I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 337: Peters Heist

Chapter 337: Peters Heist

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😳Insert Masochistic GIFs here - Most likes wins😳

🏆Yesterday's GIF winner(s): Scar_Justice!🏆 (A/N: 👁👃🏼👁 I have no more tears to shed...)

Embarking on one of the most dangerous heists of his life, Scott Lang leaped down the narrow pipe, readying himself for whatever he would find on the other side.

Thankfully, Peter already shut down all of the sensors and lasers. Otherwise, Scott would have tripped the alarm before being sliced into finely diced pieces.

'Will it be a trap like in the movie?' Peter wondered as he watched through the monitors.

The wind whistled past Scott as he plummeted through the darkness.

Suddenly, he saw a glimmer of light ahead and he braced himself for impact. He shot out of the bottom of the pipe and performed a perfect superhero landing.

His heart raced as he looked around, though he didn't like what he saw.

Immediately, Scott realized he had been caught in a sealed glass box at the center of the vault with everyone inside staring at him, including Darren Cross, who had his face rather close to the glass.

"Hi there, little guy." Cross said, a wicked grin on his face. "I knew you would come."

Scott tried to bang on the glass, hoping to break it open, but it seemed to be bulletproof. He looked around for a way out and noticed that the pipe up above was still open, though it was supposed to have closed by now.

"Don't worry, I won't leave you trapped." Peter's reassuring voice echoed in his ear. "He tried to reactivate the lasers, but I kept them off."

"Does he know?" Scott asks in a hushed whisper.

"He shouldn't." Peter replies.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

As Scott was whispering to himself in the miniature cell, Cross turned to his former mentor.

"I always suspected that you stashed away a suit somewhere, which begs the question, who is the new Ant-Man? Who is the man that my beloved teacher trusted even more than me?" Cross pauses for a moment and looks expectantly toward the glass cell.

Seeing the bad guy call him out, Scott reached up to open his helmet.

"Stop!" Peter called out over the helmet.

"Huh? What?" Scott whispered as everyone around watched him in interest.

"He doesn't know who you are, so why are you about to reveal yourself?" Peter was shocked that he had to explain this. "First rule of being a hero. Keep your identity a secret."

"Huh? What about Stark? He doesn't hide." Scott asks in confusion.

"Does Stark have a daughter that he has to protect?" Peter asked as if Scott were a blubbering idiot. "You do know that revealing yourself could put her in danger, right?"

In the movie, Cross managed to figure out that it was Scott who was in the Ant-Man suit, which subsequently put his daughter, Cassie in danger, but luckily, that didn't seem to be the case anymore.

'It's probably because I saved him from getting arrested...' Peter thought.

"Oh, right." Scott muttered as he quickly removed his hand from the button that opens his mask.

"What? Feeling shy?" Cross asked sinisterly. "Well, That doesn't matter. I'll just have to look you up after peeling that suit off your rotting corpse."

"Darren, don't do this. If you sell to these men, it's going to be chaos." Pym spoke, eliciting cold glares from the many buyers.

"I already have." Cross scoffed with a smirk. "This was all just a show to draw you out. The money was already transferred and all that's left is for them to take their property." He motioned to the wall filled with Yellowjacket suits.

But before that, Cross reached into his pocket and pulled out a small capsule full of a luminescent yellow liquid, showing it off to the buyers.

"But I'll be keeping the particle to myself. After all, they don't run on diesel. If you want the fuel you'll have to come to me." Cross says as he turns to Pym. "What do you call the only man who can arm the most powerful weapon in the world?"

"The most powerful man in the world." Pym answered in dread.


While Peter was watching all of this happen from the safety of Pym's security room, he couldn't help but eye the shelves filled with Yellowjacket suits, as well as the fuel, which was on display next to them.

"I'm sure he won't miss a suit or two?" Peter thought as he waved his hand.

Instantly, four tiny portals opened in front of him, depositing four capsules into his lap.

