I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 344: Ugly Awakening

Chapter 344: Ugly Awakening

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🏆Yesterday's GIF winner(s): LightningGodWolf!🏆 (A/N: I've become a loser peasant once again...😞)

Sensing her father's change in demeanor, Lily followed his gaze and noticed the little girl's mutation. "Cute..." She muttered.

As far as physical mutations go, the little girl was pretty lucky for a Meta-Human.

Peter wasn't sure if it would give her any useful powers, but the girl had two furry ears atop her head as well as a bushy fox tail behind her back.

'Maybe some wolverine type powers?' He wondered.

After listening to the parents thank them over and over again, Peter handed them the contact information for Xaviers School.

Though, they didn't look very interested in sending their daughter there.

After all, she didn't seem to have any uncontrollable powers, nor does she face any sort of bullying in school since Spider-Man literally endorsed all Meta-Humans.

In fact, her mutation made her the most popular kid in school.

So, why send their child to a boarding school, where they would only get to see her during breaks?

Peter shrugged uncaringly.

If they wanted to raise their daughter as they should, then he wouldn't get in their way.

Actually, he would help.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Once the small family returned to their apartment, Peter turned to the downed kidnappers. "Lily." He said, his voice drawing her attention.

"Yeah?" She looked up at him, tilting her head to the side.

"I need you to access their phones. We need to track where they've been. Access the GPS and mark their pathing for the past month." Peter instructed. "Once your done, find the location that they all have in common. They would most likely arrive at this location at a specific time, like clocking in for a job."

Lily's eyes sparkled with a hint of excitement as she nodded, her youthful face reflecting an air of confidence beyond her years.

Walking over to the defeated criminals, she effortlessly collected their smartphones.

Laying them out in front of her, Lily quickly accessed their devices without touching them.

Instantly, the screens lit up as the GPS app on each phone opened in tandem. And as the apps opened, lines quickly appeared, showing exactly where they've been.


Completing her task with ease, Lily turned to face her father, her expression radiating accomplishment.

"Got it." She declared, her voice tinged with a touch of pride. "Each of these guys has one location in common. It's most likely their base, probably some kind of lab for experimenting on Meta-Humans."

Peter's mind raced as he processed the information, piecing together the puzzle with his seasoned instincts. "That's what I thought as well." He muttered, his voice laced with concern.

Not only was he concerned but also annoyed.

It's been a while since any large-scale crime has taken place in New York City.

After all, this city is the birthplace of Spider-Man and the Avengers, so it quickly turned into a bit of a safe-haven.

Although crime didn't just disappear, crazy schemes like Meta-Human experimentation completely did, making him wonder why these people would even choose to operate here.

'Are they f*cking crazy?' Peter waved his hand, portaling the unconscious kidnappers to the towers detention center. "Lily, you should head home. You're still a bit too young to be dealing with stuff like this, no matter how extraordinary you are."

Although she liked the compliment, Lily didn't agree with her father at all.

Lily's eyes met her father's, determination burning within them. "But I can handle it!" She argued, her voice filled with conviction, "I want to help!"

A mixture of pride and apprehension washed over Peter as he considered it. He knew her abilities surpassed those of a normal child or adult for that matter, but he also understood the importance of protecting her innocence.

After all, almost every facility that kidnaps or experiments on Meta-Humans is usually a bit of a horror show.

After a moment's hesitation, he relented. "Alright, Lily." He said, his voice filled with a mix of resignation and trust, "You can come along but you have to stay outside. Your job is simple. Watch the perimeter and detain anyone that's coming or going. Agreed?"

It wouldn't hurt to allow her some leeway while simultaneously keeping her away from the gruesome stuff.

Lily's face beamed with a radiant smile. It may not be exactly what she wanted, but it was a start.

"Agreed!" She replied, ready to head out. "I'll do everything you say, and I won't let you down."

Peter nodded. "Good, now lead the way." He said as they took off into the night.


In a dimly lit, not-so-sterile room, Wade Wilson, haggard from weeks of continued torture, found himself trapped inside an open glass chamber.

