on her belly. His gaze went there. A fluttery feeling in belly, a racing heartbeat let his hands rush to his mouth, which he rubbed. He stared in the twin golden flame eyes of his wife and said, "You are not joking, are you?"

When Iona shook her head, she realized that he was holding his breath.

Rolfe got down beside her and pulled her immediately in his lap. He pressed her hard against his chest. "Iona…" he whispered. He just didn't know how to react to the situation. His body was trembling. "You have just made me the luckiest bastard in the history of Lore!"

She started giggling. She struggled to see his face and reach his cheeks, but he was too strong. He had pressed her hard against him and there was no room for movement. She somehow knew that it was his mate bond that at a basic level was making him extremely protective about his wife and his child and that he would do anything to protect them.

Rolfe continued to rock her in his lap until the feeling of surprise sank in him. "Oh gods!" he said and pressed a kiss on her head again and again. He had become a king, which was a huge jump in his life. But now he was also going to be a father. This was a double jump and he didn't know how he would fair. A part of him was in her womb. "Thank you, love," he said when he finally stopped shaking. "I love you, I love you!"

Iona laughed. His reaction was so adorable. She craned her neck and he leaned over to kiss her, his hands stroking her velvet soft skin. He exhaled heavily and said, "I know you want to go to Draoidh with your parents, but Iona, in this condition, can you delay? Please…"

She nodded with a smile. "I won't go."

He sagged with relief and stroked her cheek with his knuckles softly. "Also, you cannot reveal this to anyone. At least not until we have the council ready."

"I know…" she replied as she inhaled his pine and mist smell.

His throat bobbed. "My child," he whispered. "Heir of Galahar…"

He made her lie gently on the bed and said, "You are going to stay here. I am sending in more servants." He stroked her cheeks. She was so pale when she had suddenly left the dining hall that his thoughts scattered. But now that the color had returned to her cheeks, he felt better. "I have to complete some tasks and then I will be back, okay?"

"Okay," she replied as he tucked her in the blankets. She found herself feeling sleepy, little knowing that it was his magic caressing him.

When Rolfe left the room, his wife was already sleeping. His heart filled with warmth. He closed the door gently behind him and instructed the guards to stay alert. He sent another dozen guards to secure the entire corridor that led to his bedchamber. With his chest puffed in pride and his chin high, Rolfe walked down the aisle feeling on top of the world. His child was lucky for him. His wife was lucky for him. Hell, he felt this blessed for the first time in his life.

He reached the palace gardens where he saw that the fae soldiers were waiting for him. General Yion was also there. He bowed to the king and said, "It was an honor to serve you, King Rolfe Aramaer. I have to return to my kingdom now."

Rolfe placed his hand on Yion's shoulder and said, "It was an honor to have your company. Galahar has achieved much in your presence and I cannot forget your efforts." He took out a rolled parchment with his seal from his pocket and handed it to him. "Please give it to your king."

There was a semblance of a smile on General Yion's face. He turned to the five fae soldiers. "These five soldiers wish to remain in Galahar because they have found life partners. Is it okay with you?"

Rolfe jerked his head back. That was a surprise. "Of course! They are most welcome to stay in Galahar." This could be the foundation of his future trade with Vilinski.

General Yion bowed again. He stepped back. His wings spanned wide. He glanced at them and said, "My work here is finished. Take care." Those massive wings beat and he shot in the air. One by one, all the fae soldiers shot in the air after him. Rolfe continued to stand there as a tribute to the soldiers. His throat bobbed. He missed them already. He thanked Anastasia silently for the hundredth time.

Once they had all left, he turned back to his palace where he had meetings and a wife. A new start, a new world was awaiting him. This day had brought so many things.

He found Ileus and Kaizan waiting for him and by their looks he knew what they were thinking.

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