Two sets of Yellowjacket suits and the fuel to go along with it.

With the goods in hand, Peter pulled out a flash drive and opened yet another portal. This time leading to Darren Cross' personal lab/workshop.

Reaching his hand in, Peter plugged the drive into Cross' workstation and watched as the screens lit up, bypassing every bit of security before downloading a copy of everything that he wanted.

Minutes later, Peter's theft was finished and he took the drive back before closing the portal, leaving the lab exactly as he found it.

'I'll have to study the fuel and make some alterations to the suit before finding two people worthy enough to use them.' Peter thought as some ideas came to mind.

One of which is Natasha, who would make good use of this type of tech. Especially after he alters the suit to fit the Black Widow esthetic.

Hiding his spoils in a portal, Peter turned his attention back to the monitors, where chaos was starting to ensue.


"Darren, what are you doing?!" Hope exclaimed as she watched Cross' men pull their guns and take aim at her father.

"It's too late for him, Hope. Your father sealed his fate when he lied and refused to pass down his research to me. Now, he's going to pay for his mistake." Cross said indifferently.

Hank stood his ground, determined not to show any weakness. "Of course, I wouldn't give you my research, and it seems that I made the right decision. The only regret I have is taking you in. I should've wiped my a*s with your resume as soon as I saw it."

"..." His former mentor's words seemed to strike a chord in him, causing Cross to grind his teeth as he turned to his men. "Kill him!"

And just as they were about to pull the trigger, two bright golden portals opened up beneath both Hank and Hope. Sending the two of them falling as they disappeared from the vault, leaving Darren and his men bewildered as the portals snapped shut soon after.

"What the hell just happened?" one of the buyers exclaimed.

*Boom!* But before they could think properly about what they witnessed, a loud explosion was heard from behind.


"Ugh!" Hank grunted as he fell onto the padded training mat in his basement, his daughter beside him.

As they landed on the ground, Hank looked around, trying to figure out where they were.

"We're back home?" Hope muttered in confusion.

"Yeah, you're welcome by the way." A voice calls out from across the room.

Turning their heads, the father and daughter found Peter peaking his head out from the security room.

Instantly, they realized that they were saved by Spider-Man.

"If you can just open portals like that, why didn't we use that to steal the suits?" Pym asked incredulously.

If it was so easy to get into the vault, then they could've ended this days ago.

"Well, this is Scott's admission trial for the Avengers. If I helped him too much, then that would be cheating." Peter shrugs uncaringly.

"This is serious!" Hope spoke up in anger. "Scott's still trapped there!"

"Yes, and those suits are about to be sold. This isn't a time for trials..." Pym lectured.

"Well, to me this is a rather tame situation. As for Scott..." Peter peaks over at the monitors. "Who said he was still trapped?"



As Hope and Pym disappeared from the vault, Scott didn't seem to notice as he was too busy preparing his escape.

Although the pipe leading to the glass cell was still open, going that way wasn't exactly viable, so he decided to do something rather dangerous.

Pulling a small disk with a blue shine from his belt, Scott didn't think much as he tossed it at the glass wall.

As he did so, Scott recalled Pym's earlier words. 'Here, use these if you need them. Just throw them at your target. Red shrinks and blue expands. Careful not to damage them. The outcome could be rather explosive...'

"Don't die... Don't die... Don't die..." Scott repeated as he pulled his Kree blaster and opened fire.

As the blue expansion disk hit the wall, it was immediately struck by a bright laser bolt, breaking it in half.


A loud explosion rocked the cell, shattering the thick bulletproof glass, and breaking it open.

"What the-" Cross muttered as he turned just in time to see Ant-Man dive out of the destroyed trap, growing back to his normal size in an instant.

"Hey, motherf*cker!" Scott greeted him with a heavy punch to the face, sending Cross falling to the floor.

A/N: 1526 words :)

🚨Hand over the💎STONES💎because Morgan Freeman is always watching...🙌🚨


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