I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 336: Unintended Defenses

Chapter 336: Unintended Defenses

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😈Insert Sadistic GIFs here - Most likes wins😈

🏆Yesterday's GIF winner(s): DotComplex!🏆 (A/N: I was so close this time...😭)

Darren Cross and Hope van Dyne stood in the lobby of Pym Technologies, waiting for Hank Pym to arrive.

The air was tense as they both knew that today would be a pivotal moment for their company's future, though for different reasons.

Cross was basking in his success while Hope was secretly plotting his downfall.

Suddenly, the doors opened, and in walked Hank Pym, looking as stern and determined as ever.

"Welcome, Hank," Darren said, stepping forward to greet him with a smirk. "We're ready to begin the meeting."

Hank nodded curtly and followed them to the conference room where the high-profile buyers were waiting.

As they walked, Darren couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction knowing that he was selling the Yellowjacket suit right under Hank's nose.

Once they arrived, Hank was met with representatives from all over the world. Whether it be governments, companies, or organizations, everyone was interested in owning a Yellowjacket.

"Welcome everyone!" Darren smiled charmingly toward his esteemed customers.

As Hope and Pym took their seats, a familiar voice echoed in both of their ears. "Alright, I'm on the roof of the target building."

Instantly, the father and daughter exchanged a knowing glance with one another, both hoping that their plan would go smoothly.

"?" Cross seemed to notice this odd behavior.

But thankfully, he had many buyers to deal with right now, so he saved his suspicions for later.

"Why don't we just skip the formalities and go straight to the product?" Cross offers and receives nods all around. "Good, then please follow me. The Yellowjacket suits are too precious to bring out of the vault, after all."


Meanwhile, Scott crouched on the rooftop of Pym Technologies, studying the building below. Behind him stood a battalion of ants that followed him through the portal, obediently awaiting his command.

"Okay, Scott, you ready?" a voice crackled in Ant-Man's helmet.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

It was Peter, who was stationed back at Pym's security room. With his ghost laptop, he was able to easily hack into the building's security and act as Scott's eyes and ears.

"Ready as I'll ever be." He replied. "What am I looking for?"

"There should be a small exhaust vent on the south side of the roof." Peter answered readily. "*munch... munch...munch*"

"Are you eating?" Scott asks in disbelief.

"Yeah... *munch* I ordered pizza..." Peter answered between bites.

"Seriously..." Scott sighed in exasperation as he hopped on Ant-thony and went searching for the vent alongside his ant army.


As Cross lead the group of buyers toward the vault, he turned to Pym, a smug smile permanently gracing his lips.

"You know, I'm really enjoying myself." He says tauntingly. "You tried to hide your technology from me, and now it's gonna blow up in your face. How great is that?"

Pym merely scoffed and ignored him as they drew closer to the vault.


"Found it" Scott called out as he spotted the pipe sized vent.

Scurrying over, Scott swiftly rode his ants inside. It was dark and dusty, and Scott had to rely on Peter to guide him through the maze of ductwork.

"Good, follow this vent down as far as it goes and then make a right." Peter's voice echoed in his ears, giving him directions and shutting down any sensors or defenses along the way.

As they made their way through the maze of vents, they started finding signs of old spider webs here and there.

"Uhh..." Scott grunts as he watches the webs cautiously. "Spidey, we may have a problem."

"What's up?" Peter answered as he turned to watch the camera on Scott's helmet. "Oh, that's not good..."

"Yeah..." Scott agreed. "I haven't seen one yet, but you don't happen to control spiders, do you?"

"No, no I can't." Peter answered negatively. 'Well, I might be able to, but I've never tried...'

"Great." Scott commented sarcastically. "Some Spider-Man you are."

"Hey, I can do a lot of other-" Peter complained, though he stopped as he caught sight of something in Scott's camera. "That doesn't look good..."

"F*ck!" Scott blurted out as he saw what was at the end of the vent.

Across from him stood a spider.

The spider was an enormous behemoth, towering over everything in its path. Its body was the size of a few elephants, with springy, jagged legs that seemed to stretch on forever.

Its exoskeleton was a deep, glossy black, shimmering in the dim light, while its eyes were beady and menacing, glowing an eerie red in the darkness.

As it moved, the spider emitted a low, guttural growl, which sent shivers down the spines of Scott and his army of ants.

