I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 313: School

Chapter 313: School

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🏆Yesterday's GIF winner(s): AlienWarlord!🏆 (A/N: I have ascended even further beyond!)

"What?" Peter nearly spits out his food as he sat at the dining room table.

Since he's been busy up until now, May insisted that they have a big family dinner together to celebrate his return.

Sat across from Peter was Fury and at each side of the table sat May, Grace, MJ, and Lily.

Ever since Fury was allowed in on Peter's secret identity, as well as the fact that he has a granddaughter, he visits a whole lot more than he used to.

Especially since Shield has been swallowed up and digested into the Avengers.

With him in full control, Fury has been able to delegate more duties to the trusted agents in his inner circle, leaving him a lot more time to spend with his family.

Which now included Peter, though the bald spymaster would never admit it.

"I said, you have to go to school." MJ sighed as she stabbed at her food with a fork. "The principal said that you'll be held back next year if you don't start showing up to school. Your attendance sheet is practically empty..."

As MJ finished explaining the whole situation, May turned to Peter with a fiery glare.

"I thought you said they didn't care about you skipping and that you would be fine as long as you passed all of the tests?" May asked as her stare drilled into Peter's soul.

Seeing the drama unfold, Fury sat back and enjoyed the show.

'Dinner and entertainment. This is the life...' He thought as he savored every bite of his food.

Just like her grandpa, Lily's eyes shined in amusement as she shoveled yummy food into her face.

'Is Daddy in trouble?' She thought with her cheeks full.

"Well, I didn't take the government into account..." Peter scratched his cheek and turned the other way, avoiding the angry eyes of his Aunt. "I'll figure something out-"

"No!" May refused vehemently. "You won't weasel your way out of this. Besides, you've been away for long enough. You'll go to school for the rest of the year like everyone else."

"The principal said he only needs to attend 30 more days." MJ tried to help Peter, though May wasn't having it.

"No." His aunt turned to stare Peter square in the eyes. "Someday, you'll look back and regret working so much. You're still a teenager. Go to school, have some fun, take your girlfriend on a date."

Upon hearing that last part, MJ's cheeks turned a slight tint of red.

"I agree, when is the last time you and MJ actually went out together?" Grace spoke up for her daughter.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com


"Excluding Spider-Man and Silk-related things!" Grace added.

"Umm... It's been a while..." Peter hesitantly admits.

Meanwhile, Fury wasn't enjoying the drama as much as before.

'How the hell did this turn from him being in trouble to him taking my daughter out on a date?' He thought as he gnashed his teeth on a piece of steak.

"Peter, you're a teenager. Enjoy it. We understand that the world needs Spider-Man, but you need to learn how to balance yourself." May gives some sagely advice.

"Okay, I get it." Peter gives up arguing. "I'll go to school and try to do more teenager stuff..."

Peter thinks to himself for a moment before turning to MJ.

"Starting tomorrow we'll go to school together and on Friday I'll take you on a date." Peter announces with a smirk.

He enjoyed the embarrassed look on MJ's face.

'She's so cute...' Peter thought.

"Oh, I want to go on a date too!" Lily declared as she raised her hand.

Everyone smiled at her adorable naivety... Well, except for two people.

"Never, I won't allow it!" Fury declared righteously.

"Your grandpa is right." Peter nodded in agreement. "Ask us again when you're thirty and we'll think about it."

"..." The women in the room stared at the two men in exasperation.

Though most of all, they were surprised to see Peter and Fury agreeing with one another.

Usually, they're doing their best to annoy each other...


Once dinner came to an end, Peter portal'd over to the library of Kamar-Taj, where he searched for any books related to his promise to Banner.

And whilst he was searching, he thought over the conversation that he had at the dinner table.

'Technically, the Guardians don't need me right now, so I can just leave Quill in charge for the time being.' Peter thought as he moved between bookshelves. 'As for being a teenager, I'll just try to spend more time with Ned and MJ.'

After all, he didn't disagree with May's words.

Ever since the Avengers were established, Peter has devoted a large amount of his time to Hero work, which isn't a bad thing per se.

'I'll just try to enjoy my time in between work a bit more...' Peter shrugged as he carried four books up to the librarian, who continued to watch him like a hawk.