Stood above him, Francis, also known as Ajax, smiled cruelly down at him. "If this doesn't unlock your mutation, well... Nothing will." He shrugged uncaringly.

"These straps are a bit itchy." Wade spoke in his usual infuriating manner. "Do you mind loosening them for me?"

Ignoring the loud mouth lab rat, Francis continued. "Now, what we're going to do is lower the oxygen concentration in there to the exact point you feel like you're suffocating. If your brain waves slow, meaning you're about to pass out, then we'll turn up the O2. If your heart rate slows, meaning you're able to catch your breath, we'll turn it back down. And that's where we'll leave you for the next few days."

"Come on, Francis, you can do better than this, right?" Wade taunted, his body straining against the straps that held him down. "What's the matter, can't handle a little name-calling? Did all the kids on the playground make fun of poor little Francis? Wait! They didn't call you Franny, did they?"

Ajax's eyes narrowed, his patience wearing thin. "I told you, Wade, my name is Ajax. You will address me accordingly." He replied, his voice cold and devoid of mercy.

Wade's eyes sparkled with mischief, even in the face of imminent danger. "Oh, come on, Francis, don't be like that. It's such a lovely name. I mean, it sounds like the name of a cat."

"You know the funniest part of all this?" Francis asked, ignoring Wade's sharp tongue. "You still think we're making you a superhero. You, a dishonorable discharge hook deep in some hooker wh*re? Did you really think you'd have a life with her?"

For the first time since his torture started, Wade's face lost its taunting air, hardening into a killer's glare.

Francis continues, enjoying the new look he was receiving. "You're nothing. This workshop doesn't make superheroes. We make super slaves. We're gonna fit you with a little collar and auction you off to the highest bidder. Who knows what they'll have you do? Slaughter freedom fighters, assassinate political rivals, set fire to a few orphanages? Maybe just mow the occasional lawn or perhaps wash the dishes?"

Without warning, the glass chamber began to close in on Wade, compressing the air around him. Panic surged through his veins as his chest constricted, and he struggled to catch his breath. The walls seemed to press against him, as he suffocated in the enclosed chamber.

"Can't... breathe," Wade gasped, his voice strained, his face contorted with pain. He fought against the inevitable, desperate to escape the tightening grip of the chamber.

Ajax watched from outside, his expression devoid of compassion. "Well, I'm heading home." He said, his voice filled with sadistic anticipation. "I have a long day of fun all planned out tomorrow. Just for you. So I need my rest. Have a good night, Wade."

As Ajax turned and walked off, leaving Wade to his torturous fate, Wade's eyes locked onto his retreating figure. Fear mingled with defiance, as he refused to let despair consume him.

He mustered every ounce of willpower, refusing to give in to the suffocating darkness that threatened to claim him.




The night wore on, and Wade remained trapped, his body wracked with torment. Each gasp for air grew weaker, each moment of ease shorter, as the glass chamber mercilessly repeated its suffocating cycle.

But Wade's spirit remained unbroken, his determination unwavering.

What felt like hours turned into an eternity as Wade fought to stay alive, his thoughts wandered to the woman he loves.

'Vanessa...' Her image flashed deep within his mind, replaying their time together.

As he relived these beautiful and sometimes R-rated moments, Wade's will to live and see the love of his life once again grew to astronomical levels.

And suddenly, something changed.

An intense wave of burning pain shot through his entire body. His muscles spasmed and contorted as if they were fighting against an invisible force.

His once handsome features contorted and morphed, taking on a grotesque and diseased appearance.

Wade's smooth skin quickly changed into a patchwork of scar tissue, resembling the mottled flesh of a burn victim.

As his body convulsed, his eyes caught sight of his reflection in the glass surrounding him. He couldn't tear his gaze away, even though he despised what stared back at him.

A monster born of pain and suffering.

[Insert picture of Deadpool without suit here]

And just as he stared in shock at his new self, a loud ear-piercing alarm filled the entire facility, followed by the sound of automatic gunfire.

Although a commotion like this would usually spark hope in any captives mind, Wade could only think of one thing.

'Vanessa will never love me like this...'

A/N: 1579 words :)

🚨Hand over your💎STONES💎or else no one will ever love you!💔🚨


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