Its legs made a crunching sound as they hit the metal floor, and its sharp, jagged fangs were visible, dripping with discolored venom.

Though that wasn't even the scariest part.

As soon as the spider noticed their arrival, it fidgeted in surprise, which wasn't good, as it immediately released its offspring.

That's right, it pretty much gave birth in an instant.

(A/N: Google Spider gives birth. It's freaky.)

Scott couldn't believe his eyes as he watched the spider give birth, releasing countless smaller spiders that were still twice the size of his ants.

The swarm of spiders immediately rushed toward Scott and his battalion of ants, followed by their much larger mother.

"Scott." Peter called out over the comms. "You may want to use what I gave you."

Snapping out of his shock, as the herd of newborn spiderlings stampedes his way, Scott reached down and grasped a Kree blaster pistol on his hip.

Knowing that the Yellowjacket suit had built-in lasers, Peter thought it best to give Scott his own blaster in order to even the odds.

Without a word, as he didn't have the time, Scott pulled his sleek blaster from its holster, turned it to fully automatic, and opened fire.

*pewpewpewpew...* (A/N: The pews are back)

One by one, the red laser bolts tore through the spiderlings, butchering them right in front of their mother.

"This feels wrong..." Peter commented as his fellow spiders were slaughtered.

Of course, the ants alongside Scott weren't ones to back down from a fight either. Avoiding the area with the most lasers, they bravely charged toward the spiderlings, biting and stinging them with all their might.

The ants' fierce attacks were enough to slow down the swarm, giving Scott enough time to pick them off from a distance.

But the mother of these depleting spiders wasn't going down without a fight either.

Although she didn't care about their deaths, as she truthfully planned to eat many of them when they hatched, that didn't meant she wouldn't avenge her children.

Seeing that the mother was about to make her move, Scott left the few remaining spiderlings to his ants and ran forward, shooting in the giant spider's direction as they grew closer to one another.

Maneuvering his way through the battlefield, Scott was protected by his ants as he arrived face to ugly giant spider face with the mother.

And when he was within range, she stomped her spiky front legs down at him, hoping to end the fight with one simple move.

Of course, Scott wasn't stupid enough to remain still.

No, he continued forward under the pitch-black spider's body, and held his blaster upward, opening fire toward its underbelly.


By the time Scott ran out from under the backside of the towering spider, its body was full of smoking holes, producing a cooked meat smell throughout the vent.

And as the mother spider collapsed to the ground, twitching until it's inevitable death, the last of its children were swarmed by the ants, officially ending the battle.

Scott and his battalion of ants emerged victorious, but not without a few battle scars. Scott looked down at his ant friends, proud and sad at the same time.

Although they won, not all of them managed to make it out alive. Among the spider carcasses lay 8 fallen ant brethren.


The ants belonging to the colonies of those that died mourned their deaths before turning back to Scott, waiting for his orders.

"Great job, team," he said, smiling warmly at them. "Now let's go finish the job."

Back in the security room, Peter felt a little jealous. 'Maybe I should build a loyal spider army too?'


Outside of Pym Technologies' high-security vault.

"This is a little over the top, don't you think, Darren?" Pym commented as he watched his former assistant go through a dozen different security hurdles to open the imposing vault door.

[Confirming authorization...]

"No." Cross answered as the vault's computer scanned his eyes and hands at the same time. "You can never be too safe these days."

[Access granted!]

Suddenly, the vault door swung open, revealing a high-tech bank-style vault.

At the back of the vault stood a sealed set of shelves, filled with dozens of tiny capsules. And each capsule contained its own tiny action figure-sized Yellowjacket suit.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, allow me to introduce the first line of Yellowjacket suits." Cross spoke grandly. "Feel free to take a closer look."

Instantly, the buyers eagerly rushed inside and inspected the Yellowjacket suits, nodding in approval as they admired the capsules.

Darren was all smiles, enjoying the success of his creation.

Meanwhile, Hank watched with a scowl on his face.


"Is this it?" Scott asked as he and his ants stood above an especially thin vent pipe.

"Yup, That should lead to the vault." Peter's voice answered in his ear alongside the clacking of fingers on a keyboard. "You can jump down whenever you're ready. I already disabled the defenses."

Scott turned to his army of ants and gave them a quick salute. "Well, here goes nothing..." he said as he hopped down the hole.

A/N: 1646 words :)

🚨Hand over your💎STONES💎pretty please...😇🚨


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