I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 342: A Fathers Loving Teachings

Chapter 342: A Fathers Loving Teachings

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🐛Insert Creepy Bugs Images/GIFs here - Most likes wins🐛 (A/N: This prompt is in honor of the spider that I killed after it crawled on my leg and scared the sh*t out of me while I was writing. Rest In Peace ✌️ Peter Parker)

🏆Yesterday's GIF winner(s): MoaningFrodo!🏆 (A/N: All rise and moan for the returning King👑)

Peter swung through the New York City skyline, his red-and-blue suit blending seamlessly with the evening sky. The cool breeze caressed his masked face as he navigated through the bustling streets, his heart pounding with anticipation.

Tonight, he was returning home after finally settling Hank and Hope into the Tower, eager to see Lily and the rest of his family.

As he found a secure spot to open a portal, Peter stepped into his bedroom, his senses tingling as the portal closed behind him. Something was different, something made him feel an undeniable surge of pride.

With swift movements, Peter pulled off his mask and turned to see Lily, his beloved daughter, standing in the center of the room, her eyes gleaming with pride and accomplishment.

"Lily." Peter called out, his voice filled with a mix of surprise and delight. "What's going on? Are you up to something?" He wondered if May or Grave sent her to get revenge for their last prank.

Lily beamed, her petite frame brimming with confidence beyond her years. "Dad!" she exclaimed, bounding toward him. "I did it! I finished the job you gave me!"

Peter's eyebrows arched in surprise, his curiosity piqued. "Job? What job?"

With a triumphant grin, Lily began to recount her tale, her words pouring out with infectious enthusiasm.

She spoke of how her father had tasked her with an incredible mission. To utilize the Hand, the very ninjas he had subdued, to carry out the orders of their Princess.

Despite her young age, Lily had been the mastermind behind an intricate plan to uncover a hidden dragon graveyard nestled beneath Hell's Kitchen.

Her bedroom had become her command center, a place where she strategized and guided the Hand from the safety of her sanctuary.

Through careful instruction, Lily had orchestrated the secret excavation of the dragon bones, the burial ground hidden away from the world.

Peter listened intently, remembering exactly what she was talking about, his heart swelling with pride for his daughter. He loved the cute prideful smile that graced her lips as she vibrated with excitement.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Truthfully, he thought it might take her longer, as he didn't know how big or deep the burial ground was, but an AI is just too overpowered.

As Lily finished her recount of events, she looked up at Peter, her eyes sparkling with anticipation. "Dad," she said, her voice filled with excitement, "The Hand is waiting for you. They've excavated all the dragon bones. They did it, just like I told them!"

Peter's smiled warmly as he patted her head, his heart bursting with paternal pride.

He took a moment to gather his thoughts. His daughter had not only completed the task he had assigned to her but had done it so quickly.

After all, it's not easy to securely and secretly dig up the underground of a major city.

"Lily, I am so proud of you." Peter said.

Lily's grin grew even wider, and she threw her arms around Peter in a tight embrace. "Thanks, Dad! I couldn't have done it without you."

Well, he did make her and tell the Hand to follow her orders, so Lily isn't wrong, but without her involvement, it would've most likely taken far longer than this.

Peter held his daughter close, savoring the moment before reluctantly separating from her.

"I should probably go pick up the bones." Peter said, excited to see how much Elixir he would be able to make now.

But before he could leave, Lily grabbed a hold of his arm.

"What's up?" Peter turned back and asked.

"Dad." She began, her voice tinged with excitement, "Can we go collect the Dragon bones together? I want to see them."

Peter's expression softened as he looked down at his daughter. He understood her curiosity and eagerness to see what was left of an extinct species.

'Well, technically they're endangered...' Peter thought as there is a dragon in K'un-Lun. 'I wouldn't be surprised if there were a few more hiding out somewhere as well.'

With a nod, he motioned for her to follow him.

"Come here." He replied, his voice filled with affection. "I've got something for you first."

Intrigued, Lily followed her father to his desk, where he reached into a drawer and pulled out a folded piece of clothing, gleaming with red and blue hues.

"It's a custom-made spider suit, like mine and your mom's." Peter explained, unfolding it for her to see. "I thought it was about time you had one of your own. Especially if we're going to meet the Hand. Try it on."

Lily's eyes widened with delight as she took the suit from her father's hands. And just like his, it disappeared upon contact, but she wasn't surprised.

Seconds later, the suit appeared on her body, replacing her normal clothes. It was a perfect fit, tailored to her small frame, adorned with spider-web patterns and the iconic spider emblem.

[Insert picture of Spider-Girl here]

And just like her parents, Lily's suit came with a hood, which she could pull on whenever she wanted.

