I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 341: Nosy Old Man

Chapter 341: Nosy Old Man

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🏆Yesterday's GIF winner(s): KingOfCatsKun!🏆 (A/N: This is bullsh*t🤬)

Peter stood alone in the spacious laboratory, the hum of machinery and the faint glow of futuristic technology surrounding him.

Hope had just left after their conversation, her mind brimming with possibilities and newfound purpose as the newest member of the Avengers. And with the Yellowjacket data, she wouldn't just be a scientist.

No, she would be a real member of the Avengers, like Scott.

But more than any of that, she was ready to get to work and find her mother.

The weight of responsibility settled on her shoulders, but she would do her best to rise to the occasion.

Leaning against a nearby wall, Peter let out a sigh, his thoughts drifting towards the enigmatic and no doubt furious figure who had been silently eavesdropping on their conversation.

"I know you're here. Come on out. We need to talk." Peter called out, his voice reverberating through the empty room.

A sudden tremor rippled through the air, accompanied by a faint buzzing sound. Peter watched in anticipation as a man in an old worn-looking Ant-Man suit appeared in front of him.

And as the mask swung open, Hank Pym's grumpy face stared back at him.

Hank had been watching their entire conversation, like a fly on the wall. But now, with Hope gone, it was time for the blowback from everything he just witnessed.

He never planned on leaving the building in the first place. Hank simply needed to make sure that his daughter was settling in okay, like the extremely overprotective parent he is.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

So, when Tony appeared earlier, that gave him the perfect opportunity to start an argument and slip away.

The aging scientist appeared stern and serious, his eyes fixated on the young Spider-Man.

"That wasn't your secret to tell, nor was it your data to give away either." Hank's voice carried a mix of disappointment, anger, and concern. "You've crossed a line today. Revealing the truth about Janet's disappearance to Hope... that was not your place."

Peter straightened himself, meeting Hank's gaze unwaveringly. "I know, and I'm sorry. But Hope deserved to know the truth, to have closure. And she needed to understand the risks involved. Because I don't doubt that she would've gone down this path either way. I only gave her a head start."

Hank's brows furrowed, and his tone hardened. "You don't understand. The pain and guilt I carry for what happened to Janet... it's something I wouldn't wish upon anyone, especially my daughter. I've done everything in my power to shield her from the truth."

Peter's resolve didn't waver as he countered, "I get it. But she's a grown woman, capable of making her own choices. And she has the potential to do great things, just like you. You can't keep coddling her forever."

Hank's expression softened slightly, a mix of paternal concern and lingering regret etched across his face. "You're naive. Hope is my daughter, and I've lost too much already. The consequences of tampering with the fabric of reality... she doesn't fully grasp the weight of it all."

Peter took a step forward, his voice steady. "Then be there for her, you old fool. Join the Avengers. Protect her and guide her while you still can. You're the only one who can teach her how to navigate all of this, to make the right choices. You don't have to shield her from it or leave her to figure it out alone. There's always a middle ground."

There was a moment of silence, the air heavy with unresolved tension.

Hank studied Peter intently, his gaze flickering between determination and doubt. Slowly, he exhaled, his shoulders sagging ever so slightly.

"You truly believe in her, don't you?" Hank's voice held a mixture of resignation and hope.

Peter nodded, his eyes unwavering. "I think if you didn't coddle her for so long, then she would've been much more than Darren Cross' assistant. She's strong, intelligent, and she wants to find her mother. With your guidance, she can accomplish incredible things."

A brief, contemplative silence enveloped the room, broken only by the hum of technology.

Soon, Hank's expression softened as he realized what he's done.

Years of his protection have encumbered his daughter, stopping her from reaching her full potential.

After all, she graduated top of her class at Harvard with a masters degree in physics, engineering, and molecular biology, yet that lead her to be nothing more than Darren Cross' assistant.

It's laughable. The genius daughter of two outstanding minds reverted to an errand girl for some megalomaniac.

"Fine..." Hank muttered as he collapsed into a nearby chair. "You're right. I should have told her the truth long ago. My coddling has only made matters worse."

