I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 312: Foreboding Phoenix

Chapter 312: Foreboding Phoenix

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👣Insert Feet GIFs/Images here - Most likes wins👣 (A/N: For all of my sniffing deviants out there.)

🏆Yesterday's GIF winner(s): AlienWarlord!🏆 (A/N: It was me, Dio!)

While Peter was knee deep in the controversial council meeting, MJ was off to school as usual.

"Do you have your lunch?" She asked Lily as they drive toward her school.

"Yeah, do you have yours?" Lily asks in return.

"Yup..." MJ muttered as she peeked over at Lily. "Moments like this are why it's so weird being a teen mom..."

After all, packing a school lunch for yourself and your child is an odd feeling, to say the least.

"Is it? I think it's cool..." Lily spoke her mind. "Having an old mom would be much worse."

"You think so?" MJ asks as her face blooms into a warm smile.

Truthfully, MJ loved being Lily's mother but always felt like she wasn't good enough since she's so young.

Though, that didn't seem to be a problem for Lily.

"Yeah." Lily nods resolutely.

She didn't know that her random inconsequential words may have helped her mother overcome a complex that was building up for a while now.


After having their heartwarming moment in the car, MJ dropped Lily off and rushed to her own school.

But as soon as she entered the building, her name was called over the loudspeaker.

"Michelle Jones. Please report to the main office... I repeat, Michelle Jones. Please report to the main office."

"?" MJ raised a questioning brow as everyone in the hall turned to look at her, wondering if she was in some sort of trouble.


Inside the principal's office, MJ sat across from an older woman in a professional blue suit.

"You aren't in trouble, MJ." The Principal clarifies.

"Then what's this about?" MJ asks.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

"You're dating Peter Parker, right?" She asks.

And instantly, MJ knew what this was about.

"This is about him skipping school, isn't it?" MJ asks as the principal smiles awkwardly.

"Yes, Peter is very gifted. Our staff understands this and allows him a lot of freedoms, but he has to attend at least 30 more days of school if he wants to become a senior next year." The principal clearly states.

"You would hold him back even if he aces all of the tests?" MJ asks incredulously.

"Yes, but it's not my choice. We all know that Peter will pass any test given to him, but the state has ruled that a student must meet a certain requirement for attendance..." the Principal explains as she pushes over a sheet of paper. "And sadly, Peter has barely shown up to school at all this year."

On the paper was a calendar, marking each day that Peter attended school.

"I didn't think it was this bad..." MJ muttered as she eyed the almost empty calendar.

"But it can be fixed as long as Peter starts showing up for, at least, a month of school. After that, he's free to skip all he wants." The Principal shrugged uncaringly.

MJ felt odd about this whole situation.

After all, the leading figure of their school just gave Peter explicit permission to ditch school as much as he wanted.


'Lucky b*stard...' MJ thought to herself as she left the office.


After Peter left the Council room upon winning the vote for Blonsky's freedom, Charles didn't look very happy and quickly made that known to the other Councilmen as well.

"You shouldn't have allowed this." He said before anyone could leave.

The vote was 4 to 1 with the Professor being the only one to vote against it.

"Oh, relax." Tony spoke up in their defense. "It's a bit risky but there are enough failsafe in place. And if the psychologist is wrong about his rehabilitation, then Blonsky will be back in a cell before you know it."

"You say that, but who will be hurt or killed in the process?" Charles counters as he stands from his chair and marches out of the room.

"Well, this has been fun, but I have a trafficker in Romania to hunt." Magneto says as he leaves as well.


When everyone was gone, Tony made his way to his workshop, where he was greeted by a very emotional A.I.

"W-Welcome, sir... Wuuu..." Jarvis cried loudly through the speakers.

"Huh? What happened?" Tony jumped into action and rushed to his computer.

"Y-You implemented the emotional update this morning... wuuu... And I saw a video..." Jarvis' cries couldn't stop.

"Okay, what kind of video?" Tony asked as his hands flew across the keyboard, searching for what was wrong in Jarvis' code.

"The puppy died!" Jarvis shouted as his emotions continued to stir.

"Jarvis, I need you to calm down okay? Why don't you search for happy videos? Can you do that?" Tony asked as Jarvis wailed. 'How the hell did Peter make Lily without a single problem?'

"Y-Yes, sir..."


After the drama-filled Avengers Council meeting, Fury returned to his office where Steve and Peggy awaited his arrival.