[Arcane Mind Splitting]

[Siamese Body Separation]

[Hoovers: Study of Personality]

[Daviau Power Segregation]

The title of each book pretty much spoke for itself.

Peter couldn't find anything that could separate Banner and the Hulk, so he had to find books that would help him build a spell of his own.

Of course, he could have found something in the forbidden section, but...

'This damn old man won't take his eyes off of me...' Peter thought as he checked out the books and returned home. 'Maybe I should try using the reality stone to trick him next time?'


After a night of studying and meditation, Peter was woken up the next morning by a mischievous gremlin.

"Hehe..." Lily crept into the room with a wide smile on her face.

Locking on to her target, she leapt into the air and flipped like an expert gymnast.

"Good Morning!" Lily exclaimed happily as she tucked her knees into her chest and fell straight down.

"?" Peter awoke to his spider senses blaring. "What the... Ugh!"

Lily smashed down onto his stomach with an innocent smile on her face.

But Peter knew behind that smile was an evil smirk.

"..." Peter peered up at his daughter. "Who put you up to this?"

Sadly, Lily wasn't a snitch so she kept her mouth shut and looked the other way.

"Tell me and I'll take you to an amusement park this weekend." Peter gives her an enticing offer.

And it seemed to work as Lily's eyes sparkled in an instant.

"Can we ride a rollercoaster?" She asked hopefully.

"Sure, we can ride them all." Peter smirked like the devil offering a deal.

"It was Grandma Grace..." Lily surveys the area cautiously and whispers.

"Nice doing business with you..." He smirked as he formulated his revenge plan.

Just as Lily was about to leave, Peter spoke up.

"Lily, how would like to earn yourself a new bike?" Peter's devilish smirk returned.

"I'm listening..." Lily turned back with an interested look in her eyes.

"Okay, here's what you have to do..."



Only minutes after Peter was rudely woken up a female's scream could be heard from across the house.

"?!" Instantly, everyone rushed to the scene of the crime, the Kitchen.

"My mouth is on fire!" Grace exclaimed as she leaned over the sink with her tongue hanging out under the water.

Sat beside the sink was a breakfast burrito, which had a lot of suspicious red sauce inside.

"Good work, Agent 47." Peter patted Lily on the head.

Of course, since everyone in the house is an enhanced individual, they all heard his words.

"Y-You!!!" Grace pointed menacingly in Peter's direction.

"Well, we have school so we'll be on our way." Peter smiled innocently as he turned and left the kitchen. "Lily grab your backpack and make sure you have your lunch!"

"GET BACK HERE!!!" Grace screamed though she wouldn't dare step away from the cool refreshing sink water. "PETER!"


After dropping Lily off at her school, Peter and MJ arrived at theirs and immediately drew the eyes of every student and teacher they passed.

After all, Peter was a known genius that just stopped showing up.

His return would certainly cause a bit of a ruckus.

"Parker? What are you doing here? I thought you were in college already." Flash asked in shock as he and MJ walked into their first class.

"Nah, I've just been busy with other things." Peter shrugs as he and MJ take their seats.

"..." Flash silently took his seat as well.

Ever since Peter knocked some sense into him and got some school fame for releasing Candy Crush, Flash hasn't been the same bully that he used to be.

Though he always feels an odd nervousness when Peter's around, making the days without him at school very relaxing.

But now those relaxing days were over...

Of course, Peter didn't know this and truthfully had no plans to bother Flash whatsoever.

Especially since the guy was his biggest fan.

As long as he wasn't bullying anyone, Peter would let bygones be bygones.

"Peter!" Ned exclaimed excitedly as he froze at the doorway. "You're coming to school again?!"

"Huh?" What surprised Peter were the heated glances that Ned was receiving from the girls in class. 'This guy gets jacked and now every girl in school is thirsty...'

"Yeah, wanna hang out after school?" Peter asked.

"Dude, we should go to the arcade!" Ned excitedly rushed over and sat beside his best friend, oblivious to the looks he was receiving.

'He doesn't even know...' Peter thought in amusement.

"..." MJ watched the two of them with a content smile on her face.

A/N: 1609 words :)

🚨Hand over your💎STONES💎or I'll step on you🦶🚨


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