Turning around, Lily stared in awe at herself in the mirror. "It's so cool..." She muttered in shock at how good she looked.

She couldn't believe her luck, feeling an incredible surge of excitement coursing through her veins.

After suiting up, Lily stood before her father, her heart pounding with anticipation. Peter's eyes met hers, and he smiled, a mixture of love and confidence radiating from his face.

"Now, my little Spider-Girl." He said as he pulled his mask back on. "Let's go collect those Dragon bones, shall we?"

Lily's eyes lit up with joy as she grasped her father's hand. And with a wave of his free hand, Peter opened a portal to a tall skyscraper.

Together, they stepped through the portal, but as they did, the bedroom door opened behind them, revealing Lily's grandmother, Grace.

"Lily! Are you in-" Grace poked her head in and froze on the spot, catching a glimpse of the two before the portal snapped shut, leaving the room empty.

Instantly, Grace turned around and rushed down the stairs, a fearful and worried look on her face. "MJ! May!" She screamed.


Peter stood atop the edge of a towering skyscraper, the bustling city spread out beneath him.

A gentle breeze rustled his sleek red and blue suit, as he glanced over his shoulder, a warm smile forming on his face as he looked at his daughter, Lily.

She stood beside him, her small frame adorned in her brand new spider suit, specially made by her father with all the bells and whistles.

Lily's wide eyes reflected a mix of excitement and nervousness as she fidgeted with her clothes.

This was a defining moment, a rite of passage for all spider heroes.

"Are you ready, Lily?" Peter asked, his voice laced with a blend of encouragement and paternal pride. "Because if we're going to pick up the Dragon Bones, then you're going to need to learn how to swing."

His own heart raced with anticipation, mirroring the adrenaline he had felt during his own first time.

Lily nodded, her voice barely above a whisper. "I think so, Daddy."

'The Daddy's always come out at times like this.' With a gentle hand, Peter rested it on her small shoulder reassuringly. "Remember, Lily, you have all the spider powers I have, including the organic web shooters. I know that I've been keeping you from using your powers too much, but now's the time to finally let loose. Trust yourself and your instincts."

Her father's words brought a glimmer of determination to Lily's eyes. She took a deep breath, and her posture straightened, as though a newfound confidence began to blossom within her.

Though that confidence couldn't fully erase the fear and nervousness she felt as she peered off the edge of the very tall building they were on.

Peter's gaze shifted to the city, his eyes scanning for the perfect spot to initiate her training.

He spotted a sturdy-looking fire escape in the distance, an ideal target for her first swing. "See that fire escape over there? I want you to land on it, okay?" He said, pointing with a gloved finger.

Lily's eyes followed his gesture, and she nodded resolutely. "Got it."

Peter took a step back, allowing his daughter some space to prepare. He watched as she raised her arm, the sound of her organic web shooters firing into the air.

Thin strands of webbing shot out, attaching themselves to the edge of the building, creating a sturdy line for her to start swinging from.

"Now, remember, it's all about timing and control." Peter advised, his voice calm. "As you swing, keep your body loose and relaxed, just like you're floating on air."

Lily nodded once again, her face a picture of determination, her eyes fixed on the fire escape in the distance.

Taking a deep calming breath, Lily prepared herself.

And with a swift motion, she propelled herself forward, her small body soaring through the open air. A mixture of fear and exhilaration coursed through her veins as she trusted her instincts, just as her father had instructed.

Of course, Peter didn't sit still either.

No, he rushed to follow after her, his heart pounding with a mixture of pride and concern.

If she couldn't do it for one reason or another, then he would be right behind her, ready to catch her at any moment.

He saw her adjust mid-swing, her movements becoming smoother, more controlled.

Lily's expression transformed into one of pure joy as she arced through the sky, her laughter carried on the wind for him to hear.

With a final twist and a graceful landing on the targeted fire escape, Lily came to a stop. Her chest heaved with exertion, a wide grin hidden under her mask.

She had done it. She had swung like a true Spider-Man.

Or rather, Spider-Girl.

Peter's heart swelled with a mixture of emotions as he landed next to his daughter. He wrapped his arms around her in a tight embrace, pride radiating from his very being. "You did it!"

Lily beamed up at him, her eyes sparkling with a newfound confidence. "Hehe! Of course, I did it!"

Separating for a moment, Peter looked down at his daughter in amusement. "Feeling confident, are we? Then I guess you're ready to go again?" He says as he shoves her off the fire escape.

"Ahhhh!" Lily screamed as she scrambled to shoot a web toward a nearby building. "Daddy, I hate you!"

Peter laughed as he dived off the fire escape, following his daughters every move.

A/N: 1786 words :)

🚨Hand over your💎STONES💎... PWEASE🥺🚨


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