"You're back?" Fury seemed surprised to see them. "That was quick. Did you find anything in France?"

"Yes, two Hydra bases." Steve nods.

"Both have been destroyed and every agent found was either captured or killed." Peggy reports their success. "The guys in interrogation are working on the survivors as we speak."

"So we'll probably have a new target soon enough." Fury sighs as he took a seat at his desk.

"What's with you?" Steve asks.

"I just sat through a Council meeting." Fury reveals.

"I'm sorry to hear that..." Peggy says in understanding.

After all, any sort of meeting between people in power will always drag on for far longer than necessary.

"Eh, it's fine. I just wish that Charles would have agreed sooner." Fury said as he leaned back in his chair.

"Agreed to what?" Steve asks.

"Well..." Fury gives a brief explanation.


"Maybe we should give Bucky a chance to be free as well?" Steve says thoughtfully. "He could help us with our Hydra hunting."

"From my understanding, Bucky is only locked up because he's a danger to himself. If you can get his psychologist to sign off on his release, then no one can stop it." Fury shrugged.

After all, Bucky would make a good Avenger or Shield Agent.

Either would work, though Fury would rather pull him into Shield than anything else...

"Alright, we'll go talk to her."


After storming out of the council room, Charles swiftly returned to his mansion, where he was greeted by children of all ages and mutations.

His spacious and gated front yard was practically a playground at this point.

Children played tag, hide and seek, and all sorts of made-up games under the sunny blue sky.

"Julia, what did I say about playing in the fountain?" The Professor admonished.

Standing in the large fountain at the center of his lawn was a little ten-year-old girl who was completely made of water, splashing around as if she were playing in a pool.

"S-Sorry, Professor..." She apologized dejectedly.

"Just don't let it happen again. The new pool will be finished in a few days. You can swim as much as you want then, okay?" Charles says as he walks off.


After maneuvering his way through the mansion, Charles finally arrived at his office, where a young red-headed teenage girl with green eyes was waiting for him.

She frowned in pain as she knit her brows together.

Not only did she look to be in pain, but the dark rings around her eyes indicated a lack of sleep as well.

[Insert picture of Jean Grey here]

"Professor, I still can't control it..." Jean says as she held her aching head. "I hear everything and it won't stop. I haven't been able to sleep at all either..."

"Let me see..." Charles says as he walks over and lays a hand on her head, Invading her mind.

With permission, of course.

This was a very regular thing for them.

Before Jean was even enrolled in the school, Charles recognized her limitless potential as an Omega-level mutant.

However, because most of Jean's power was tied to her unconscious mind, Charles decided to create a series of psychic barriers to isolate them from her conscious mind.

These barriers need to be constantly rebuilt, as the power that he locked away in her unconscious mind would somehow degrade them, leading to situations like this.

Whenever the barriers needed maintenance, Jean's telekinetic and telepathic powers would skyrocket, leaving her with zero control whatsoever.

The cause for her pain at the moment were the inner voices of everyone nearby, flooding her brain with mind-aching noise.

As the Professor delved into his most promising student's mind, he examined his barriers as always.

Though this time around he found something odd...

Behind the almost transparent barriers stood a huge flaming bird, staring down at him menacingly.

The fire that danced around its form seemed to be slowly but surely burning his carefully placed barriers.

The malice and heat that emanated from the trapped bird sent shivers down the Professor's spine.

'What is that?' He thought in fear.

Acting quickly before the barriers were fully destroyed, Charles rushed to erect new barriers and put extra care to make them much thicker than before.

And as the new barriers appeared, the flaming bird disappeared as if it was never there in the first place.

"Are you done, Professor? My headache is gone..." Jean's words broke Charles from his shocked stupor.

Ejecting himself from her mind, he put on a false smile as he watched her yawn tiredly.

"Yes, I'm finished. Why don't you take the day off and get some sleep?" He offers.

"Really? I don't have to go to class?" Jean tilts her head in question.

"No, I'll let your teachers know." Charles says as Jean nods and runs off to get some sleep.

"Thanks, Professor!" She yelled as she left the room.

And as soon as she was gone, the smile fell from her teacher's face, leaving nothing but worry and fear in its place.

'Maybe I should speak to Erik about this?'

A/N: 1687 words :)

🚨Hand over your💎STONES💎because I'm always👁WATCHING👁🚨


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