"It's good that you've realized that." Peter nods. "So, how about it? Do you want to Join the Avengers? You can work alongside your daughter."

"..." Hank remained silent, unsure as to what he should do.





~1 Day Later~

Hope van Dyne stood in the center of her new state-of-the-art lab, the culmination of her dreams and aspirations.

The Avengers welcomed her into their ranks, recognizing her exceptional skills and her unwavering determination to find her long-lost mother.

Now, with access to their vast resources, she felt a renewed sense of purpose and a burning desire to make progress.

"So, this is your lab, huh?" Scott asked as he walked around, poking everything in curiosity.

"Yes, and don't touch that!" Hope exclaimed as she carefully placed some of her personal belongings around the room, family photos, fidget toys, figurines, etc. "If you break anything, then I'm banning you from this room forever."

"Yes, ma'am..." Scott muttered as he held his hands up and stepped away from the equipment.

Hope knew that every detail mattered in her quest to re-create her mother's Wasp suit.

The flash drive Peter had handed her yesterday contained invaluable data, and she couldn't wait to delve into it and improve it, making it her own.

As she reached for the flash drive, her fingers tingled with anticipation.

This was the key that could unlock the secrets to her mother's whereabouts, the missing piece that could bring Janet back to their family.

Plugging it into her workstation, which held a top-of-the-line Stark brand computer, she watched as the system recognized the device, and a multitude of files appeared on the screen.

But just as Hope prepared to delve into the data, the imposing double doors to her lab swung open with a gust of air.

Startled, the two turned around to find Spider-Man, entering the room, followed closely by her father, Hank Pym.

The sight of her father in the Avengers' headquarters was nothing short of a surprise. Just yesterday, he had declined the invitation to join them, stating his old age and reluctance to involve himself in their affairs.

Hope's eyes widened as confusion mixed with curiosity. "Hank? What are you doing here?" she asked, her voice filled with genuine surprise.

Peter smirked mischievously under his mask, stepping forward to answer on her fathers behalf. "Well, I figured you could use some extra help, and who better than your dad?" He extended a hand toward the silver-haired scientist. "May I present your new assistant, Dr. Hank Pym."

Hope's gaze shifted from Peter to her father, her astonishment mounting with every passing moment. Hank Pym, the brilliant inventor and founder of Pym Technologies, was now standing before her, wearing a faint smile.

Hope knew her father had his own reasons for declining the Avengers' invitation, yet here he was, offering his assistance with a smile.

Her voice filled with a mix of surprise and skepticism, she addressed her father. "Dad, why are you really here? I thought you wanted to distance yourself from all this."

Hank's smile widened as he crossed the room to stand beside his daughter. "Hope, my dear, I may have declined to be an Avenger, but that doesn't mean I'm willing to abandon you or your goals. Besides, I never agreed to be your assistant." He chuckled softly, his eyes shimmering with fatherly affection. "Consider me your partner, your collaborator. Together, we'll find your mother."

A surprised look flushed on her face. "How do you know..." She spoke but soon noticed Peter, waving at her from the doorway. "I see."

Telling her that her father, someone she already didn't trust very much, was spying on her yesterday probably wasn't a good idea.

So, Peter would have to take the fall, and he didn't mind doing so.

Although she wasn't happy with Spider-Man's big mouth, she couldn't exactly complain after everything he's done for her.

Soon, a sense of warmth and gratitude washed over Hope as she realized the significance of her father's presence.

Hank Pym, a man of immeasurable brilliance, experience, and knowledge, had chosen to stand by her side. It was just too good to pass up.

After all, with his help, finding her mother would take a lot less time than she originally expected.

Hope extended a hand towards her father, their palms meeting in a firm and reassuring grip. She looked into his eyes, a renewed determination blazing within her own.

"Fine..." she whispered, her voice filled with heartfelt appreciation. "Let's get to work."

As Peter watched the exchange between the father and daughter, he couldn't help but smile, knowing that a formidable team was now assembled.

"Should we leave?" Scott walked over to Peter and asked, as he didn't want to intrude on the family moment.

"Yeah, probably..."

A/N: 1596 words :)

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